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355 — 290 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Nomor 9 K/Pdt.SusKPPU/201640.41.anggota KPPU dan artikelartikel yang dicantumkan dalamsitus resmi KPPU sebagai berikut:Dedie added that a class action suit against the guiltyoperators was also an option that could be taken by thepublic to claim for the losses;Terjemahan bebas:Dedie menambahkan bahwa gugatan perwakilan kelompokterhadap operatoroperator yang bersalah juga merupakansuatu pilihan yang dapat diambil oleh masyarakat untukmenuntut kerugiankerugian tersebut;(Pernyataan Dedie S.
761 — 796
Contohnya adalahpernyataanpernyataan dari anggota KPPU dan artikel artikelyang dicantumkan dalam situs resmi KPPU sebagai berikut:Dedie added that a class action suit against the guilty operatorswas also an option that could be taken by the public to claim forthe losses. :Terjemahan bebas :Dedie menambahkan bahwa gugatan perwakilan kelompokterhadap operatoroperator yang bersalah juga merupakansuatu pilinan yang dapat diambil oleh masyarakat untukmenuntut kerugiankerugian tersebut.
79 — 18
Terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggrisnya adalah : An act does not make aman guilty of a crime, unless his mind be also guilty (Scanlan dan Christopher Ryan,1985:13). Adagium ini diterjemahkan juga sebagai : An act does not make a personlegally guilty unless the mind is legally blameworthy (Jones dan Card, 1998:55).Adagium tersebut memiliki ungkapan lain yang sama artinya, yaitu non est reus nisimen sit rea (Jones dan Card, 1998:55).
137 — 39
perseorangan sebagai subjek hukum pidana hanya dapat dimintaipertanggung jawaban, apabila unsurunsur pasal yang merupakan delik inti ataubestandeeldelict dari suatu tindak pidana yang didakwakan oleh Penuntut Umum terbukti.Hal ini sesuai dengan adagium atau maxim, yang sudah lama sekali dianut secara universaldalam undang undang pidana, yang berbunyi actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea.Terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggrisnya adalah : An act does not make a man guilty of acrime, unless his mind be also
549 — 403 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
A few highprofile cases in which Indonesian companieshave used "frankly insane" judgments by local courts toevade debt payments to foreign creditors also have damagedthe countrys investment climate; Mr. Lash said;He cited cases in which Indonesian units of Asia Pulp &Paper Co. have sited creditors, claiming bonds issued severalyears ago in international markets were illegal underIndonesian law and as a result, dont need to be repaid ...
82 — 17
Terjemahandalam bahasa Inggrisnya adalah : An act does not make a man guilty of acrime, unless his mind be also guilty (Scanlan dan Christopher Ryan, 1985:13).Halaman 241 dari 297 Putusan Nomor : 06/Pid.Sus/2014./P. Tpkor. Yk.Adagium ini diterjemahkan juga sebagai : An act does not make a personlegally guilty unless the mind is legally blameworthy (Jones dan Card, 1998:55).Adagium tersebut memiliki ungkapan lain yang sama artinya, yaitu non est reusnisi men sit rea (Jones dan Card, 1998:55).
360 — 286 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Artikel tersebut menyebutkan, antara lain, sebagaiberikut :..A few highprofile cases in which Indonesian companies haveused frankly insane judgments by local courts to evade debtpayments to foreign creditors also have damaged the country'sinvestment climate ; Mr.
517 — 1006 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Artikel tersebut menyebutkan, antara lain, sebagaiberikut:."...A few highprofile cases in which Indonesian companieshave used frankly insane" judgments by local courts to evadedebt payments to foreign creditors also have damaged thecountry's investment climate; Mr.
88 — 94
Terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggrisnya adalah : An act does notmake a man guilty of a crime, unless his mind be also guilty (Scanlan danChristopher Ryan, 1985:13). Adagium ini diterjemahkan juga sebagai : An act doesnot make a person legally guilty unless the mind is legally blameworthy (Jones danCard, 1998:55). Adagium tersebut memiliki ungkapan lain yang sama artinya, yaitunon est reus nisi men sit rea (Jones dan Card, 1998:55).
35 — 0
(65) 2(LI43145) 2(17) 1(5) 2(344) TaETQqBT0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 307.00 733.00 Tm/F12 1 TE(11) ToETQqBI0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 171.00 689.00 Tm/Fl12 1 TF(25) 2(2) 2(37) 1(13) 1(325) 2(3434) TdETQqBr0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 232.00 689.00 Tm/F12 1 TE(11) 242(11) TaRTQqBr0.000 0.000 0.000 rg12.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 244.00 689.00 Tm/F12 1 TE(325) 2(3040) 1(5) 2(11) 242(17) 1(2 #2(10) 1(5) 2(3011) 242(17) 1(2) 2(1626) 1(5) 2(67) 1(11) 242(305) 2io 1(ALSO
2788 — 14134
Journal of Occupational andOrganizational Psychology.Promises refer to a commitment to, or an assurance for,some future course of action, such as providingthe promise recipient with some benefit (Sumpah ataujanji mengacu kepada komitmen kepada, atau jaminanuntuk, sejumlah tindakan di masa depan, sepertimemberikan keuntungan untuk penerima janji).Promises are a unique type of expectation that also serveto create obligations, regulate and direct behavior, reduceuncertainty, and build trust and positive
130 — 40
Terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggrisnya adalah : Anact does not make a man guilty of a crime, unless his mind be also guilty (Scanlandan Christopher Ryan, 1985:13). Adagium ini diterjemahkan juga sebagai : An actdoes not make a person legally guilty unless the mind ts legally blameworthy(Jones dan Card, 1998:55).
Marciano Hersondrie Herman, SE
896 — 339
Terjemahandalam bahasa Inggrisnya adalah : An act does not make a man guilty of acrime, unless his mind be also guilty (Scanlan dan Christopher Ryan, 1985:13).Adagium ini diterjemahkan juga sebagai : An act does not make a personlegally guilty unless the mind ts legally blameworthy (Jones dan Card, 1998:55). Adagium tersebut memiliki ungkapan lain yang sama artinya, yaitu non estreus nisi men sit rea (Jones dan Card, 1998:55).
608 — 605 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Toyoda referred to above togetherwith copies of the relevant loan documentation forwarded therewith.Garuda has also requested that advise you, on its behalf, that it intendsto begin to utilize such loan documentation fortwith in connection with itsreview of the financial condition of the Sugar Group Companies and inconnection with related financial modeling and analysis it intends toconduct for purposes of future planning...
process with Marubeni Corporation to achieve such a resolution. asked, on behalf of the Companies, what specifically MarubeniCorporation was now seeking in order to engage in a settlement process,including settlement discussion, with the Companies.As Understand, you stated that what Marubeni Corporation primarilyseeks at this timeand, specifically , what they would be prepared todiscussis a settlement proposal (quantifying how much of a haircut)that is within the ballpark of an acceptable range. also
Garuda (or other party) will issue a US$ 19.0 million promissorynote due 2013 to Marubeni Corporation...Further Considerations, Terms and Conditions:A settlement on the basis of the issuance of a promissory note onthe terms set forth above would also be subject to the followingterms and conditions, as well as to such others as Garuda (orother party), SIL, ILP, and Marubeni may agree:iv.