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Putus : 22-11-2016 — Upload : 13-02-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 809/B/PK/PJK/2016
3319 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Putusan Nomor 809/B/PK/PJK/2016utilization thereof, in addition to that used in secondaryrecovery operations, then the construction and installationof facilities for such processing and utilizatition shall becarried out pursuant to an approved Work Program.c.
    Putusan Nomor 809/B/PK/PJK/2016Artice 2 Exhibit ABADAK LNG (BONTANG LNG)PROCESSING AGREEMENT (Amended &Restatted, 1988): Cash, CallsFrom time to time, as necessary, Plant Operator shall cashCali .from Producers; and Producrs shall pay or cause to be Paid S Blant OGpetater in OS dollars their Fespecel vaShares, separately detersined as Provided in Section 8.01 ofth Agreement, of Beojected net cash Fequirements For eachof:(a) Plane Operating Costa; and(5) the costs of Currently Funded Capital ProjectsFor
    TE the cash calls for a given mesth in the aggregate exceedActual expenditures fer said month, che cash call nextSucceeding the issuance of the cebit aeke referred to inSection 7 below shall be reduced by the ameunt of suchSEC#ES.Bs To the estene Practicable, Flant OPfrator shall place thefunds received Pursuant fo cash calls in faterestearningeccounts; all interest earned thereon Shall be credited esPlant Operating Cests aad Rotice of such amsunts Shall bedelivered ta the Producers. Gambar VI.
    Putusan Nomor 809/B/PK/PJK/2016C.Payment Instruction tersebut diterbitkan atas dasarTRUSTEE AND PAYING AGENT AGREEMENT(1974): a ARTICLE 6Dhsavesemeets Wire Reseectoo Processnra Coamoes6.1 Portamina and the Contractors shall submit to the Trusteeinvoices received by them from the Liquefaction Company on accountof LNG Processing Feos. lo the extent that fonds are then held inthe Badak Payment Account the Trustee shall, promptly upon receiptof notice from both Pertamina and the Contractors that any
    suchinvoice haa been approved for payment, pay to the Liquefaction Compooy from the Todok Payment Account the amount of such invoice,porsuant to procedures to be agreed upon pursuant to Section 6.2,62 Pertamina and the Contrasters shall agree with the Liquefaction Company on appropriate procedures for the payment of funds10ayaide to the Taquefaction Company puesaiut toe Sieeclina Gl, amlol advise the Trustee of such procedures which shall inelude o reuirenernd that the Liqguefaetion Cumpuny fornish
Register : 04-06-2013 — Putus : 08-10-2014 — Upload : 03-11-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-55958/PP/M.XVIIA/19/2014
Tanggal 8 Oktober 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Relevant Goverment authorities inimporting Member States shall accept CertificatOrigin (Form D) in cases where the sales Invoiissued either by a company located in a tcountry or by an ASEAN exporter for the accof the said company, provided that the goods 1the requirements of chapter 3 of this Agreement2. The exporter shall indicate third couinvoicingand such information as namecountry of the company issuing the invoice incertificate of Origin (Form D);bahwa berdasarkan Annex 7:10.
    THIRD COUNTRY INVOICING:cases where invoices are issued by a third coutthe third country invoicingbox should be ti(V) and such information as name and countrthe company issuing the invoice shall be indicin box 7;bahwa berdasarkan penelitian lebih lanjut terhadap Form D Nomor: ID20120204tanggal 9 November 2012 diketahui bahwa:e issuing authority tidak memberi contreng (V) pada box 13 tentang 1country invoicing dan;e nama dan negara penerbit Invoice tidak tercantum pada kolom 7 Forttersebut;bahwa berdasarkan
Putus : 04-12-2017 — Upload : 12-03-2018
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 2135 B/PK/PJK/2017
7455 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • However, such royalties may also be taxed in theContracting State in which they arise, and according to thelaws of that Contracting State, but if the recipient is thebeneficial owner of the royalties the tax so charged shall notexceed 10 percent of the gross amount of the royalties.3.
    The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply if thebeneficial owner of the royalties, being a resident of aContracting State, carries on business in the otherContracting State in which the royalties arise, through apermanent establishment situated therein, or perForms inthat other Contracting State independent personal servicesfrom a fixed base situated therein, and the right or propertyin respect of which the royalties are paid is effectivelyconnected with such permanent establishment or
    In such case, the provisions of Article 7 or Article 14,as the case may be, shall apply.Halaman 15 dari 23 halaman Putusan Nomor 2135/B/PK/PJK/20175. Royalties shall be deemed to arise in a Contracting Statewhen the payer is that Contracting State itself, a politicalsubdivision or a local authority thereof, or a resident of thatContracting State.
