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Register : 29-10-2013 — Putus : 13-11-2013 — Upload : 29-06-2014
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 348/PDT.G/2013/PN.JKT.PST.
  • Bahwa selanjutnya atas usul PIHAK PERTAMA tersebut makapada tanggal 18 Oktober 2013 PIHAK KEDUA telah menyepakati usulan PIHAKPERTAMA ;That the FIRST PARTY has proposed to the SECOND PARTY to make apayment of all liabilities to the FIRST PARTY of USD. 126.585.50, which will beconducted by the SECOND PARTY to the FIRST PARTY in installments overtwo (2) times and will not be fined by the FIRST PARTY to the SECOND PARTYand in this case the SECOND PARTY was agreed for the FIRST PARTYproposed that mention
    Further that upon the recommendation of theFIRST PARTY then on October 18, 2013 SECOND PARTY has agreed to theproposal of FIRST PARTY ;PASAL 2ARTICLE 2HAK DAN KEWAJIBAN PIHAK PERTAMARIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE FIRST PARTYHAK PIHAK PERTAMAPIHAK PERTAMA berhak untuk menerima pembayaran sejumlah uang sebagaikewajiban PIHAK KEDUA kepada PIHAK PERTAMA sebesar USD.126.585.50, dalam dua (2) termin pembayaran ;FIRST PARTY RIGHTSFIRST PARTY has the right to receive payment of a sum of money as anobligation
    PARA PIHAK telah menyetujui bahwa pembayaran seluruh kewajibanPIHAK KEDUA kepada PIHAK PERTAMA dalam hal ini dilakukan dalamdua termin pembayaran dengan besarnya pembayaran masingmasingtermin adalah USD. 63.292.50 ;BOTH PARTIES have agreed that the payment of all liabilities of theSECOND PARTY to the FIRST PARTY in this case is done in two paymentterms with the amount of each payment term is USD. 63.292.50 ;2.
    bahwa terhitung sejak tanggal penerimaan efektif atasHalaman 5 Perkara No. 348/PDT.G/2013/PN.JKT.PST.pembayaran seluruh hutang ke dalam rekening PIHAK PERTAMA sesuaijadwal yang disepakati pada pasal 4 ayat 1 juncto ayat 2 diatas, makasengketa antara PIHAK PERTAMA dan PIHAK KEDUA telahterselesaikan secara damai ;Without prejudice to the article 6 paragraph 1, THE PARTIES hereby agreedthat effective as of the the date receipt of the payment of all debts intoaccount of the FIRST PARTY on schedule as agreed
Register : 29-12-2020 — Putus : 21-07-2021 — Upload : 20-08-2021
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 771/Pdt.G/2020/PN Jkt.Pst
Tanggal 21 Juli 2021 — Penggugat:
PT JTrust Olympindo Multi Finance
  • The Parties agreed to settle thecase of the Dispute Object, and theFirst Party agrees to settle the Lawsuitby way of signing this SettlementAgreement then the Parties willcontinue to file the SettlementAgreement for court legalization toDeed of(Acta van Dading) to the Court after theSecond Party settle the BBG claim forthe BBG A.
    The Parties intended to arrange themutual settlement of the Dispute Objectincluding the Civil Lawsuit by preparingthis Settlement Agreement which hasbeen negotiated and agreed by theParties in the dual language of BahasaIndonesia and English and as long asnecessary, will be filed to the honorablePanel of Judges who examine the CivilLawsuit at the Central Jakarta DistrictCourt as a full and final settlement ofthe Civil Lawsuit.
    After Claim Payment of BBG to the FirstParty successfully been done, within 7(seven) days after the date of ClaimPayment of BBG or at least before 7July 2021 or other time as agreed by theParties, the Parties agree to legalize thisSettlement Agreement through CourtDecision to be Deed of SettlementAgreement (Acta van Dading) togetherwith Second Party, registered in CivilLawsuit No. 771/Pdt.G/2020/PN.Jkt.Pstdated December 29, 2020 at the CentralJakarta District Court.5.
    Invoice and the Supporting Documents(Automatic Confirmation Date), theSecond Party has not given its approvalor written notification to the First Partyregarding document incompleteness,then the Parties agreed that the BBGSettlement request and all the BBGInvoice and the Supporting Documentsare true, correct, and complete.Faktur BBG dan Dokumen PendukungTMDI (Tanggal Konfirmasi Otomatis),Pihak Kedua tidak memberikan persetujuanataupemberitahuan ketidaklengkapandokumen kepada Pihak Pertama, makaPara
Register : 10-07-2018 — Putus : 05-12-2018 — Upload : 12-12-2018
Putusan PN DENPASAR Nomor 617/Pdt.G/2018/PN Dps
Tanggal 5 Desember 2018 — Penggugat:
Graeme Robert Smith
Nyoman Piluani
  • Whereas, the mediation/settlement hasbeen carried out to this case and theParties agreed to settle this maritalassets separation matter peacefully andamicably; Bahwaberdasarkanketerangan tersebutdiatas, maka Para Pihak sepakat untukmengikatkan diri dalam Perjanjian DamaiWhereas, according to the abovementionedcircumstances, the Parties agreed tobinding upon themselves on this Settlement dengan syaratsyarat dan ketentuan Agreement under the following terms andketentuan sebagai berikut: conditions:
    ) sebagai kompensasiatashasiluang sewa Rumah No. 10 dan Rumah KostNo. 20 yang telah disewakan kepada pihakketiga.Pihak II sepakat dan berjanji pembayaranuang kompensasi sebesar235.000.000, (duaratus tiga puluh lima juta rupiah) tersebut diatas, akan dibayarkan paling lambat 6 (enam)bulansejaktanggal penandatangananperjanjian ini atautepatnya paling lambattanggal 13 Mei 2019.Pihak IJ sepakat untuk menyerahkanOriginal/Asli SHM No. 9924/Desa Pemogan,Surat Ukur Nomor 05078/Pemogan/2012 The 2" Party agreed
    to provide and the 1*Party agreed to receive money in the sum ofRp. 235,000,000, (two hundred thirty fivemillion rupiah) as compensation for thelease revenues of the Dwelling House No.10 and Boarding House No. 20 which hasbeen leased to a third parties.The 2" Party agrees and promised thecompensation payment IDR. 235,000,000.
