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Urut Berdasarkan
Register : 03-05-2017 — Putus : 06-06-2017 — Upload : 08-03-2018
Putusan PN BALIKPAPAN Nomor 272/Pid.B/LH/2017/PN Bpp
Tanggal 6 Juni 2017 — ALIMUDIN Bin LAMPINA
  • Menetapkan barang bukti berupa:- 25 (dua puluh lima) drum terdiri dari:- 18 (Delapan belas) drum berisi olie bekas;- 7 (tujuh) drum berisi grease bekas; Untuk dimusnahkan;5. Membebankan kepada terdakwa membayar biaya perkara sejumlah Rp.5.000,- (Lima ribu rupiah);
Register : 14-10-2009 — Putus : 10-11-2009 — Upload : 18-12-2011
Putusan PA MOJOKERTO Nomor 1575/Pdt.G/2009/PA.Mr
Tanggal 10 Nopember 2009 — PENGGUGAT DAN TERGUGAT
  • Membebankan Penggugat membayar biaya perkara ini sesuaidengan peraturan perundang undangan yang berlaku;4 semees Atau. jika Pengadilan Agama Mojokerto berpendapat lain,Penggugat mohon putusan yang seadi =BOLI YE j= = iseenice oe deme aiemise Some me Rise SRE SS Oe GREASE He ee RRRee Menimbang, bahwa pada hari persidangan yang telahditetapkan Penggugat telah hadir sendiri, sedangkan Tergugattelah tidak datang menghadap dan tidak menyuruh orang lain untukmenghadap sebagai wakil/Kuasanya, meskipun telah
Register : 06-02-2020 — Putus : 23-04-2020 — Upload : 24-04-2020
Putusan PN DENPASAR Nomor 105/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Dps
Tanggal 23 April 2020 — Penuntut Umum:
A.A Alit Rai Suastika, SH
I Made Sudaris
  • Jumlah



    Invoice Progress 100% yang dikeluarkan oleh PT JAYA BALI SEJAHTERA Nomor 002/JBS/IN-PRG/GRT-MBG/VI016 tanggal 24 Juni 2016

    1 Lembar



    Kwitansi yang dikeluarkan oleh PT JAYA BALI SEJAHTERA tanggal 24 Juni 2016 untuk pembayaran progress 100% Paket pekerjaan grease

    Bali, banyaknya uang Rp 47.850.000,-

    1 Lembar



    Faktur Pajak nomor 011.031-16.02833433 tanggal 24 Juni 2016

    1 Lembar



    Kwitansi yang dikeluarkan oleh PT JAYA BALI SEJAHTERA tanggal 31 Mei 2016 untuk pembayaran down payment 50% Paket pekerjaan grease

    Foto9 SPT Masa PPN Masa Pajak Mei 2016. 1 set Copy10 SPT Masa PPN Masa Pajak Juli 2016 1 set Copy11 Perjanjian Kerja Kontrak ME Grease Trap 1 set Copy Nomor 003/IE/ME/BTGAL/V/16PRJ Dikembalikan kepada Saksi ENI: No.
    JAYA BALISEJAHTERA dalam hal pekerjaan Grease Trap TOKO BREADTALK MALL BALIGALERIA BALIBahwa pekerjaan untuk kepentingan PT TALKINDO SELAKSA ANUGRAH yangmelakukan penunjukan vendor adalah pihak dari MALL BALI GALERIA Karenaitu adalah permintaan dari MALL BALI GALERIA yang telah mempersiapkanvendor untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan ituBahwa kontrak atau perjanjian kerja antara PT TALKINDO SELAKSAANUGRAH dengan PT JAYA BALI SEJAHTERA berdasarkan Perjanjian KerjaKontraktor ME GREASE TRAP nomor : 003/IE/ME
    Foto pengerjaan Panel, Pompa Grease 9 Lembar Hasil PrintTrap, dan Instalasi Kabel.