    Where, however, the person paying theroyalties, whether he is a resident of a Contracting State ornot, has in a Contracting State a permanent establishmentor a fixed base in connection with which the liability to paythe royalties was incurred, and such royalties are borne bysuch permanent establishment or fixed base, then suchroyalties shall be deemed to arise in the Contracting Statein which the permanent establishment or fixed base issituated.Where, by reason of a special relationship between thepayer
    and the beneficial owner or between both of them andsome other person, the amount of the royalties, havingregard to the use, right or inFormation for which they arepaid, exceeds the amount which would have been agreedupon by the payer and the beneficial owner in the absenceof such relationship, the provisions of this Article shall applyonly to the lastmentioned amount.
Register : 05-12-2008 — Putus : 02-03-2010 — Upload : 24-07-2014
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 416/PDT.G/2008/PN.Jkt.Pst
Tanggal 2 Maret 2010 — PT. METRO BATAVIA >< SABRE Inc.
  • Texas.JAMS shall appoint a single mediator and shall designate the time and procedurefor mediation in accordance with the procedures outlined herein. The Parties shallattend such mediation for a period of at least three (8) entire consecutive workingdays.
    If the Parties are unable to resolve the Dispute through such mediation, thenHal.15 dari 83 Hal, No.416/Pdt.G/2008/PN.Jkt.Pstsuch Dispute shall be submitted to JAMS for binding arbitration in Fort Worth,Texas, and a Party shall not have the right to file suit against the other; providedthat nothing herein shall prohibit a Party from requesting temporary injuctive relieffrom any court of competent jurisdiction.
    The numberof arbitrators shall be three (unless the Parties agree upon a single mutuallyacceptable arbitrator). The arbitrators nominated by the Parties shall select theChairperson of the Arbitration Tribunal. The Parties shall use commerciallyreasonable efforts to conclude any arbitration proceedings within one hundredeighty (180) calendar days, then the arbitration proceedings shall continue until anaward is made.
    Any decision or award of the arbitrators shall be based solely onthe terms of this Agreement and the facts presented at the hearing. The decision ofthe arbitrators shall be final and conclusive and shall be binding on the Parties. Any award rendered bv the arbitrators may be enforced bv any court of competent jurisdiction. The arbitrators shall have the authority to award specific performanceor an injunction to the preavailing.
    The Parties agree that the award of the arbitration shall be the sole and exclusive remedy between the Parties regarding any claims, counterclaims, issues or accounting presented or pled to the arbitrators: that the must be consistent with the terms and conditions ofHal.16 dari 83 Hal, No.416/Pdt.G/2008/PN.Jkt.Pstthis Agreemen; that it shall be made and shall be payable in accordancewith the award in U.S.
Register : 21-01-2011 — Putus : 08-01-2013 — Upload : 14-07-2013
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put-42547/PP/M.IX/19/2013
Tanggal 8 Januari 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Terbanding menjadi sebesar 10% (MFN) Pemohon Banding mengemukakanalasan Pemohon Banding sudah memenuhi persyaratan mendapatkan Form E dengan buktiPemohon sudah melampirkan Form E Nomor: E105000009180031 tanggal 11 Agustus 2010dan tidak ada ketentuan yang mengatur apabila tanggal Form E diterbitkan dalam jangka waktu3 hari sebelum pengapalan maka form E tersebut dinyatakan tidak berlaku;bahwa berdasarkan Rule 12, Rules Of Origin For The AseanChina Free Trade Agreementdisebutkan:A claim that products shall
    be accepted as eligible for preferential concession shall be supportedby a Certificate of Origin issued by a government authority designated by the exporting Partyand notified to the other Parties to the Agreement in accordance with the OperationalCertification Procedures, as set out in Attachment A;bahwa berdasarkan Attachment A, rule 10, Operational Certification Procedures for the Rulesof Origin of the ASEAN CHINA Free Trade Agreement disebutkan:(a) The Certificate of Origin shall be issued by
    sesuai dengan ketentuan yang diatur dalam ROO/OCPACFTA maka SKA (form E) tersebut tidak dapat dipergunakan untuk memperoleh perlakuantarif preferensi;MengingatMemutuskanbahwa berdasarkan Rule 10 huruf a, "Operational Certification Procedures for The Rules ofOrigin of The ASEANChina Free Trade Area", (OCP ACFTA) disebutkan bahwa Certificateof Origin/Surat Keterangan Asal (SKA) diterbitkan pada saat atau segera setelah ekspor,sebagaimana disebutkan pada kutipan berikut:Rule 10The Certificate of Origin shall
Register : 27-06-2013 — Putus : 24-11-2014 — Upload : 18-12-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.57674/PP/M.IA/16/2014
Tanggal 24 Nopember 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • PSC antara lain dinyatakan: The cost accruing therefrom shall be included in operating costs recoverable asprovided in section VI.
