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Putus : 24-05-2012 — Upload : 29-11-2012
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 144 K/Pdt/2012
Tanggal 24 Mei 2012 — PT. LIRIK PETROLEUM vs PT. PERTAMINA, dk (PERSERO),
6481301 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • The Respondent shall pay interest on the total amount payable,as specified in paragraph 86(c), from the date of registration ofthis Final Award under Article 59 of the Indonesian ArbitrationLaw or the obtaining of an order of Exequatur under Article 66 ofthe Indonesian Arbitration Law until the date of payment at therate of 6% p.a.88. Each party is to bear its own legal and other costs.99.Alt other claims and request arerejected.Terjemahan:86.
    No. 144 K/Pdt/20121611.2 Pertimbangan angka 87 Final Award yang berbunyi sebagaiberikut :"The Respondents shall pay interest on the total amountpayable, as specified in paragraph 86 (c), from the date ofregistration of this Final Award under article 59 of the IndonesiaArbitration Law or the obtaining of an order of Exequatur underarticle 66 of the Indonesia Arbitration Law until the date ofpayment at the rate of 6% p.a."
Register : 26-06-2020 — Putus : 07-07-2020 — Upload : 09-07-2020
Putusan PA TEMBILAHAN Nomor 0124/Pdt.P/2020/PA.Tbh
Tanggal 7 Juli 2020 — Pemohon melawan Termohon
  • Hadist Nabi, SWA yang diriwayatkan oleh lbnu Mas'ud, r.a:al is 5g sill Geekl 5 peeall end 1 48 oe 5 Siale Sell Sie Until os ON Gitadcloall glo y 4 Aid ghall; ailed abiigArtinya: Wahai para pemuda, barangsiapa di antara kalian telah mampuserta berkeinginan untuk menikah, maka hendaklah ia menikah.Karena sesungguhnya pernikahan itu) dapat menundukkanpandangan dan memelihara kemaluan.
Register : 13-08-2012 — Putus : 03-10-2012 — Upload : 15-10-2012
Putusan PN KEBUMEN Nomor 177/Pid.B/2012
Tanggal 3 Oktober 2012 — SAILAN Bin KASDI
  • BUDI Alias KENTIJNG tidak kelihatanselanjutnya terdakwa dan saksi HADI SUPARMAN beserta barangbuktinya dibawa ke Polsek Ayah until( pemeriksaan lebihlanjut.Bahwa berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan lanjutan diketahuibahwa terdakwa merupakan pengecer atau penjual kupon totogelap (togel) jenis hongkong 99 dan terdakwa dalam menjualnomor togel hongkong 99 tersebut dengan cara berjalan kakimenuju ke tempat biasa masyarakat berkumpul yaitu diwarungwarung yang masih buka salah satunya depan waning miliksaksi
Register : 11-12-2012 — Putus : 08-03-2013 — Upload : 28-07-2016
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 81/Pid.B/TPK/2012/PN.Jkt.Pst
Tanggal 8 Maret 2013 — Pidana Korupsi - HERLAND bin OMPO
  • Work Reg No : IMS/001/ESW/01/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Hauling In CocsFrom 3C98 To SBF Minas (Semi Manual) Work ReqNo : IMS/004/ESW/01/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Of CocsIn SBFs Treatment Cells (8D72 & 8D58) Until ItReaches TPH Less Than 1 % Work Reg No : IMS/016/ESW/02/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Haul In Cocs From CocsArea 5D74 To SBF 5E99 & Construct Access Road ToThe Cocs Area Work Reg No : IMS/017/ESW/02/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Haul In Cocs
    FromStockpile To Treatment Cells + Stockpile Restoration(4C27), Haul In Cocs From Stockpile 4C27 ToTreatment Cells (GS06) Work Reg No : IMS/020/ESW/02/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIn Cocs From CocsArea (5D74) To Treatment Cells Of SBF GS06 Work48. No : IMS/026/ESW/03/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Of CocsIn Treatment Cells Of SBF : 4C27 Until It Reaches TPHLess Than 1 % Work Reg No : IMS/027/ESW/03/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please
    Do Processing Of Cocsin Treatment Cells Of SBF : 5E99 Until It Reaches TPHLess Than 1% Work Reg No : IMS/028/ESW/03/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Cocs From6E51 To Minas SBF (Semi Manual) Work Req No :IMS/033/ESW/04/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIn Cocs Area(5D54) To Stockpile of SBF 8D72 & SBF 8D58 WorkReq No : IMS/034/ESW/04/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Of CocsIn Treatment Cells Of SBF GS06 Until It Reaches TPHLess Than 1 %.