    Party agreed to provide theOriginal SHM No. 9924/Desa Pemogan,Measurement Letter Number Hal 8 dari 16 hal putusan Nomor 617/Pdt.G/2018/PN.Dps tanggal 25 Juli 2012, Nomor Induk Bidang(NIB), luas 82 m2(delapan puluh dua meter persegi), berlokasidi Jalan Raya Pemogan Gang Nusa IndahNo. 11 A, Denpasar Selatan, Denpasar Bali,terdaftar atas nama Pihak I (Rumah No. 11A) sebagai jaminan pembayaran kompensasikepada Pihak I.ApabilaPihak II lalai/gagal melakukanpembayaran kompensasisampai
    PASAL 7ARTICLE 7 Para Pihak sepakat untuk menuangkanPerjanjian ini dalam Akta PerdamaianThe Parties agreed to enter this Agreementinto a Deed of Settlement (Dading) before (Dading) dihadapan Majelis Hakim Perkara the Judges of Civil Case No.Perdata No. 617/Pdt.G/2018/PN.Dps., 617/Pdt.G/2018/PN.Dps., dated 11 July tertanggal 10 Juli 2018 di Pengadilan NegeriDenpasar2018 at the Denpasar District Court.
Putus : 04-10-2010 — Upload : 24-06-2016
  • Tagihan ini belum jatuh tempo,karena ada 3 syarat harus dipenuhi dan belum dipenuhi, yangIt is also further agreed by the Parties that the above amount shallbe deemed to be correct and payable subject to the followingCONGITIONS 2 aneseese ene nesmeenee nescence eeeene ee1.
    The Parties have agreed that the Contract is assumed to besuspended temporarily starting 30 September 1998, until thepolitical and economic situation in Indonesia will allow theProject to be continued, or until the date mentioned in condition3) below, which ever is earlier ; 2.
Register : 08-05-2017 — Putus : 20-07-2017 — Upload : 28-12-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1054 B/PK/PJK/2017
4835 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Putusan Nomor1054/B/PK/PJK/2017license yang didistribusikan di antara Oracle afiliasi;Bahwa detail penjelasan dari Schedule Part Il tersebut adalahsebagai berikut:Multiple Jurisdiction license Revenue (Article 2.8.A):For sublicenses granted by OIC or a Member of the Oracle Group,unless otherwise agreed, sublicense revenue shall be earned fiftypercent (50%) by the Member of the Oracle Group in whose Territorythe Program is installed or used, and fifty percent (50%) by theMember of the Oracle Group
    Revenue shall not be earned by any Member of theOracle Group who is made party to the contract solely as a matter ofconvenience to the Sublicensee;For sublicenses granted through a Corporate Account, the sublicenserevenue shall be earned as agreed, or in the absence of anagreement, one hundred percent (100%) by the Member of the OracleGroup in whose Territory the Program is installed or used, and zeropercent (0%) by the Member of the Oracle Group who is responsiblefor managing the relationship with
    Corporate Account shallmean Subdistributors designated on the global list of CorporateAccounts, as revised from time to time;For sublicenses granted through a designated Global Account, thesublicense revenue shall be earned as agreed, or in the absence of anagreement, one hundred percent (100%) by the Member of the OracleGroup who is responsible for managing the relationship with the GlobalAccount, normally the Member of the Oracle Group who is a party tothe contract with the Global Account granting
    Global Account shall mean those multipleJurisdiction strategic agreements so designated by an Executive VicePresident at the beginning of the fiscal year and included in the GlobalAccounts list;For sublicenses granted through a Subdistributor other than aCorporate Account or Global Account, the sublicense revenue shall beearned as agreed, or in the absence of an agreement, seventyfiveHalaman 9 dari 17 Halaman.