    theAccounting Procedure attached hereto by written agreement of PERTAMINA, CNWwill not incur interest expenses to finance its operations hereunder";bahwa terkait dengan alokasi biaya overhead kantor pusat, terdapat beberapaketentuann yang berlaku, antara lain :Article Ill angka 2 Exibit C PSC, antara lain dinyatakan:Overhead allocation.General and administrative costs, other than direct charges, allocable to thisoperation should be determined by a detailed study, and the method determined bysuch study shall
    The method selected must beapproved by PERTAMINA, and such approval can be reviewed peridacly byPERTAMINA and CNW";" The Last sentence of Article 3.3 of Exibit D the PSC is amended to be: "The Directand indirect costs incurred by PHE OGAN KOMERING as Operator and TALISMANin so providing assistance to Operator shall be charged to the Joint Account andsahall be Included in operating costs";Surat Direktur Utama Pertamina Nomor: 947/C.0000/81 Tanggal 5 Juni Tahun 1981,antara lain dinyatakan:" perdasarkan
Register : 23-06-2011 — Putus : 04-03-2013 — Upload : 14-07-2013
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put. 43676/PP/M.X/16/2013
Tanggal 4 Maret 2013 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • disetorkan telah diakui oleh Bank danSurat Setoran Pajak juga merupakan Faktur Pajak Standar, maka seharusnya Surat SetoranPajak tersebut adalah sah dan valid untuk bisa dikreditkan sebagai Pajak Masukan di dalam SPTmasa Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Pemohon Banding;bahwa perlu Pemohon Banding jelaskan bahwa berdasarkan Section 2 dari "Offshore Operationand Technical Assistance Agreement" antara Pemohon Banding dengan Mitsubishi MaterialsCorporation ("MMC") tertanggal 11 Desember 1996 disebutkan bahwa:eae MMC shall
    MMC's services shall be performed in Japan or elsewhere outsideof the Republic Indonesia;bahwa dalam rangka pemberian jasa di bidang hukum sebagaimana disebutkan didalam section2 tersebut di atas, MMC menggunakan jasa dari konsultan hukum Latham & Watkins ("L&W")di Jepang.
    XXX dengan MMC atas Offshore Operation andTechnical Assistance Agreement tertanggal 11 Desember 1996 dinyatakan bahwa:Section 2 MMC SUPPORT SERVICEMMC 's services shall be performed in Japan or elsewhere outside of the Republic ofIndonesia,2.2. Offshore Business Operations Advice.
    XXX dengan MVMC section 4yaitu:"MMC shall send to PT. XXX an invoice for any of the following incurred in the priormonth: a) the support fee, b) expenses that are reimbursable by PT.XXX to MMC pursuantto this agreement. bahwa berdasarkan uraian klausal tersebut diatas, MMC menagih kepada PT. XXX untukmelakukan reimbursement atas jasa legal tersebut; bahwa oleh karena penagihan oleh MMC ini telah sesuai dengan perjanjian, maka PT.
Register : 27-06-2013 — Putus : 24-11-2014 — Upload : 18-12-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.57675/PP/M.IA/16/2014
Tanggal 24 Nopember 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • PSC antara lain dinyatakan: The cost accruing therefrom shall be included in operating costs recoverable asprovided in section VI.