    Pst60. Crew For Investigating Cocs Within SLS AreasWork Reg No : IMS/055/ESW/06/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Cocs InTreatment Cells Of SBF Kotabatak Until It Reaches TPHLess Than 1 % Work Reg No : IMS/057/ESW/06/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut (SemiManually) Cocs From Cocs Area (7C55) To SBF MinasSBs Work Reg No : IMS/108/ESW/08/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated CocsSBF 5E99 To Spreading Areas Work Reg No : IMS
    Work Req No :IMS/142/ESW/11/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Clean Up Manually AndHaulIn Cocs From 3C69 To Minas SBFs Work Req No :IMS/136/ESW/1 1/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Cocs InTreatment Cells Of SBFKotabatak Until It Reaches TPHLess Than 1 %. Work Reg No : IMS/154/ESW/12/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated CocsFrom SBF : 8D72,8D58 & 5E99 To Spreading Areas,Survey/Prepare Maps & Install Notice Board, AlsoRestore SBF Treatment Cells.
Register : 21-07-2020 — Putus : 28-07-2020 — Upload : 28-07-2020
Putusan PA TEMBILAHAN Nomor 0147/Pdt.P/2020/PA.Tbh
Tanggal 28 Juli 2020 — Pemohon melawan Termohon
  • Hadist Nabi, SWA yang diriwayatkan oleh lbnu Mas'ud, r.a:Al is 5g pill Seek 5 peeall Send 1 AG oe 5 Stale Sell Sie Until Gs OLN Gatadcloall glo 5 4 Aid ghally ailed abiigArtinya: Wahai para pemuda, barangsiapa di antara kalian telah mampuserta berkeinginan untuk menikah, maka hendaklah ia menikah.Karena sesungguhnya pernikahan itu) dapat menundukkanpandangan dan memelihara kemaluan.
Register : 10-06-2021 — Putus : 02-08-2021 — Upload : 02-08-2021
Putusan PA JEPARA Nomor 1016/Pdt.G/2021/PA.Jepr
Tanggal 2 Agustus 2021 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • Bahwa selama pisah 3 tahun Pemohon, sudah pernah mengajakrukun kembali untuk membina mahligai rumah tangga yang sakinah,mawaddah dan warahmah until jannah namun Termohon menolak niatbaik Pemohon;6. Bahwa selama berpisah rumah tersebut, tidak ada harapan untukhidup rukun kembali dan Pemohon berketetapan hati untuk menceraikanTermohon;7.
Register : 07-09-2016 — Putus : 14-12-2016 — Upload : 31-07-2019
Putusan PA BOGOR Nomor 1155/Pdt.G/2016/PA.Bgr
Tanggal 14 Desember 2016 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • .,1 L.101 Cl L010Nomor 7 tahun 1989 tentang Peradilan pear, memerintahkan kepadaPanitera Pengadilan rigCmU Bogor untuk err/ail ipaikan Salinan putusankoprin 2 ucan 9 ,.tNg png wilay*hny* meiip iti tempat tinggalPinnnnt felm+ d@n Tere 511,A+ cc+rfa Kantor in lean Anmn Kecamatan to earpernikahan mereka dilangsungkan untuk dicatat dalam sebuah daftar yangdisediakan until( itu;Menimbang, bahwa ?'