    Foto9 SPT Masa PPN Masa Pajak Mei 2016. 1 set Copy10 SPT Masa PPN Masa Pajak Juli 2016 1 set Copy11 Perjanjian Kerja Kontrak ME Grease Trap 1 set Copy Nomor 003/IE/ME/BTGAL/V/16PRJ Disita dari SYAHRUL MISBAH, Aparatur Sipil Negara, dengan barang bukti berupa : No.
    Foto9 SPT Masa PPN Masa Pajak Mei 2016. 1 set Copy10 SPT Masa PPN Masa Pajak Juli 2016 1 set Copy11 Perjanjian Kerja Kontrak ME Grease Trap 1 set CopyNomor 003/IE/ME/BTGAL/V/16PRJ Dikembalikan kepada Saksi ENI; No.
Putus : 12-05-2014 — Upload : 22-10-2014
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 497 K/Pid.Sus/2014
Tanggal 12 Mei 2014 — : Ir. H. SYAFRINAL HEDY, MM. bin (alm) H. SYAMSANI
4925 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Unsur biaya yang terkait langsungdengan operasional : Perintisan 161.500.000,00 Melting 160.000.000,00 Mobilisasi dan Demobilisasi 800.000.000,00 BBM, Oli dan Grease 6.082.945.950,00 Premi Operator 1.130.500.000,00 Penjaga Exavator 160.000.000,00 Hal. 4 dari 85 hal. Put. No. 497 K/Pid.Sus/20142. Harga Satuan/Cost Pekerjaan Saluran Trio Tata Air volume 292.000 meter3.
    Unsur biaya yang terkait langsungdengan operasional : Perintisan,00 Melting 146.000.000,00 Mobilisasi dan Demobilisasi 664.000.000,00 BBM, Oli dan Grease 6.068.986.000,00 Premi Operator,00 Penjaga Exavator 146.000.000,00 Servis 328.500.000,00 Suku Cadang 793.288.000,00Jumlah Biaya Operasional 10.219.974.000,00Jumlah DPA (1 + 2) 10.700.000.000,00Volume pekerjaan meter lari (m1) 292.000,00Harga Satuan Operasional TanggulMekanik Per m1 (meter lari), JumlahDPA: Volume Pekerjaan
    No. 497 K/Pid.Sus/2014 Unsur biaya yang terkait langsungdengan operasional : Perintisan 59.500.000,00 Melting 8.000.000,00 Mobilisasi dan Demobilisasi 28.000.000,00 BBM, Oli dan Grease 312.219.770,00 Premi Operator 59.500.000,00 Penjaga Exavator 10.000.000,00 Servis 24.000.000,00 Suku Cadang 57.296.000,00Jumlah Biaya Operasional 558.515.770,00Jumlah DPA (1 + 2) 598.565.770,00Volume pekerjaan meter lari (m1) 17.000,00Harga Satuan Operasional TanggulMekanik Per m1 (meter lari), Jumlah 32.853,00DPA:
    Unsur biaya yang terkait langsungdengan operasional : Perintisan 48.000.000,00 Melting 20.000.000,00 Mobilisasi dan Demobilisasi 70.000.000,00 BBM, Oli dan Grease 881.556.320,00 Premi Operator 168.000.000,00 Penjaga Exavator 20.000.000,00 Servis 90.000.000,0081.600.000,00 Jumlah Biaya Operasional1.379.156.320,00 Jumlah DPA (1 + 2)1.388.056.320,00 Volume pekerjaan meter lari (m1)48.000,00 Harga Satuan Operasional Tanggul Hal. 6 dari 85 hal. Put.
    Unsur biaya yang terkait langsungdengan operasional : Perintisan 59.500.000,00 Melting 8.000.000,00 Mobilisasi dan Demobilisasi 28.000.000,00 BBM, Oli dan Grease 312.219.770,00 Premi Operator 59.500.000,00 Penjaga Exavator 10.000.000,00 Servis 24.000.000,00 Suku Cadang 57.296.000,00Jumlah Biaya Operasional 558.515.770,00Jumlah DPA (1 + 2) 598.565.770,00Volume pekerjaan meter lari (m1) 17.000,00 Hal. 23 dari 85 hal. Put.