    theAccounting Procedure attached hereto by written agreement of PERTAMINA, CNWwill not incur interest expenses to finance its operations hereunder";bahwa terkait dengan alokasi biaya overhead kantor pusat, terdapat beberapaketentuann yang berlaku, antara lain :Article Ill angka 2 Exibit C PSC, antara lain dinyatakan:Overhead allocation.General and administrative costs, other than direct charges, allocable to thisoperation should be determined by a detailed study, and the method determined bysuch study shall
    The Last sentence of Article 3.3 of Exibit D the PSC is amended to be: "The Directand indirect costs incurred by PHE OGAN KOMERING as Operator and TALISMANin so providing assistance to Operator shall be charged to the Joint Account andsahall be Included in operating costs".Surat Direktur Utama Pertamina Nomor: 947/C.0000/81 Tanggal 5 Juni Tahun 1981,antara lain dinyatakan:" perdasarkan halhal tersebut diatas dan Pertamina selaku pemegang managementdidalam penerapan management control sesuai dengan
Register : 15-06-2017 — Putus : 20-07-2017 — Upload : 18-09-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1341 B/PK/PJK/2017
7221 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Article 9.3 Late Payments:Except as as otherwise provided in Appendix P, latepayments by either Party shall bear interest at the LatePayment Interest Rate from the date on which suchpayment was originally due until the date that suchpayment was made;b.
    Appendix P Invoicing and Payment Procedures:"Broken contract" shall have the meaning set forth inSection 7 (c);"Reference Banks" shall mean, collectively, at least three(3) banks designated as such by PLN from time to time(one of which shall at all times be Bank Indonesia or anysuccessor central bank for the Republic of Indonesia),subject to approval of Seller, which shall not beunreasonably withheld, provided that any change in thedesignation of a Reference Bank with respect to anyBilling Period
    shall be given on or before the third (3rd)Business Day following the last day of such BillingPeriod;Bahwa berdasarkan Amendment To Power PurchaseAgreement antara PT.
    Putusan Nomor 1341/B/PK/PJK/20178.6. 9.4.2 The Restructuring Settlement Payments are inaddition to any and all other payments to be made underthis Agreement, and shall be made without defense,challenge, setoff or counterclaim (other than anycalculation or input error in one or more RSP Invoice),and without regards to the actual or deemedavailabilityor unavailability of the Plant during any Billing Period orseries of Billing Periods or otherwise, and irrespective ofeither Partys default, failure to
    Notwithstanding theforegoing, theRestructuring Settlement Payments shall be due andpayable at the time, in the manner and as calculated asset forth in Appendix F in the circumstances set forththerein;d. Section 3.22 (g):Appendix F of the Original PPA is amended by adding anew Section 2.2. (b) (ili) as follows, and changing thesection number of Section 2.2. (b) (ili) in the Original PPAto Section 2.2.
Register : 17-05-2013 — Putus : 20-08-2015 — Upload : 27-12-2017
Putusan PN JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 312/Pdt.G/2013/PN.Jkt.Sel.
  • (d) The arbitration shall be conducted by a sole arbitrator tobeappointed by the mutual agreement of the Sellers and thePurchasers and in case of those parties fail to appoint thearbitrator within sixty (60) days then the arbitrator shall beappointed by the Chairmain of SIAC which shall appoint anindependent arbitrator who shall not have any financialinterest in the dispute, controversy or claim.
    If the arbitrator dies orbecomes physically incapacitated and is unable to fulfill hisor her duties as an arbitrator, the replacement shall onappointed by the Purchasers. Any award by the arbitratorshall be based on the terms of the Agrement and shall notmake the award injustice and fairness.
    (e) Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing by the partiesto the arbitration proceedings:(i) the arbitration proceedings shall be held in Singapore;(ii) the arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in theEnglish language and the arbitrators shall be fluent inthe English language;(iii)the arbitration proceedings shall be conducted inaccordance with the Rules of SIAC in effect;(iv) the costs of the arbitration proceedings shall be borne inthe manner determined by the arbitrators; and(v) consequential
    (f) The venue of the arbitration shall be at Singapore and thelanguage or arbitration shall be English;Halaman 126 dari 275 hal. Putusan No.312/Pdt.G/2013/PN.Jkt.Sel.The award shall be in writing and in reasonable detail, setforth the facts of the dispute, the arbitrator's decision andthe reasons for the decision and any award shall be basedon the terms of the Agreement and shall not make theaward injustice and fairness.
    dispute, then suchdispute shall be settled exclusively and finally byarbitration.
Putus : 19-10-2017 — Upload : 29-12-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 952 K/Pdt.Sus-KPPU/2017
294281 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Bidders shall submit and meet all equipment criteria stipulated inExhibit Al (JackUp Drilling Rig);2. Bidders shall submit list of personnel and their CV for this projectfulfilling the requrements as stipulated in Exhibit A2. 1;Hal. 40 dari 139 hal Put.