Register : 18-12-2018 — Putus : 28-12-2018 — Upload : 17-09-2019
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 417/PID/2018/PT DKI
Tanggal 28 Desember 2018 — Pembanding/Penuntut Umum : DRS. YOHANES GATOT IRIANTO, SH
  • Capital Management), selanjutnyadisebut "CITILINK" dan GAIA AIRLANGGA (Terdakwa), selanjutnyadisebut "PEGAWAI" untuk jangka waktu selama 2 (dua) tahun terhitungsejak tanggal 18 Oktober 2017 sampai dengan tanggal 17 Oktober 2019dengan jabatan Junior Captain.e Bahwa isi surat, yaitu To Whom It May Concern Number775/HRD/X/2017, tanggal 17 Oktober 2017 atas nama GAIA AIRLANGGA(Terdakwa), adalah:> This is to certify that GAIA AIRLANGGA (62102866) has been workingfor our company as a Pilot (Captain) until
Putus : 31-05-2010 — Upload : 19-12-2011
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 43/B/PK/PJK/2008
Tanggal 31 Mei 2010 —
3111 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Year of supply MMSCF per year1990 (part) (or as described below)199 14,0001992 14,0001993 14,0001994 14,0001995 14,0001996 14,0001997 (part) 14,000 minus (1990amount )Total : 100,800 MMSCF Supply of gas during 1990 will depend on theactual date of first delivery and any shortfall insupply of gas in 1990 will be supplied in 1997.In case the Toll Fee actually paid to GUF by theend of the seventh (7th) year of Operation Periodis less than US$ 115,920,000, this will beautomatically extended by Kodeco until
Putus : 09-03-2012 — Upload : 12-11-2012
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 13 PK/Pdt.Sus/2012
10269 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • For theavoidance of doubt, the Bank may in addition demand payment underthis Guarantee of, and the Guarantor shall in addition pay: (i) allinterest accrued on such Principal Liabilities; (ti) default interest on alloutstanding Liabilities at the rate that the Bank charges its customerfrom time to time, such interest to be calculatedin accordance with the Bank usual practice for the time being, fromthe date of the same becoming due until payment (whether before orHal. 5 dari 20 hal.Put.No. 13 PK/Pdt.Sus
Register : 01-11-2021 — Putus : 21-12-2021 — Upload : 21-12-2021
Putusan PT DENPASAR Nomor 182/PDT/2021/PT DPS
Tanggal 21 Desember 2021 — Pembanding/Penggugat : Ratna Widia Kurniawati Diwakili Oleh : Ester T. P, SH.
Terbanding/Tergugat I : John Carney
Terbanding/Tergugat II : Christopher Rhode
Terbanding/Tergugat III : Doug Ebner
Terbanding/Tergugat IV : PT Bintang Selatan
Terbanding/Turut Tergugat I : Kantor Pelayanan Kekayaan Negara dan Lelang KPKNL Denpasar
Terbanding/Turut Tergugat II : Kantor Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kabupaten Badung
Terbanding/Turut Tergugat III : Mark Damien Clune
  • (Seratus sembilan puluh lima ribu Dollar Amerika);To sentence the Defendant I and the Defendant II to repay the moneyreceived from the Plaintiffs in the amount of US $ 195,000.00 (one hundred ninetyfive thousand US Dollars);Ditambah dengan harga bunga sebesar 6% (enam persen) setahun terhitung mulai tanggal 5 April 2007 sampai dengan dibayarnya kepadaPenggugat;Hal 6 dari 53 halaman, Putusan Nomor 182/PDT/2021/PT DPSPlus the interest price of 6% (six percent) per annum starting from Apri 5, 2007 until
    sebesar US$195.000.00 (seratus sembilan puluhlima ribu Dollar Amerika);Ditambah dengan bunga sebesar 6% (enam persen) setahunterhitung mulai tanggal 5 April 2007 sampai dengandibayarnya kepada Penggugat;To order Defendant and Defendant II to pay back the moneythey received to the Plaintiffs in the amount of US $ 195,000.00(one hundred and ninety five thousand US Dollars);Hal 37 dari 53 halaman, Putusan Nomor 182/PDT/2021/PT DPSAdd to this an interest of 6% (six percent) a year starting April 5,2007 until
    with thecontents of the Decision on Cassation Case No.1871 K/ PDT / 2016dated which has been was decided by the Supreme Court of theRepublic of Indonesia on October 17, 2016 at point 4th of the Decision"In the Principal Case of the Case which contains the following:" toorder Defendant and Defendant II to pay back the money they hadreceived to the Plaintiffs of US $ 195,000.00 (one hundred ninety fivethousand US Dollars);Coupled with an interest rate of 6% (Six percent) a year starting April 5,2007 until
Register : 21-06-2013 — Putus : 30-04-2014 — Upload : 27-03-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-52212/PP/M.XVIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 30 April 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Lihat Flow of Process Start from the GoodsReady at Shimano Malaysia until the Goods Ready Ship to Surabaya, Indonesia atSingapore Port.