Putus : 24-02-2011 — Upload : 24-11-2014
Putusan PN KUDUS Nomor 52/Pdt.P/2011/PN.Kds.
Tanggal 24 Februari 2011 — IEIN KRISTYAWATI
  • Panitera Penggantipada Pengadilan Negeri tersebut dan dihadiri oleh pemohon.Panitera Pengganti HakimTTD TTDTRIMO, S.H SOMADI S HBiayabiaya permohonan : Pendaftaran......... ee Rp. 30.000, Biaya Proses.....c ee eee Rp. 50.000, Panggilan.... eee Rp. 60.000,GREASE secswssosssvenseevescocvavenssewsnes Rp. 5.000,@ Mete tater: gypsy ees Rp. 6.000. +
Putus : 06-12-2019 — Upload : 21-02-2020
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 4265/B/PK/Pjk/2019
5460 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • ., bedroom slippers).CF) Footwear obtained in a single piece, Particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.CBy Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease, chemicals or cold.co) Overshoes worn ower other footwear; in some cases, they are heelless.(10) Disposable footwear, with applied soles, generally designed to be uscd only once.Halaman 9 dari 33 halaman.
    skiboots and crosscountry ski footwear, snowboard boots, wrestlingboots, boxing boots and cycling shoes (see Subheading Note 1 to the Chapter).Rollerskatin or iceskating boots with skates fixed to the soles, are, however, excludedC(heading 95.06).(3) Dancing slippers.C6) House footwear (e.g., bedroom slippers).CFy Footwear obtained in a single picce, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.C3) Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease
Register : 08-01-2020 — Putus : 30-01-2020 — Upload : 12-05-2020
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 38 B/PK/PJK/2020
8230 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • ., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8 Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease, chemicals or cold.(9) Overshoes worn over other footwear; in some cases, they are heelless.(10) Disposable footwear, with applied soles, generally designed to be used only once.Halaman 10 dari 39 halaman.
    , skiboots and crosscountry ski footwear, snowboard boots, wrestlingboots, boxing boots and cycling shoes (see Subheading Note 1 to the Chapter).Rollerskating or iceskating boots with skates fixed to the soles, are, however, excluded(heading 95.06).(5) Dancing slippers.(6) House footwear (e.g., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8 Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease
    boots, skiboots and crosscountry ski footwear, snowboard boots, wrestlingboots, boxing boots and cycling shoes (see Subheading Note to the Chapter).Rollerskating or iceskating boots with skates fixed to the soles, are, however, excluded(heading 95.06).(5) Dancing slippers.(6) House footwear (e.g., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8 Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease
Register : 09-10-2019 — Putus : 07-11-2019 — Upload : 08-11-2019
Putusan PA PONTIANAK Nomor 1051/Pdt.G/2019/PA.Ptk
Tanggal 7 Nopember 2019 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • Pasal4 Kompilasi Hukum Islam adalah apabila perkawinannya dilakukan menuruthukum Islam;Menimbang, bahwa untuk mempertimbangkan lebih lanjut Majelis Hakimperlu mengetengahkan sebuah Hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad dariImran bin Hushain yang berbunyi :ols) Jre gaalis tos VI CUS Y ts aby cule ail be tl Jp iy Ge Grease Cp Ge Gs(dilare Ge oo 9) Jais Cy realArtinya : Dari Imran bin Hushain, dari Nabi SAW. telah bersabda : Tidaklahsah suatu nikah, tanpa adanya wali dan dihadiri oleh dua orang saksiyang
Putus : 30-01-2020 — Upload : 08-07-2020
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 425/B/PK/Pjk/2020
31270 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • ., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8 Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease, chemicals or cold.9 Overshoes worn over other footwear; in some cases, they are heelless.(10) Disposable footwear, with applied soles, generally designed to be used only once.Halaman 11 dari 30 halaman.