    Nomor 952 K/Pdt.SusKPPU/201710.11.12.Bidders shall submit Confirmation Letter of delivery equipment for 6months from contract award (while performing modification requiredfor BD);Bidders shall submit Valid MIGAS or International Well ControlForum (IWCF) certificate of Offshore Installation Manager (OIM),Tool Pusher, Driller, Derrick man and Roughneck;Bidders shall submit MoU Letter between Contractor and Rig owner(if Contractor is not a Rig owner);Bidders shall submit MOU Letter between Contractor
    andCementing Unit Company (for Rig that does not have integralCementing Unit);Bidders shall submit ORiginal Companys Statement Letter forprovision of SILO certificate before performing the services;Bidders shall submit Statement letter of any scheduled requirementof dry docking or mandatory inspection that may impact HCMLdrilling schedule;Bidders shall have experience drilling HTHP, directional and sourgas wells;Bidders shall submit statement letter that its offered JackUp shallundergo a Moduspec
    Moduspec or equivalent inspection, if donewithin prior 6 months will be acceptable;Bidders shall submit statement letter that they obey to shall modifyequipment as per COMPANY requirement (elaborate);Bidder shall fulfill all prevailing government regulation regarding theflagging;Terjemahan bebas:Kriteria Evaluasi Teknis (Wajib):1.Peserta Tender wajib menyampaikan dan memenuhi semua kriteriaperalatan yang diatur dalam Exhibit Al (JackUp Drilling Rig);Peserta Tender wajib menyampaikan daftar personil
    Bidders shall submit list of personnel andtheir CV for this project fulfilling the requirements as stipulated in Exhibit"A2. ".
Putus : 31-10-2016 — Upload : 20-04-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 2010 K/Pdt/2016
206146 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Nomor 2010 k/Pdt/201610.11.sesuai dengan yang diatur dalam Pasal 14 ayat (14.1) Perjanjian antaraPenggugat dengan Tergugat , yang berbunyi sebagai berikut:"A party (the "affected party") shall not be liable for its inability to perform itsobligations under this Contract if such inability is a result of causes beyondits reasonable control, including but not limited to events such as strikesand labor disturbances, accident, war, invasion, riot, rebellion, civilcommotion, insurrection, ship breakdown
    In no event shall failures of performance of the Seller'ssuppliers, shippers, brokers or commercial agents shall constitute ForceMajeure unless such failure is the result of a Force Majeure event affectingthe supplier, shipper, broker or commercial agent as defined in the relevantagreement.
    Further, in no event shall the Seller's economic hardshipconstitute Force Majeure;Bahwa berdasarkan Pasal 14 ayat (14.2) Perjanjian "Contract ConcerningSupply & Purchase of Industrial Diesel Oil", dimana diatur setelahterjadinya suatu peristiwa Force Majeure pihak yang mengalami keadaantersebut harus melakukan pemberitahuan kepada pihak lain, dimanapemberitahuan tersebut memuat mengenai rincian keadaan Force Majeureyang dialami serta durasi kemungkinan ketidakmampuan pihak yangterkena dampak Force
    Pdt/201615.2011 antara Penggugat dan Turut Tergugat serta menanggung segalakerugian yang timbul terhadap Penggugat atas transaksi tersebut;Bahwa selain Pasal 3 huruf (a) di atas, berdasarkan Pasal 3 huruf (e)Perjanjian Kerjasama antara Penggugat dengan Tergugat tertanggal 12Agustus 2011, yang berbunyi sebagai berikut:"Any failure to supply IDO to PT Inalum based on "Contract ConcerningSupply & Purchase of Industrial Diesel Oil No.SMTMP1150012" dated12th August 2011 between Petrobas and PT Inalum shall
    Nomor 2010 k/Pdt/2016by mutual accord shall be settled by arbitration in Badan ArbitraseNasionel Indonesia (BANI) Jakarta, Indonesia. Such arbitrationshall be conducted in the Indonesian language.
Putus : 31-08-2017 — Upload : 01-11-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1219/B/PK/PJK/2017
Tanggal 31 Agustus 2017 — PT PERTAMINA (Persero) vs. DIREKTUR JENDERAL PAJAK
3324 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Tf at suchSpecial allesation Precedures resoCosta willl be adepted as may beThe charces providedS@parately foc e2eh salesCash calla and debit nores byProducers in accordance with (che Accounting Proceduce.Such charges and Bayments, shall. be suSject! te adprevided in tha Accounting Procedure.