    Perusahaan yang berdomisili di Indonesia akan denganmudah mengunduh software oracledari Internet, dimana dalam hal iniPemohon Banding tidak terlibat dalam penjualan software ataupunpemberian jasa instalasi software;Bahwa dengan demikian, sesuai dengan Schedule Part Il, dimanadijelaskan:"For sublicenses granted by OIC or a Member of the Oracle Group,unless otherwise agreed, sublicense revenue shall be earned fiftypercent (50%) by the Member of the Oracle Group in whose Territorythe Program is installed
Register : 13-06-2016 — Putus : 08-11-2016 — Upload : 17-05-2017
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 798/Pid.Sus/2016/PN.JKT.PST
Tanggal 8 Nopember 2016 — TARIQ GHOUS MUHAMAD KHAN
  • 1062219097 TARIQ14 TAHAPAN IDR GHOUSMUHAMM0411 TRANSFERVIAIBKE D 10,000,000.00 Salary 1062219097 TARIQ14 TAHAPAN IDR GHOUSMUHAMM2011 TRANSFERVIAIBKE D 100,000,000.00 As agreed 1062219097 TARIQ14 TAHAPAN IDR GHOUSMUHAMM2111 TRANSFERVIAIBKE D 100,000,000.00 as agreed 1062219097 TARIQ14 TAHAPAN IDR GHOUSMUHAMM2611 TRANSFERVIAIBKE D 100,000,000.00 as agreed 1062219097 TARIQ14 TAHAPAN IDR GHOUSMUHAMM1112 TRANSFERVIAIBKE D 100,000,000.00 As agreed 1062219097 TARIQ14 TAHAPAN IDR GHOUSMUHAMM1212 TRANSFERVIAIBKE
    1062219097 IDR TARIQ14 TAHAPAN GHOUSMUHAMM0411 TRANSFERVIAIBKE D 10,000,000.00 Salary 1062219097 IDR TARIQ14 TAHAPAN GHOUSMUHAMM2011 TRANSFERVIAIBKE D 100,000,000.00 As agreed 1062219097 IDR TARIQ14 TAHAPAN GHOUSMUHAMM2111 TRANSFERVIAIBKE D 100,000,000.00 as agreed 1062219097 IDR TARIQ14 TAHAPAN GHOUSMUHAMM2611 TRANSFERVIAIBKE D 100,000,000.00 as agreed 1062219097 IDR TARIQ14 TAHAPAN GHOUSMUHAMM1112 TRANSFERVIAIBKE D 100,000,000.00 As agreed 1062219097 IDR TARIQ14 TAHAPAN GHOUSMUHAMM1212 TRANSFERVIAIBKE
Register : 01-11-2018 — Putus : 01-11-2018 — Upload : 09-05-2019
Putusan PN SUBANG Nomor 168/Pid.C/2018/PN SNG
Tanggal 1 Nopember 2018 — Penyidik Atas Kuasa PU:
  • Ttd JAM ip Agreed nie casainserttatscntasernianenBoteaat Demikian BAP Cepat ini dibuat dengansebenarnya atas kekuatan sumpah/jabatan, kami tutup dan ditandatanggani,0nenarvenenenennnnessoereere Setelah BAP Cepat ini selesai dibuat, kemudian di bacakan kembali kepadanya, ybs,menyatakan setuju/membenarkan keterangan yang diberikan dan sanggup diadili dengan Penyidik PNSsystem pengadilan cepat seperti ini/untuk menguatkan tersangka membubuhkan tanda Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Kab.
Register : 30-08-2012 — Putus : 25-07-2013 — Upload : 27-11-2013
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-46440/PP/M.VII/19/2013
Tanggal 25 Juli 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • yangdiberitahukan pada PIB adalah sebagai berikut:Bahwa Nilai Pabean yang diberitahukan dalam PIB nomor 070863 tanggal 30 April2012 total sebesar CIF GBP 15,125.99;Berdasarkan penelitian silang atas RIB dan atau antar dokumen pendukung yangdilampirkan terdapat ketidak sesuaian Incoterm dan Jumlah Pembayaran antaradokumendokumen pendukung yang dilampirkan (pada invoice incoterm dinyatakanExWorks total GBP 13,773.55 dan Delivery method dinyatakan collect sedangkannilai freight pada HAWS dinyatakan As Agreed
    menteriKeuangan Nomor 160/PMK.04/2010 tanggal 1 Oktober 2010 tentang Nilai PabeanUntuk Penghitungan Bea Masuk disebutkan bahwa Dalam hal biaya transportasibelum termasuk dalam nilai transaksi dan bukti nyata atau data yang objektif danterukur mengenai besaran biaya transportasi tidak tersedia,maka besaran biayatransportasi yang digunakan dalam penentuan nilai pabean ditentukan dengan carasebagai;Bahwa pada HAWB yang dilampirkan nomor ELE19197 tanggal 19/04/2012disebutkan nilai freight adalah AS AGREED
    pada PIB adalah sebagai berikut:Bahwa Nilai Pabean yang diberitahukan dalam PIB nomor 070863 tanggal 30 April 2)3)4)5)6)7)2012 total sebesar CIF GBP 15,125.99;Berdasarkan penelitian silang atas RIB dan atau antar dokumen pendukung yangdilampirkan terdapat ketidak sesuaian Incoterm dan Jumlah Pembayaran antaradokumendokumen pendukung yang dilampirkan (pada invoice incoterm dinyatakanExWorks total GBP 13,773.55 dan Delivery method dinyatakan collect sedangkannilai freight pada HAWS dinyatakan As Agreed
    Est., Margate, Kent., CT9 4 JR,UK, Consignee: PT Weco Abadi yang beralamat di Gudang D, Komplek Pergudangan Begr, Jl.Boulevard BGR No.1, Kelapa Gading Barat, Jakarta 14240, jumlah barang: 2 Pieces, GrossWeight: 190.00 kgs, dengan total senilai tercatat AS AGREED;bahwa berdasarkan pemeriksaan Majelis atas House Air Waybill nomor: ELE19197 tanggal19 April 2012, diketahui diterbitkan oleh Qatar Airways, dengan Shipper: Emco Wheatonyang beralamat di Channel Road, Westwood Ind.