    , skiboots and crosscountry ski footwear, snowboard boots, wrestlingboots, boxing boots and cycling shoes (see Subheading Note 1 to the Chapter).Rollerskating or iceskating boots with skates fixed to the soles, are, however, excluded(heading 95.06).(5) Dancing slippers.(6) House footwear (e.g., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8 Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease
    boots, skiboots and crosscountry ski footwear, snowboard boots, wrestlingboots, boxing boots and cycling shoes (see Subheading Note 1 to the Chapter).Fon ane or iceskating boots with skates fixed to the soles, are, however, excluded(heading 95.06).(5) Dancing slippers.(6) House footwear (e.g., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8) Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease
Putus : 30-01-2020 — Upload : 08-07-2020
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 428/B/PK/Pjk/2020
27664 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • ., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.8 Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease, chemicals or cold.9) Overshoes worn over other footwear; in some cases, they are heelless.(10) Disposable footwear, with applied soles, generally designed to be used only once.Halaman 10 dari 28 halaman.
    skiboots and crosscountry ski footwear, snowboard boots, wrestlingboots, boxing boots and cycling shoes (see Subheading Note 1 to the Chapter).Rollerskating or iceskating boots with skates fixed to the soles, are, however, excluded(heading 95.06).(5) Dancing slippers.(6) House footwear (e.g., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8) Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease
    andskating boots, skiboots and crosscountry ski footwear, snowboard boots, wrestlingboots, boxing boots and cycling shoes (see Subheading Note 1 to the Chapter).Aceon or iceskating boots with skates fixed to the soles, are, however, excluded(heading 95.06).(5) Dancing slippers.(6) House footwear (e.g., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8 Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease
Register : 04-04-2013 — Putus : 30-01-2014 — Upload : 17-04-2014
Putusan PENGADILAN PAJAK Nomor PUT.50209/PP/M.VII/19/2014
Tanggal 30 Januari 2014 — Pemohon Banding dan Terbanding
  • menerbitkan SPKTNP Nomor: SPKTNP47/KPU.01/2013 tanggal 5Maret 2013 yang menetapkan kekurangan pembayaran Bea Masuk Tindakan Pengamanandan/atau pajak dalam rangka impor sebesar Rp.467.150.000,00;bahwa Pemohon Banding tidak setuju atas penetapan Terbanding karena menurut PemohonBanding, bahwa barang yang Pemohon Banding impor tidak masuk kategori (sink teknistersebut), karena steel wire rope yang Pemohon Banding impor berintikan core yang terbuatdari cellulose bukan dari kawat baja dan didalamnya terdapat grease
Putus : 06-12-2019 — Upload : 20-02-2020
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 4235/B/PK/Pjk/2019
4121 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • skiboots and crosscountry ski footwear, snowboard boots, wrestlingboots. boxing boots and cycling shoes (see Subheading Mote 1 to the Chapter).Rollerskating or iceskating boots with skates fixed to the soles, are, however, excluded(heading 95.06).(5) Dancing slippers.(6) House footwear (c.2.. bedroom slippers).C7) Footuvear obtained in a single picce, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8) Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease
Putus : 30-01-2020 — Upload : 19-02-2020
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 509/B/PK/Pjk/2020
5819 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • ., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8 Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease, chemicals or cold.(9) Overshoes worn over other footwear; in some cases, they are heelless.(10) Disposable footwear, with applied soles, generally designed to be used only once.Halaman 8 dari 36 halaman.
    boots, skiboots and crosscountry ski footwear, snowboard boots, wrestlingboots, boxing boots and cycling shoes (see Subheading Note 1 to the Chapter).a aecael or iceskating boots with skates fixed to the soles, are, however, excluded(heading 95.06).(5) Dancing slippers.(6) House footwear (e.g., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8) Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease
Register : 15-01-2020 — Putus : 30-01-2020 — Upload : 27-02-2020
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 508 B/PK/PJK/2020
8059 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • ., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8) Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease, chemicals or cold.(9) Overshoes worn over other footwear; in some cases, they are heelless.(10) Disposable footwear, with applied soles, generally designed to be used only once.Halaman 8 dari 38 halaman.