    Berdasarkan penjelasan Shimano Malaysia dalam Lampiran 3: Flow of Process Startfrom the Goods Ready at Shimano Malaysia until the Goods Ready Ship to Surabaya,Indonesia at Singapore Port:e Port (Tanjong Pelepas) near to Shimano Malaysia the vessel is limited,e Singapore Port is international free port which having very active vessel schedule toworldwide including to Indonesia.Dengan demikian terbukti bahwa transit melalui Singapura sematamata untuk keperluantransportasi.KesimpulanDengan demikian
Register : 03-04-2018 — Putus : 15-08-2018 — Upload : 09-04-2019
Putusan PA KISARAN Nomor 405/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Kis
Tanggal 15 Agustus 2018 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • bagikedua belah pihak;Menimbang, bahwa tujuan disyariatkannya perkawinan adalahuntuk mewujudkan rumah tangga yang sakinah, mawaddah dan rahmahserta untuk membentuk keluarga (rumah tangga) yang bahagia salingsayang menyayangi dan saling cinta mencintai sepanjang hidupnya, halini sesuai dengan Pasal 3 Kompilasi Hukum Islam di Indonesia Tahun1991 jo. pasal 1 UndangUndang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 dan sejalandengan Firman Allah dalam AlQuran Surah ArRum ayat 21 yangberbunyi sebagai berikut:Lai Ii tad) Lois sl aX until
Putus : 26-04-2017 — Upload : 02-05-2017
Putusan PN RENGAT Nomor 105/Pid.Sus/2017/PN.Rgt
Tanggal 26 April 2017 — RUDI alias BUYUNG bin BURDIAR
  • sebagaimana yang telahditentukan oleh Undangundang Republik Indonesia Nomor 35 Tahun 2009Tentang Narkotika, sehingga dengan demikian unsur ini telah terbukti; Menimbang, bahwa berdasarkan pertimbanganpertimbangan tersebutdiatas, Majelis Hakim berpendapat bahwa perbuatan terdakwa telah memenuhiselurun unsur delik dalam dakwaan kedua penuntut umum, oleh karenanyaterdakwa haruslah dinyatakan terbukti secara sah bersalah menurut hukummelakukan tindak pidana sebagaimana didakwakan dalam dakwaan keduaBEAUNTUL UNTIL
Register : 01-07-2020 — Putus : 21-01-2021 — Upload : 10-08-2021
Putusan PN CIBINONG Nomor 167/Pdt.G/2020/PN Cbi
Tanggal 21 Januari 2021 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • Dunia ExpressTransindo shall be entitled to: Interest calculated inmonthly net basis from the date such amounts areoverdue until payment there at 3% (three percent) of theoverdue interest, which is applicable during the period thatsuch amount are overdue as per case basis.11. + Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut di atas, terdapat ketidakjelasanmengenai dasar pengenaan nilai Rp 2.368.741.907,00 (dua milyar tigaHalaman 11 dari 37 Putusan Perdata Gugatan Nomor 167/Pdt.G/2020/PN Cbiratus enam puluh delapan
    Dunia ExpressTransindo shall be entitled to: Interest calculated inmonthly net basis from the date such amounts areoverdue until payment there at 3% (three percent) of theoverdue interest, which is applicable during the periodthat such amount are overdue as per case basis.Kami berpendapat bahwa nilai interest sebesar 3% (tiga persen) perbulan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Perjanjian Januari dan PerjanjianHalaman 16 dari 37 Putusan Perdata Gugatan Nomor 167/Pdt.G/2020/PN CbiFebruari bertentangan dengan
Register : 12-01-2021 — Putus : 30-06-2021 — Upload : 20-08-2021
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 16/Pdt.Sus-PHI/2021/PN Jkt.Pst
Tanggal 30 Juni 2021 — Penggugat:
  • tanggal 03 April 2020,TERGUGAT menyampaikan kompensasi yang diterima PENGGUGATkarena pensiun adalah : EOSB Rp. 897.339.631,80Leave Encashment (retro until 31 Mar) Rp. 25.936.498,64TOTAL Rp. 923.276.130,44 Bahwa perhitungan tersebut tidak dirinci oleh TERGUGAT, sehinggaPENGGUGAT mencoba merinci sendiri perhitungan tersebut, dimanamenurut PENGGUGAT rincian perhitungan kompensasi TERGUGAT diatasadalah sebagai berikut : Keterangan JumlahUang Pesangon Rp. 610.665.912,(2x9 xRp. 33.925.884,)Uang Penghargaan
    Bahwa atas keberatan PENGGUGAT terhadap perhitungan kompensasiyang diberikan TERGUGAT sebagaimana dimaksud diatas, TERGUGATmelalui Surat Elektronik (email) tanggal 21 April 2020 menawarkankompensasi baru sebagai berikut : EOSB Rp.,80Leave Encashment (retro until 31 Mar) Rp. 25.936.498,64TOTAL Rp.,4410.