    ., CT9 4 JR, UK,Consignee: PT Weco Abadi yang beralamat di Gudang D, Komplek Pergudangan Begr, Jl.Boulevard BGR No.1, Kelapa Gading Barat, Jakarta 14240, jumlah barang: 2 Pieces, GrossWeight: 793.00 kgs, dengan total senilai tercatat AS AGREED;bahwa berdasarkan pemeriksaan Majelis atas Invoice nomor: 034678 tanggal 5/11/2012diketahui bahwa Pemohon Banding melakukan transaksi dengan PT Yudhanusa EkpresindoCaraka yang beralamat di Rukan Puri Niaga II Blok M8/3G, Jakarta Barat, berupa AirFreight Import
Register : 21-10-2014 — Putus : 22-09-2015 — Upload : 21-01-2016
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 526/Pdt.G/2014/PN.JKT.PST.
Tanggal 22 September 2015 —
  • Pauline Sim) and our clientsrelationship business relationship broke up,it was agreed onor about 7 June 2010 by our respective clients (Tham andMs. Pauline Sim) that as Barge QSA 300 was not runningcharters, voyages ets. that it be anchored at a less expensiveyard in Batam, PT Lautan Lestari Shipyard.Terjemahan n i berikut:b.
    This would done once parties agree in terms e.g., to a saleor charter in the interests of BST.Our client will get the necessary agreement from PTLL where releaseis agreed as above set out.Terjemahan bebasnya adalah sebagai berikut: "Kami mengacu surat 12 Juli 2011 dan instruksi kami adalah sebagaiberikut:a. BST memiliki kepentingan 50% pada kapal tongkang QSA300. Harap dikonfirmasi;b.
    You agreed that Ms. Sim has been asking for the return ofQSA 300 since 2011 and that you and your company hadrefused to return this vessel since then, isnt that right?A. YesQ. So, even after Ms. Sim agreed to pay reasonable charges forQSA 300 in December 2011, you were not agreeable torelease the vessel, isnt that right?A. Yes, she agreed. But she did not pay the money.Q. You caused PTLL Shipyard to reject Ms. Sims offer and torequire an indemnity from her instead, inst that right?A.
    So the invoices at page 121 to 126 shows that apart from theone time mooring charge on page 121, the agreed charges is$75 a day for berthing at PTLL shipyard, isn't that right, MrTham?A. Yes.Q. You agree, Mr Tham, that this $75 a day is a lump sum chargeand there is no agreement that you could charge a separatesum for security charges, right, Mr Tham?
    You agreed that Ms. Sim has been asking for the return ofQSA 300 since 2011 and that you and your company hadrefused to return this vessel since then, isnt that right ?A. YesQ. So, even after Ms. Sim agreed to pay reasonable charges forQSA 300 in December 2011, you were not agreeable torelease the vessel, isnt that right?A. Yes, she agreed. But she did not pay the money.Q. You caused PTLL Shipyard to reject Ms. Sims offer and torequire an indemnity from her instead, inst that right?A.
Register : 11-08-2020 — Putus : 08-10-2020 — Upload : 02-11-2020
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 504/PDT/2020/PT DKI
Tanggal 8 Oktober 2020 — Pembanding/Penggugat : PT Igas Utama Diwakili Oleh : Koesnadi Notonegoro,SH.M.Hum.
Terbanding/Tergugat I : PT Majuko Utama Indonesia
Terbanding/Tergugat II : PT. BANTEN INTI GASINDO,
  • . ;2) BOTH PARTIES agreed to enter a good faithnegotiation in the event of any disputes arisepursuant to this AGREEMENT;3) In the event that BOTH PARTIES fail to achieve asettlement agreement after 90 (ninety) calendarsDAYS of negotiation, BOTH PARTIES agreed tosettle the disputes at the Indonesia National ArbitraryAgency (BANI) in Jakarta;4) The conlusion/decree of BANI shall be final andbecome binding to BOTH PARTIES;Dengan terjemahan bebas sebagai berikut:1) Perjanjian ini dibuat dan tunduk pada
    Pasal 3Undang Undang RI Nomor 30 Tahun 1999 TentangArbitrase dan Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa (UU30/1999), Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan TIDAKBERWENANG SECARA ABSOLUT untuk mengadiliGugatan Penggugat sebagaimana kami kutip berikut ini:Pasal 3 UU 30/1999;Pengadilan Negeri tidak berwenang untuk mengadilisengketa para pihak yang telah terikat dengan perjanjianarbitrase;Article 23 Perjanjian BOT:1) his AGGREMENT is made and will refer to the Lawsof The Republic of Indonesia;2) BOTH PARTIES agreed
    to enter a good faithnegotiation in the event of any disputes arisepursuant to this AGREEMENT;3) In the event that BOTH PARTIES fail to achieve asettlement agreement after 90 (ninety) calendarsDAYS of negotiation, BOTH PARTIES agreed tosettle the disputes at the Indonesia National ArbitraryAgency (BANI) in Jakarta;4) The conlusion/decree of BANI shall be final andbecome binding to BOTH PARTIES;Dengan terjemahan bebas sebagai berikut1) Perjanjian ini dibuat dan tunduk pada hukum yangberlaku di Republik
    mencapaikesepakatan dalam musyawarah setelah lewat 90hari kalender, maka para pihak setuju untukmenyelesaikan perselisihan ke Badan ArbitraseNasional Indonesia (BANI) Jakarta;4) Putusan BANI bersifat dan mengikat bagi ParaPihak);Article 19 Detail Open Acess Agreement :In the event that BOTH PARTIES are unbale to resolveany disputes starting within the context of this Agreementwithin 60 (sixty) days after a Party requests the otherParty to engage in consultations for settlement, unlessotherwise agreed
    BOTH PARTIES agreed to enter a good faithnegotiation in the event of any disputes arisepursuant to this AGREEMENT,3. Inthe event that BOTH PARTIES fail to achieve asettlement agreement after 90 (ninety) calendarsDAYS of negotiation, BOTH PARTIES agreed tosettle the disputes at the Indonesia NationalArbitrary Agency (BANI) in Jakarta;4.