    boots, skiboots and crosscountry ski footwear, snowboard boots, wrestlingboots, boxing boots and cycling shoes (see Subheading Note 1 to the Chapter).Face Sen or iceskating boots with skates fixed to the soles, are, however, excluded(heading 95.06).(5) Dancing slippers.(6) House footwear (e.g., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8) Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease
    boots, skiboots and crosscountry ski footwear, snowboard boots, wrestlingboots, boxing boots and cycling shoes (see Subheading Note to the Chapter).Rollerskating or iceskating boots with skates fixed to the soles, are, however, excluded(heading 95.06).(5) Dancing slippers.(6) House footwear (e.g., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8 Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease
Register : 16-09-2019 — Putus : 28-10-2019 — Upload : 23-12-2019
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 4039 B/PK/PJK/2019
4719 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • ., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8 Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease, chemicals or cold.(9) Overshoes worm over other footwear; in some cases, they are heelless.(10) Disposable footwear, with applied soles, generally designed to be used only once.Halaman 9 dari 33 halaman.
    skiboots and crosscountry ski footwear, snowboard boots, wrestlingboots, boxing boots and cycling shoes (see Subheading Note 1 to the Chapter).Rollerskating or iceskating boots with skates fixed to the soles, are, however, excluded(heading 95.06).(5) Dancing slippers.(6) House footwear (e.g., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8) Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease
    , skiboots and crosscountry ski footwear, snowboard boots, wrestlingboots, boxing boots and cycling shoes (see Subheading Note 1 to the Chapter).Rollerskating or iceskating boots with skates fixed to the soles, are, however, excluded(heading 95.06).(5) Dancing slippers.(6) House footwear (e.g., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8 Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease
Register : 16-09-2019 — Putus : 29-10-2019 — Upload : 21-02-2020
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 4024 B/PK/PJK/2019
8116 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • ., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8 Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease, chemicals or cold.(9) Overshoes worn over other footwear; in some cases, they are heelless.(10) Disposable footwear, with applied soles, generally designed to be used only once.Halaman 10 dari 33 halaman.
    , skiboots and crosscountry ski footwear, snowboard boots, wrestlingboots, boxing boots and cycling shoes (see Subheading Note 1 to the Chapter).Rollerskating or iceskating boots with skates fixed to the soles, are, however, excluded(heading 95.06).(5) Dancing slippers.(6) House footwear (e.g., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8 Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease
    skiboots and crosscountry ski footwear, snowboard boots, wrestlingboots, boxing boots and cycling shoes (see Subheading Note 1 to the Chapter).Rollerskating or iceskating boots with skates fixed to the soles, are, however, excluded(heading 95.06).(5) Dancing slippers.(6) House footwear (e.g., bedroom slippers).(7) Footwear obtained in a single piece, particularly by moulding rubber or plastics or bycarving from a solid piece of wood.(8) Other footwear specially designed to protect against oil, grease
Register : 19-07-2013 — Putus : 21-08-2013 — Upload : 25-06-2019
Putusan PT SAMARINDA Nomor 86/PID/2013/PTSMDA
Tanggal 21 Agustus 2013 — Pembanding/Terdakwa : Yuliana binti H. M. Arsyad
Terbanding/Jaksa Penuntut : CLAUDIA F, LAKOY S.H
  • MALLARANGIT ialah sebagai berikut :Tanggal 11 Juli 2012 :grease gun (1) unit Rp 140.000,. ;double box end wrench (1) unit Rp 700.000 = jerneeeneenneegear puller 3 arm (1) unit Rp 395.000, ;gear puller 2 arm (1) unit Rp 1.70.000, ;3447 2 arm gear puller (1) unit Rp 417.000, ;3448 2 arm gear puller (1) unit Rp 900.000, ;File and rasp (1) unit Rp 190.000, ;Hyblolic garage (1) unit Rp 5.000.000, foeeeeeewenHeavy duty lever (1) unit Rp 1.050.000,.