    CallsA, i i From time to time, as necessacy, Plant Operator shall cashcall. from Producars; and Produedrs shall pay or cause. to bePaid fo Blant Operater in og Sollacs their respeceienshares, Stparately determined as provided in Section 8.01 ofthe Agreement, of projected net Cash Fequirements Fer eachof: (a) Plane Operating Costs; and(5) the eests er Currently Panded Capital Projectsfor a iCllendar senth ofr Part Ehttesl, as @@t ferkth in suchCash calls,The cash eallea For Plank Operating Casts and
    Putusan Nomor 1219/B/PK/PJK/2017 The due date for each cash sll shall bie S06 by PlaneSives Producers at leastOPerater, provided Plant Operatesfe ' : roO Weeks!
    ToEne extent practicable, Plant Oferater shall place thezx funds received pursuant ta cash calle in faterestearaingacecunes; ell interest earned thereon Shall be credited tePlant Operating Costs and Rotice of such amounts Bhall Se delivered to the Producers.Gambar VI. Lanjutan Artice 2 Exhibit A BADAK LNG (BONTANG LNG)PROCESSING AGREEMENT (Amended & Restatted, 1988):b.
    To the extent that funds are then held inthe Badak Payment Account the Trustee shall, promptly upon reeeiptef notice from both Pertamina and the Contractors thet any suchinvoice has been approved for payment, pay to the Liquefaction Compooy from the Dodok Payment Account the amount of such invoice,porsuant to procedures to be agreed upon pursuant to Section 6.2,62 Pertamina and the Contrastors shall agree with the Liquefaction Company on appropriate procedures for the payment of funds10payaldo to
Register : 27-06-2013 — Putus : 24-11-2014 — Upload : 18-12-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.57671/PP/M.IA/16/2014
Tanggal 24 Nopember 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • PSC antara lain dinyatakan: The cost accruing therefrom shall be included in operating costs recoverable asprovided in section VI.
    theAccounting Procedure attached hereto by written agreement of PERTAMINA, CNWwill not incur interest expenses to finance its operations hereunder".bahwa terkait dengan alokasi biaya overhead kantor pusat, terdapat beberapaketentuann yang berlaku, antara lain :Article Ill angka 2 Exibit C PSC, antara lain dinyatakan:Overhead allocation.General and administrative costs, other than direct charges, allocable to thisoperation should be determined by a detailed study, and the method determined bysuch study shall
    The Last sentence of Article 3.3 of Exibit D the PSC is amended to be: "The Directand indirect costs incurred by PHE OGAN KOMERING as Operator and TALISMANin so providing assistance to Operator shall be charged to the Joint Account andsahall be Included in operating costs".Surat Direktur Utama Pertamina Nomor: 947/C.0000/81 Tanggal 5 Juni Tahun 1981,antara lain dinyatakan:" perdasarkan halhal tersebut diatas dan Pertamina selaku pemegang managementdidalam penerapan management control sesuai dengan
Register : 27-06-2013 — Putus : 24-11-2014 — Upload : 18-12-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.57669/PP/M.IA/16/2014
Tanggal 24 Nopember 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • PSC antara lain dinyatakan: The cost accruing therefrom shall be included in operating costs recoverable asprovided in section VI.
    theAccounting Procedure attached hereto by written agreement of PERTAMINA, CNWwill not incur interest expenses to finance its operations hereunder".bahwa terkait dengan alokasi biaya overhead kantor pusat, terdapat beberapaketentuann yang berlaku, antara lain :Article Ill angka 2 Exibit C PSC, antara lain dinyatakan:Overhead allocation.General and administrative costs, other than direct charges, allocable to thisoperation should be determined by a detailed study, and the method determined bysuch study shall
    The Last sentence of Article 3.3 of Exibit D the PSC is amended to be: "The Directand indirect costs incurred by PHE OGAN KOMERING as Operator and TALISMANin so providing assistance to Operator shall be charged to the Joint Account andsahall be Included in operating costs".Surat Direktur Utama Pertamina Nomor: 947/C.0000/81 Tanggal 5 Juni Tahun 1981,antara lain dinyatakan:" perdasarkan halhal tersebut diatas dan Pertamina selaku pemegang managementdidalam penerapan management control sesuai dengan
Register : 27-06-2013 — Putus : 24-11-2014 — Upload : 18-12-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.57668/PP/M.IA/16/2014
Tanggal 24 Nopember 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • PSC antara lain dinyatakan: The cost accruing therefrom shall be included in operating costs recoverable asprovided in section VI.