Register : 19-10-2017 — Putus : 11-01-2018 — Upload : 10-09-2019
Putusan PT PEKANBARU Nomor 197/PDT/2017/PT PBR
Tanggal 11 Januari 2018 — Pembanding/Tergugat : PT. BINTAN LAGOON RESOR Diwakili Oleh : STEFANY OKTARIA SIMORANGKIR SH
Terbanding/Penggugat : NICHOLAS MARK OGDEN
  • RULES/ Tata TertibHunian Villa tidak hanya menyimpang dari PERJANJIAN INDUK, namun VILLAHOUSE RULES/ TATA TERTIB HUNIAN VILLA juga telah mengubah klausuldalam PERJANJIAN INDUK tanpa persetujuan PENGGUGAT terlebih dahulu.Tindakan TERGUGAT yang telah mengubah klausulklausul PERJANJIANINDUK tanpa persetujuan tertulis terlebih dahulu dari PENGGUGAT, nyatanyata telah bertentangan dengan Pasal 18.1 PERJANJIAN INDUK.Pasal 18.1 PERJANJIAN INDUK(kutipan):This Agreement embodies all theterms and conditions agreed
    Nomor 197/PDT/2017/PT.PBRrepresentasions, warranties,agreements, and undertakings (ifany) whether such be written or oralmade between the Parties withrespect to the subject matterhereof) save and except thosemutually agreed in writing betweenpernyataan, jaminan, perjanjian danpelaksanaan sebelumnya (jika ada)baik itu yang dibuat tertulis ataulisan di antara Para Pihak terkaitdengan pokok materi perjanjian ini)kecuali sudah disetujui bersamasama secara tertulis diantara Parathe Parties after the due
    uponbetween the Parties as to thesubject matter of this Agreement(and supersedes and cancels in allrespect all previousrepresentasions, warranties,agreements, and undertakings (ifany) whether such be written or oralmade between the Parties withrespect to the subject matterhereof) save and except thosemutually agreed in writing betweenthe Parties after the due executionof this Agreement.Terjemahannya (kutipan):Perjanjian ini membentuk semuapersyaratan dan ketentuan yangdisetujui antara Para Pihak
    Kutipan Pasal Terjemahannya dalamPerjanjian Sewa Vila Bahasa IndonesiaArticle 18.1: Pasal 18.1:This Agreement embodies all the terms Perjanjian ini memuatand conditions agreed upon between seluruh syarat danthe Parties as to the subject matter of ketentuan yang disetujui Halaman 37 dari 47 hal. Put. Nomor 197/PDT/2017/PT.PBR
    Kutipan Pasal Terjemahannya dalamPerjanjian Sewa Vila Bahasa Indonesia this Agreement (and supersedes and oleh Para Pihak terkaitcancels in all respects all previous dengan pokok materirepresentations, warranties, Perjanjian (danagreements and undertakings (if any) menggantikan sertawhether such be written or oral made membatalkan seluruhbetween the Parties with respect to pernyataan, jaminan,the subject matter hereof) save and perjanjian dan perbuatanexcept those mutually agreed in (jika ada) yang
Upload : 28-10-2016
Putusan PT BANTEN Nomor 114/PDT/2016/PT BTN
PT. MAJUKO UTAMA INDONESIA, berkedudukan di Korea Center Lt. 4 Suite 405, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 58, Jakarta Selatan, dalm hal ini diwakili oleh kuasanya M. LUTHFIE HAKIM, S.H., M.H., RUSDIANTO, MATULATUWA, S.H., ANITA ZIZLAVSKY, S.H., FERDINAND ROBOT, S.H., M.H., WAHYU BUDI WIBOWO, S.H., JUNIARTI, S.H., dan FANI KUMALA SARI, S.H., Para Advokat dan Konsultan Hukum pada M. LUTHFIE HAKIM & PARTNERS Law Firm, beralamat di Graha Pratama Lt. 20, Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 15, Jakarta 12810, berdasarkan Surat Kuasa Khusus tertanggal 14 April 2016, selanjutnya disebut sebagai PEMBANDING semula TERGUGAT I; MELAWAN 1. PT. IGAS UTAMA, berkedudukan di Plaza 3 Pondok Indah Blok E No. 9, Jl. TB. Simatupang, Jakarta Selatan, dalam hal ini diwakili oleh kuasanya H. ARI WAHYUDI HERTANTO, S.H., M.H., SUGIH HARTONO, S.H., M.H., DANANG WS MARTOSRIWARDOYO, S.H., dan H. HUDI MASHUDI, S.H., Para Advokat dan Konsultan Hukum dari Kantor Hukum WAHYUDI, HARTONO & PARTNER, beralamat di Talavera Office Suite 18th Floor, Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav. 22-26 Jakarta, berdasarkan Surat Kuasa Khusus tertanggal 1 Juni 2015, selanjutnya disebut sebagai TERBANDING I semula PENGGUGAT; 2. PT. BANTEN INTI GASINDO, berkedudukan di Kompleks Arga Baja Pura B D-9/17-A Gerogol, Pulo Merak, Cilegon-Banten, yang selanjutnya disebut sebagai TERBANDING II semula TERGUGAT
  • BOTH PARTIES agreed to enter a good faith negotiation in the event ofany disputes arise pursuantto this AGREEMENT.3. In the event that BOTH PARTIES fail to achieve a settlementagreement after 90 (ninety) calendars DAYS of negotiation, BOTHPARTIES agreed to settle the disputes at the Indonesian NationalArbitrary Agency (BANI) in Jakarta.4. The conclusion/decree of BANI shall be final and become binding toBOTH PARTIES.(terjemahan bebas):7.