Register : 17-07-2020 — Putus : 29-09-2020 — Upload : 29-09-2020
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 434/PDT/2020/PT DKI
Tanggal 29 September 2020 — Pembanding/Penggugat : Speedcast Limited
Terbanding/Tergugat : PT AJN Solusindo
  • No. 434/ Pdt/2020/PT.DKI12.sampai dengan tanggal pelunasan atas tagihan/invoice(vide Pasal 2 DPerjanjian CSA 1 dan Pasal 2 F Perjanjian CSA 2).Pasal 2 D Perjanjian CSA 1 dan Pasal 2 F Perjanjian CSA 2"Any sum due by virtue of this Agreement remaining unpaid at the duedate of the invoice relating thereto will bear interest at 2% monthly until thedate of full settlement.
Register : 21-06-2013 — Putus : 30-04-2014 — Upload : 27-03-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-52213/PP/M.XVIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 30 April 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Lihat Lampiran 3: Flow of Process Start from1,2aBethe Goods Ready at Shimano Malaysia until the Goods Ready Ship to Surabaya,Indonesia at Singapore Port. Dengan demikian syarat transit sematamata untukkeperluan transportasi terpenuhi.KesimpulanDengan demikian telah terbukti bahwa persyaratan Direct Consignment telahterpenuhi yaitu:a.
    Hal ini merupakan bukti bahwa barang impor saat transit diSingapura tidak pernah diolah atau dikonsumsi dan hanya dilakukan kegiatan bongkarmuat,Berdasarkan penjelasan Shimano Malaysia dalam Lampiran 3: Flow of Process Startfrom the Goods Ready at Shimano Malaysia until the Goods Ready Ship to Surabaya,Indonesia at Singapore Port:e Port (Tanjong Pelepas) near to Shimano Malaysia the vessel is limited,e Sinagpore Port is international free port which having very active vessel schedule toworldwide
Putus : 31-08-2012 — Upload : 11-07-2013
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 551 B/PK/PJK/2011
4011 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • ., L Korea, diketahuibahwa yang menjadi pokokpokok kontrak antara lain adalah sebagai berikut:Terms of Payment;In case of passed final inspection, party "A" must pay based on ship oquantity to party "B" except case of the following.Party "A" may remit CMT amount to party "B" under mutualconsultatio, and in this case, CMT amount within 360 days;Subject of Contract;I Party "A" agreed to place producting knit garments in party"B" factory until shipment;2 Party "B" agreed to produce order of knit garments
Putus : 15-12-2009 — Upload : 22-12-2009
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 834K/PDTSUS/2009
717546 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • SOMERVAILLE, Ahli Hukum dari Law Firm BlakeDawson Waldson (Sydney) di dalam Makalah "Common Terms inLoan Agreement pada Seminar "Lending 2" di Hotel Hilton Sydney,Mei 1998, menulis sebagai berikut: (Bukti T38);"SUBORDINATIONSubordination is a transaction whereby one creditor (the subordinated orjunior creditor) of the borrower agree not to be paid until another creditor(the senior creditor) is paid in full.
    All sums which are and which may become owing shallbear interest from the date here of until paid, at the rate of threepercent (3%) per annum ;2. Principal and Interest Payment. The entire unpaid principal amountof this Note and all unpaid interest accrued thereon shall be dueand payable on December 27,2005 ;3. Form and Application of Payment. At the option of Payee, anyamount payable hereunder may be paid in clear funds in USDollar.
    All sums which are and which may become owing shallbear interest from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of threepercent (38%) per annum ;2. Principal and Interest Payment, The entire unpaid principal amountof this Note and all unpaid interest accrued thereon shall be dueand payable on December 27, 2005;3. Form and Application of Payment, At the option of Payee, anyamount payable hereunder may be paid in clear funds in USDollar.
    All sums which are and which may become owing shallbear interest from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of threepercent (8%) per annum ;2. Principal and Interest Payment, The entire unpaid principal amountof this Note and all unpaid interest accrued thereon shall be dueand payable on December 27, 2005 ;3. Form and Application of Payment, At the option of Payee, anyamount payable hereunder may be paid in clear funds in USDollar.
    All sums which are and which may become owing shallbear interest from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of threepercent (3%) per annum;2. Principal and Interest Payment. The entire unpaid principal amountof this Note and all unpaid interest accrued thereon shall be dueand payable on December 27, 2005;3. Form and Application of Payment.