    theAccounting Procedure attached hereto by written agreement of PERTAMINA, CNWwill not incur interest expenses to finance its operations hereunder".bahwa terkait dengan alokasi biaya overhead kantor pusat, terdapat beberapaketentuann yang berlaku, antara lain :Article Ill angka 2 Exibit C PSC, antara lain dinyatakan:Overhead allocation.General and administrative costs, other than direct charges, allocable to thisoperation should be determined by a detailed study, and the method determined bysuch study shall
    The Last sentence of Article 3.3 of Exibit D the PSC is amended to be: "The Directand indirect costs incurred by PHE OGAN KOMERING as Operator and TALISMANin so providing assistance to Operator shall be charged to the Joint Account andsahall be Included in operating costs";Surat Direktur Utama Pertamina Nomor: 947/C.0000/81 Tanggal 5 Juni Tahun 1981,antara lain dinyatakan:" perdasarkan halhal tersebut diatas dan Pertamina selaku pemegang managementdidalam penerapan management control sesuai dengan
Register : 30-04-2013 — Putus : 16-01-2014 — Upload : 15-04-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor PUT-49926/PP/M.VII/19/2014
Tanggal 16 Januari 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Stempel pada kolom 12 (Certification) pada Form E NomorE123702010680024 tanggal 24 Nopember 2012 berbeda dengancontoh pada specimen.h. bahwa berdasarkan REVISED OPERATIONAL CERTIFICATIONPROCEDURES FOR THE RULES OF ORIGIN OF THE ASEANCHINAFREE TRADE AREA, disebutkan: Rule 7 (a)The Issuing Authorities shall, to the best of their competence and ability,carry out proper examination of each application for the Certificate ofOrigin (Form E) to ensure that: (a) The application and the Certificate ofOrigin
    Form E), andsigned by the authorised signatory;i. bahwa berdasarkan REVISED OPERATIONAL CERTIFICATIONPROCEDURES FOR THE RULES OF ORIGIN OF THE ASEANCHINAFREE TRADE AREA, disebutkan dalam Rule 18:Rule 18(a) The Customs Authority of the importing Parry may request a retroactivecheck at random and/or when it has reasonable doubt as to theauthenticity of the document or as to the accuracy of the informationregarding the true origin of the products in question or of certain partsthereof.i, The request shall
    be made in writing, accompanied with a copy ofthe Certificate of Origin (Form E) and shall specify the reasons andany additional information suggesting that the particulars given onthe said Certificate of Origin (Form E) may be inaccurate, unlessthe retroactive check is requested on a random basis;ii.
    The Customs Authority or the Issuing Authorities of the exportingParty receiving a request for retroactive check shall respond to therequest promptly and reply not later than ninety (90) days after thereceipt of the request.J. bahwa ketentuan yang mengatur tentang Penetapan Tarif Bea Masuk DalamRangka ASEANChina Free Trade Area (ACFTA) adalah PeraturanMenteri Keuangan Nomor 117/PMK.011/2012 tanggal 10 Juli 2012.Peraturan Menteri Keuangan ini mulai berlaku pada tanggal 10 Juli 2012,k. bahwa sesuai
Register : 21-10-2013 — Putus : 14-10-2014 — Upload : 12-11-2015
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor Put.56116/PP/M.IXA/19/2014
Tanggal 14 Oktober 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • Nations And The Peoples Republic Of China,dalam melaksanakan kerjasama ACFTA dimaksud disepakati untuk menggunakanRule of Origin (ROO) Form E atau Surat Keterangan Asal Barang Form E, yangdiatur secara rinci dalam Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) ForThe Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area.bahwa berdasarkan Appendix 1: Revised Operational Certification Procedures (OCP)For The Rules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 7dinyatakan The Issuing Authorities shall
    notes of the Certificate of Origin (Form E), and signed by theauthorised signatory;The origin of the product is in conformity with the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA;The other statements of the Certificate of Origin (Form E) correspond to supporting documentaryevidence submitted;Description, quantity and weight of products, marks and number of packages, number and kinds ofpackages, as specified, conform to the products to be exported;Multiple items declared on the same Certificate of Origin (Form E) shall
    be allowed subject to thedomestic laws, regulations and administrative rules of the importing Party provided each item mustqualify separately in its own right;bahwa berdasarkan Annex 3: Operational Certification Procedures (OCP) For TheRules Of Origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area pada Rule 3 dinyatakanWithin the meaning of Rule 2 (a), the following shall be considered as whollyproduced or obtained in a Party:Plant and plant products harvested, picked or gathered there,Live animals 2 born and
Putus : 22-11-2016 — Upload : 13-02-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 810/B/PK/PJK/2016
4316 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Blant Operator and paid syProducers in accordance with che Accounting WividietacieSuch charges and Payments shall be subject!