    In the event that BOTH PARTIES are unable to resolve any disputearising within the context of this Agreement within 60 (sixty) days aftera Party request the other Party to engage in consultations forsettlement, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing among BothParties, either Party may request submission of the dispute toarbitration pursuant to the rules of BADAN ARBITRASE NASIONALINDONESIA/BANI (hereafter referred to as the Rules). Saidarbitration shall take place in JAKARTA.
    BOTH PARTIES agreed to enter a good faith negotiation in the eventof any disputes arise pursuantto this AGREEMENT;3. In the event that BOTH PARTIES fail to achieve a settlementagreement after 90 (ninety) calendar DAYS of negotiation, BOTHPARTIES agreed to settle the dispute at the Indonesian NationalArbitrary Agency (BANI) in Jakarta.4.
    In the event that BOTH PARTIES (PENGGUGAT, TERGUGAT dan TERGUGAT Il) are unable to resolve any dispute arising withinthe context of this Agreement within 60 (sixty) days after a Partyrequest the other Party to engage in consultations for settlement,unless otherwise agreed upon in writing among Both Parties, eitherHal 28 dari 67 Hal.
    BOTH PARTIES agreed to enter a good faith negotiation in the event of anydisputes arise pursuantto this AGREEMENT.3. In the event that BOTH PARTIES fail to achieve a settlement agreement after90 (ninety) calendars DAYS of negotiation, BOTH PARTIES agreed to settlethe disputes at the Indonesian National Arbitrary Agency (BANI) in Jakarta.4. The conclusion/decree of BANI shall be final and become binding to BOTHPARTIES.Terjemahan bebas:7.
Putus : 05-03-2012 — Upload : 12-06-2012
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 438/B/PK/PJK/2011
3011 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • biayatersebut auditor tidak mengemukakan bahwa atasbiaya tersebut berhubungan dengan kegiatan dariTermohon Peninjauan Kembali (Semula PemohonBanding) yang dilakukan di Indonesia, Auditor hanyamengemukakan bahwa atas pengeluaranpengeluaran tersebut adalah didukung denganinvoice dan bukti pembayaran yang sah,sebagaimana pernyataan Auditor sebagai berikut:Salaries and Related Expenses We have indetified 5 items for each of the relevantperiods by most significants monetary value listed inthe General Ledger and agreed
    each selectedamount to the amounts shown in the authorisedpayment vouchers and bank remittancesOffice RentWe have identified 5 items for each of the relevantperiods by most significants monetary value listed inthe General Ledger and agreed each selectedamount to the amounts shown in the suppliersinvoices and authorised payment vouchersTravelling and Transport We have identified 5 items for each of the relevantperiods by most significants monetary value listed inthe General Ledger and agreed each
    No. 438 B/PK/PJK/201130309.5.5.amount to the amounts shown in the suppliersinvoices and authorised payment vouchersMarketing & Advertising and Global Alliance We have identified 5 items for each of the relevantperiods by most significants monetary value listed inthe General Ledger and agreed each selectedamount to the amounts shown in the suppliersinvoices and authorised payment vouchersRSO Expensesmaupun perbandingan untuk masingmasing jenisbiaya yang dilakukan pengujian.We have identified 5 items
    for each of the relevantperiods by most significants monetary value listed inthe General Ledger and agreed each selectedamounts show in thw suppliers invoices andauthorised payment vouchers, bank advice andcontract.Bahwa apabiladibandingkan antara beban = yangdilakukan pengujian oleh Auditor KPMG Singapore ataskelima beban tersebut dengan jumlah beban kantorpusat yang dibebankan untuk Tahun 2002, diketahui halhal sebagai berikut :Total beban Kantor Pusat untuk Tahun 2002 Rp. 9.196.105,26Total beban
Upload : 15-12-2011
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 740 K/PDT.SUS/2010
304391 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • The Parties have agreed that the Contract is assumed to besuspended temporarily starting 30' September 1998, until thepolitical and economic situation in Indonesia will allow the Projectto be continued, or until the date mentioned in condition 3) below,which ever is earlier;2.
    Surya Prasudi Utamabukan pihak dalam perjanjian tersebut;Kemudian adanya 3 persyaratan dalam perjanjian tersebut,untuk lebih jelasnya dikutip bagian tersebut sebagai berikut :It is also further agreed by the Parties that the above amount shall bedeemed to be correct and payable subject to the followingconditions :1.
    The Parties have agreed that the Contract is assumed to besuspended temporarily starting 30 September 1998, until thepolitical and economic situation in Indonesia will allow the ProjectHal. 49 dari 74 hal. Put.
    by the Parties that the above amount shallbe deemed to be correct and payable subject to the followingconditions : The Parties have agreed that the Contract is assumed to besuspended temporarily starting 30 September 1998, until thepolitical and economic situation in Indonesia will allow theHal. 53 dari 74 hal.
    by the Parties that the above amount shall bedeemed to be correct and payable subject to the followingconditions :4) The Parties have agreed that the Contract is assumed to besuspended temporarily starting 30 September 1998, until thepolitical and economic situation in Indonesia will allow the ProjectHal. 61 dari 74 hal.