Putus : 10-10-2013 — Upload : 30-01-2014
Putusan PN PEKANBARU Nomor 28/Pid.Sus/Tipikor/2013/PN.PBR
Tanggal 10 Oktober 2013 —
  • Unsur biaya yang terkait langsungdengan operasional Halaman 6 dari 246 halaman Putusan No : 28/Pid.Sus/Tipikor/2013/PN.PBR Perintisan 161.500.000,00 Melting 160.000.000,00 Mobilisasi dan Demobilisasi 800.000.000,00 BBM, Oli dan Grease 6.082.945.950,00 Premi Operator 1.130.500.000,00 Penjaga Exavator 160.000.000,00 Seris 360.000.000,00 Suku Cadang 796.650.000,00Jumlah Biaya Operasional 9.651.595.950,00Jumlah DPA (1 + 2) 9.690.000.000,00Volume pekerjaan meter lari (m1) 323.000,00Harga Satuan Operasional
    Unsur biaya yang terkait langsung48.000.000,0020.000.000,0070.000.000,00 Halaman 8 dari 246 halaman Putusan No : 28/Pid.Sus/Tipikor/2013/PN.PBR BBM, Oli dan Grease 881.556.320,00 Premi Operator 168.000.000,00 Penjaga Exavator 20.000.000,00 Servis 90.000.000,00 Suku Cadang 81.600.000,00Jumlah Biaya Operasional 1.379.156.320,00Jumlah DPA (1 + 2) 1.388.056.320,00Volume pekerjaan meter lari (m1) 48.000,00 Harga Satuan Operasional TanggulMekanik Per m1 (meter lari), Jumlah 28.732,00DPA : Volume Pekerjaan
    Harga Satuan / Cost Pekerjaan Saluran Luncuran volume 17.000 meter lari (m1) : dengan operasional Perintisan Melting Mobilisasi dan Demobilisasi BBM, Oli dan Grease No. Unsur Biaya dalam DPA Rupiah (Rp)1. Unsur biaya yang tidak terkait langsungdengan operasional 8.900.000,002.
    Belanja Grease (gemuk) : 6.000 kg sebesar Rp.191.100.000.;g. Belanja penggadaan foto copi : 130 lembar sebesar Rp. 26.000,; h. Belanja sewa sarana mobilitas air : Belanja mobilitas alat : 73 kali sebesarRp. 584.000.000,. Belanja demobilisasi alat : 10 kali sebanyak 80.000.000.
    Bahwa saksi tidak mengetahui pihak pengelola atau pelaksana kedua pekerjaantersebut melakukan pembelian BBM kepada siapa, dimana dan apakahdiperjanjikan secara tertulis; Bahwa untuk pekerjaan Trio Tata Air belanja BBM (termasuk Oli, Grease) adalahsebesar Rp. 6.012.476.800, (enam milyar dua belas juta empat ratus tujuh puluhenam ribu delapan ratus rupiah).