    Cash CallsAl, i i From time to time, as necessary, Plant Operator shall cashCali ftomProducers,; and Producers shall pay or cause. to bePaid S Blant Gpetater in G5 dollars their Fespecel vashares, separately determined as Provided in Section 8.01 afthe Agreement, of Prejected net eash Fquirements For eachof:(a) Plant Operating Costs; and(5) the eests ef Currently Funded Capital ProjectsEOr @ calendar sonth or part Eh@resl, as @28t forth in suchCash calls,The cash alles for Plant Operating Costs and
    CurrentlyFunded Capital Profeces shall be shown sepacately and ahald= 8 aeordance with Producers" latest egtimates of eachSales Contracts Percentage as determined under Article Liof the Agreement, Te curing 4 yeac there Shall be aFevision in the estimate of a Sales Conkract's Percentage,Or if the Final determination of Such Sales Conmtrace'sPercentage pursuant te.
    the amount of auchSECSES.Es Te the extent practicable, Plant Operater shail place thefunds received pursuant to fash calls in interestearningSCCOUnES; #11 interest earned thereon Shall be credited toPlant Operating Costs and Retice of such amunes Shall tedelivered ta the Producers.
    To the extent that funds are then held inthe Badak Poyment Account the Trustee shall, prompily apon receiptef notice from both Pertamina and the Contractors that any suchinvoice has been approved for payment, pay to the Liquefaction Compooy from the Todok Payment Account the amount of swch invoice,porsuant to procedures to be agreed upon pursuant to Section 6.2,62 Pertamina and the Contrasters shall agree with the Liquefaction Company on appropriate procedures for the payment of funds10poyalde to
Putus : 22-11-2016 — Upload : 13-02-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 807/B/PK/PJK/2016
3416 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • CallsFrom time to time, as hecessacy, Plant Operater shall cashCall fromProducers; and Producrs shall pay or Cause. to bePaid S Blant Opetater in OS dollars their Fespece lveShares, separately detersined as Provided in Section .01 a4Eh@ Agreement, of Projected net cash Fequirements For eachof:(2) Plane Operating Costs; and(5) the eests ef Currntly Funded Capital Projectsfer a calendar senth or Bart thefteol., as get ferth in suckCash calls,The cash calla for Stane Operating Casts and CurrenelyFunded
    Capital Profeces shall be shown sepacately and ahaldhe in ateordance with Producers" latest estimates of #achSales CORtract' a Percentage as determined under Artiele 11of the Agreement, Te curing @ yeac there ghall be aFeviston in the estimate sf 4 Sales Conteract's Percentage,or if the Final determination of such Sales Contraee'sPercentage pursuant to.
    TE the cash calls for a given mesth in the aggregate exceedActual expenditures fer said month, che cash call nextSucceeding the issuance of the cebit aeke referred to inSection 7 below shall be reduced by the ameunt of suchSEC#ES.Es To the extent practicable, Flant Operater shall place thefunds received Pursuant fo cash calls in faterestearningeccounts; all interest earned thereon Shall be credited esPlant Operating Cests aad Rotice of such amsunts Shall bedelivered ta the Producers. Gambar VI.
    Putusan Nomor 807/B/PK/PJK/2016Payment Instruction tersebut diterbitkan atas dasarTRUSTEE AND PAYING AGENT AGREEMENT (1974): ARTICLE 6Disscasements Wits Resrectvo Process Cowes6.1 Portamina and the Contractors shall submit to the Trusteeinvoices received by them from the Liquefaction Company on accountof LNG Processing Fees.
    Io the extent that funds are then held inthe Badak Payment Account the Trustee shall, prompily upon receiptef notice from both Pertamina and the Contractors that any suchinvoice haa been approved for payment, pay to the Liquefaction Com.pouy from the Bodok Payment Account the amount of such involve,porsuant to procedures to be agreed upon pursuant te Section 6.2,62 Pertamina and the Contrastors shall agree with the Liquefaction Company on appropriate procedures for the payment of funds10poyalde io