Register : 24-09-2012 — Putus : 18-11-2013 — Upload : 25-03-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-48316/PP/M.XVII/19/2013
Tanggal 18 Nopember 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • imunologi modifikasi, diperoleh dengan proses bioteknologimaupun tidak diklasifikasikan dalam pos tarif 3002.10.90.00 dengan tarif BM 0%;Identifikasi:bahwa Recormon Syringes 2000 I U 6 merupakan produk farmasi dengan komposisiutama epoetin beta yang digunakan untuk mengatasi anemia;bahwa terhadap identifikasi Recormon Syringes 2000 I U 6 berdasarkan Customs CodeCommittee Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature Section HS/WCO Coordination Sectortanggal 3 April 2008 Annex A/14 Epoetin beta: the Committee agreed
Putus : 26-08-2010 — Upload : 31-10-2011
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 91 /B/PK/PJK/2010
Tanggal 26 Agustus 2010 —
2413 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Pemohon PK berpendapat bahwa revenue transfer diaturdi dalam Paragraf Pertama Schedule FEES AND PAYMENTSPART Il Multiple Jurisdiction License Revenue (Article2.8.A) dari Perjanjian Distribusi (selanjutnya disebut"Schedule Part II") yang menyatakan sebagaiberikutPART Multiple Jurisdiction license Revenue (Article 2.8.A)For sublicenses granted by OIC or a Member of theOracle Group, unlessotherwise agreed, sublicense revenue shall be earnedfifty percent (50%)by the Member of the Oracle Group in whose
    Nomor91/B/PK/PJK/201020Revenue shall not be earned by any Member of theOracle Group who is made party to the contract solelyas a matter of convenience to the Sublicensee ;For sublicenses granted through a Corporate Account,the sublicenserevenue shall be earned as agreed, or in the absenceof an agreement, one hundred percent (100%) by theMember of the Oracle Group in whose Territory theProgram is installed or used, and zero percent (0%) bythe Member of the Oracle Group who is responsible formanaging
    Corporate Account shall meanSubdistributors designated on the global list ofCorporate Accounts, as revised from time to time ;For sublicenses granted through a designated GlobalAccount, thesublicense revenue shall be earned as agreed, or inthe absence of anagreement, one hundred percent (100%) by the Member ofthe OracleGroup who is responsible for managing the relationshipwith the GlobalAccount, normally the Member of the Oracle Group whois a party to thecontract with the Global Account granting
Register : 06-04-2022 — Putus : 20-06-2022 — Upload : 25-06-2022
Putusan PN SLEMAN Nomor 146/Pid.B/2022/PN Smn
Tanggal 20 Juni 2022 — Penuntut Umum:
  • 17 Desember 2019 dan Nomor : AHI-0007352.AH.01.02 Tahun 2020 tanggal 28 Januari 2020
  • 1(satu) lembar Surat Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja sdr SRI GENTARI nomor 1/PMACARGO/XII/2019 tertanggal 17 Desember 2019
  • 1(satu) lembar surat nomor 011/III/2021 tanggal 2 Maret 2021 perihal somasi I kepada sdri SRI GENTARI
  • 1(satu) lembar surat nomor 015/III/2021 tanggal 5 maret 2021 perihal somasi ke II kepada sdri SRI GENTARI
  • 1(satu) bendel Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan atas Agreed
    Upon Procedure (AUP) merangkum data-data harian beberapa penjualan, pembelian biaya manjadi laporan keuangan PT Perkasa Mandiri Abadi untuk periode yang berakhir 31 Desember 2016 yang dibuat oleh kantor Akuntan Publik Drs HENRY & SUGENG tertuang dalam Berita Acara Pemeriksaan Nomor : AUP.01/2021/II/22/PST tertanggal 22 Februari 2021
  • 1(satu) bendel Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan atas Agreed Upon Procedure (AUP) merangkum data-data harian beberapa penjualan, pembelian biaya manjadi laporan keuangan
    PT Perkasa Mandiri Abadi untuk periode yang berakhir 31 Desember 2017 yang dibuat oleh kantor Akuntan Publik Drs HENRY & SUGENG tertuang dalam Berita Acara Pemeriksaan Nomor : AUP.02/2021/II/22/PST tertanggal 22 Februari 2021
  • 1(satu) bendel Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan atas Agreed Upon Procedure (AUP) merangkum data-data harian beberapa penjualan, pembelian biaya manjadi laporan keuangan PT Perkasa Mandiri Abadi untuk periode yang berakhir 31 Desember 2018 yang dibuat oleh kantor Akuntan
    Publik Drs HENRY & SUGENG tertuang dalam Berita Acara Pemeriksaan Nomor : AUP.03/2021/II/22/PST tertanggal 22 Februari 2021
  • 1(satu) bendel Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan atas Agreed Upon Procedure (AUP) merangkum data-data harian beberapa penjualan, pembelian biaya manjadi laporan keuangan PT Perkasa Mandiri Abadi untuk periode yang berakhir 31 Desember 2019 yang dibuat oleh kantor Akuntan Publik Drs HENRY & SUGENG tertuang dalam Berita Acara Pemeriksaan Nomor : AUP.04/2021/II/22/PST tertanggal
Register : 09-01-2013 — Putus : 20-12-2013 — Upload : 14-04-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor PUT.49766/PP/M.XVII/19/2013