Register : 09-07-2020 — Putus : 24-09-2020 — Upload : 28-09-2020
Putusan PN PURWOKERTO Nomor 130/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Pwt
Tanggal 24 September 2020 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Elecrolytic Capacitor 470m 50 V sebanyak 2 bungkus;
  • Elecrolytic Capacitor 470m 50 V sebanyak 2 bungkus;
  • Roll Timah sebanyak 13 Roll;
  • Kabel NYAF 0,75mm sebanyak 2 Roll warna kuning;
  • Kabel NYAF 1,5 mm sebanyak 1 Roll warna biru;
  • Kabel NYAF 1,5mm sebanyak 2 Roll warna hitam;
  • Kabel NYAF 1,7mm sebanyak 4 Bundel;
  • Relay sebanyak 14 kotak;
  • Buzzer sebanyak 7 kotak;
  • Lem Bakar sebanyak 4 Ikat;
  • Soldering Grease
  • 1bungkus;Lampu LED TYPE 3MM HH MR3A38C sebanyak 1 bungkus;Elecrolytic Capacitor 4,7m 50 V sebanyak 2 bungkus;Elecrolytic Capacitor 470m 50 V sebanyak 2 bungkus;Elecrolytic Capacitor 470m 50 V sebanyak 2 bungkus;Roll Timah sebanyak 13 Roll;Kabel NYAF 0,75mm sebanyak 2 Roll warna kuning;Kabel NYAF 1,5mm sebanyak 3 Roll warna biru 1 Roll;Kabel NYAF 1,5mm sebanyak 2 Roll warna hitamKabel NYAF 1,7mm sebanyak 4 Bundel;Relay sebanyak 14 kotak;Buzzer sebanyak 7 kotak;Lem Bakar sebanyak 4 Ikat;Soldering Grease
    50 V sebanyak 2 bungkus;m) Elecrolytic Capacitor 470m 50 V sebanyak 2 bungkus;n) Elecrolytic Capacitor 470m 50 V sebanyak 2 bungkus;Halaman 37 dari 54 Putusan Nomor 130/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Pwt4.0) Roll Timah sebanyak 13 Roll;p) Kabel NYAF 0,75mm sebanyak 2 Roll warna kuning;q) Kabel NYAF 1,5 mm sebanyak 1 Roll warna biru;r) Kabel NYAF 1,5mm sebanyak 2 Roll warna hitam;S) Kabel NYAF 1,7mm sebanyak 4 Bundel;t) Relay sebanyak 14 kotak;u) Buzzer sebanyak 7 kotak;v) Lem Bakar sebanyak 4 Ikat;w) Soldering Grease
    Lampu LED TYPE 3MM HH MR3A38C sebanyak 1 bungkus; Elecrolytic Capacitor 4,7m 50 V sebanyak 2 bungkus; Elecrolytic Capacitor 470m 50 V sebanyak 2 bungkus; Elecrolytic Capacitor 470m 50 V sebanyak 2 bungkus; Roll Timah sebanyak 13 Roll; Kabel NYAF 0,75mm sebanyak 2 Roll warna kuning; Kabel NYAF 1,5 mm sebanyak 1 Roll warna biru;= Kabel NYAF 1,5mm sebanyak 2 Roll warna hitam;= Kabel NYAF 1,7mm sebanyak 4 Bundel:; Relay sebanyak 14 kotak; Buzzer sebanyak 7 kotak; Lem Bakar sebanyak 4 Ikat; Soldering Grease
    sebanyak Lbungkus;Lampu LED TYPE 3MM HH MR3A38C sebanyak 1 bungkus;Elecrolytic Capacitor 4,7m 50 V sebanyak 2 bungkus;Elecrolytic Capacitor 470m 50 V sebanyak 2 bungkus;Elecrolytic Capacitor 470m 50 V sebanyak 2 bungkus;Roll Timah sebanyak 13 Roll;Kabel NYAF 0,75mm sebanyak 2 Roll warna kuning;Kabel NYAF 1,5 mm sebanyak 1 Roll warna biru;Kabel NYAF 1,5mm sebanyak 2 Roll warna hitam;Kabel NYAF 1,7mm sebanyak 4 Bundel:Relay sebanyak 14 kotak;Buzzer sebanyak 7 kotak;Lem Bakar sebanyak 4 Ikat;Soldering Grease
Register : 13-04-2022 — Putus : 12-05-2022 — Upload : 12-05-2022
Putusan PN TANGERANG Nomor 550/Pid.B/2022/PN Tng
Tanggal 12 Mei 2022 — Penuntut Umum:
  • 1 (satu) buah Kaleng Oli Pesawat, merek AeroShell Grease / Graisse 7.
  • 1 (satu) buah Kaleng Oli Pesawat, merek Mobil Grease 28 Synthetic Aircraft.
  • 1 (satu) buah PAS Bandar Udara Soekarno-Hatta atas nama SUPRAPTO ANDI dengan kode P, yang dikeluarkan oleh Kantor Otoritas Bandar Udara wilayah I Jakarta.
  • 1 (satu) buah ID Card CAS Facility atas nama SUPRAPTO ANDI dengan Nomor 20150798.