Tanggal 20 Desember 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • 3002.10.90.00 dengan tarifBM 0%;Identifikasi:bahwa Mircera Syringe 0.3 ml 100 mcg 1 (pos 1) dan Mircera Syringe 0.3 ml 50 mcg1 (pos 3) merupakan produk farmasi dengan komposisi utama epoetin beta yangdigunakan untuk mengatasi anemia;bahwa terhadap identifikasi Mircera Syringe 0.3 ml 100 mcg 1 (pos 1) dan MirceraSyringe 0.3 ml 50 mcg 1 (pos 3) berdasarkan Customs Code Committee Tariff andStatistical Nomenclature Section HS/WCO Coordination Sector tanggal 3 April 2008Annex A/14 Epoetin beta: the Committee agreed
Register : 24-06-2016 — Putus : 27-12-2016 — Upload : 23-05-2017
Putusan PN TANJUNG PINANG Nomor 40/Pdt.G/2016/PN Tpg
Tanggal 27 Desember 2016 — NICHOLAS MARK OGDEN( Penggugat) PT. BINTAN LAGOON RESOR ( Tergugat)
  • TpgPasal 18.1 PERJANJIAN INDUK(kutipan):This Agreement embodies allthe terms and conditionsagreed upon between theParties as to the subject matterof this Agreement (andsupersedes and cancels in allrespect all previousrepresentasions, warranties,agreements, and undertakings(if any) whether such be writtenor oral made between theParties with respect to thesubject matter hereof) save andexcept those mutually agreed inwriting between the Partiesafter the due execution of thisAgreement.Terjemahannya (
    Tpgmade between the Parties with lisan di antara Para Pihak terkaitrespect to the subject matter dengan pokok materi perjanjian ini)hereof) save and except those kecuali sudah disetujui bersamamutually agreed in writing between sama secara tertulis diantara Parathe Parties after the due execution Pihak setelah Perjanjian iniof this Agreement. dilaksanakan.FAKTA VILLA HOUSE RULES/ TATA TERTIB HUNIAN VILLA TELAH MENGUBAHPERJANJIAN PENGELOLAAN.18.
    uponbetween the Parties as to thesubject matter of this Agreement(and supersedes and cancels in allrespect all previousrepresentasions, warranties,agreements, and undertakings (ifany) whether such be written or oralmade between the Parties withrespect to the subject matterhereof) save and except thosemutually agreed in writing betweenthe Parties after the due executionof this Agreement.Terjemahannya (kutipan):Perjanjian ini membentuk semuapersyaratan dan ketentuan yangdisetujui antara Para Pihak
    Kutipan Pasal Terjemahannya dalamPerjanjian Sewa Vila Bahasa IndonesiaArticle 18.1: Pasal 18.1:This Agreement embodies all the terms Perjanjian ini memuatand conditions agreed upon between seluruh syarat danthe Parties as to the subject matter of ketentuan yang disetujuithis Agreement (and supersedes and oleh Para Pihak terkait Halaman 50 dari 83 HalPutusan Nomor 40/ Pat. G/ 2016/ PN.
    Tpg Kutipan PasalPerjanjian Sewa VilaTerjemahannya dalamBahasa Indonesia cancels in all respects all previousrepresentations, warranties,agreements and undertakings (if any)whether such be written or oral madebetween the Parties with respect tothe subject matter hereof) save andexcept those mutually agreed inwriting between the Parties after thedue execution of this Agreement. dengan pokok materiPerjanjian (danmenggantikan sertamembatalkan seluruhpernyataan, jaminan,perjaniian dan perbuatan(jika
Putus : 14-05-2013 — Upload : 23-10-2014
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 352/B/PK/PJK/2012
3021 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Krama Yudha Tiga BerlianMotors (KTB) yang ditandatangani tanggal 2 Juli 2007 (tanpa materai), yangPasal 2 menyatakan bahwa "MMC and KTB agreed that the Contractual Feesshould be decreased and amended to Japanese Yen 3,252,051,000 frim theoriginal.
    This amount calculated an a basis set forth below,;JPY 3,252,051,000 = JPY 13,815, x 235,400 units;17As aresult of this agreement, the parties have agreed to amendsection 4.1.1 of the the Principal Agreement to state thecontractual fee will be based on 235,400 units and not the originalamount of 280.800 units", tidak dapat dijadikan dasar untukmembatalkan koreksi Pemohon Peninjauan Kembali (semulaTerbanding) karena perjanjian dibuat setelah dilakukan prosespemeriksaan pajak dan telah dikeluarkan
    Krama Yudha Tiga BerlianMotors (KTB) yang ditandatangani tanggal 2 Juli 2007 (tanpa materai), yangPasal 2 menyatakan bahwa "MMC and KTB agreed that the ContractualFees should be decreased and amended to Japanese Yen 3,252,051,000 frimthe original.
    This amount calculated an a basis set forth below;JPY 3,252,051,000 = JPY 13,815, x 235,400 units;As aresult of this agreement, the parties have agreed to amendsection 4.1.1 of the the Principal Agreement to state thecontractual fee will be based on 235,400 units and not the originalamount of 280.800 units", tidak dapat dijadikan dasar untukmembatalkan koreksi Pemohon Peninjauan Kembali (semulaTerbanding) karena perjanjian dibuat setelah dilakukan prosespemeriksaan pajak dan telah dikeluarkan produk