Ditemukan 433 data
112 — 23
The payment of theforegoing amount shall be made in USD/IDR by convertingsuch KRW amount into USD/IDR at the T/T buying rateinitially announced by the Korea Exchange Bank or Bankof Indonesia's middle rate, which will be mutually agreed bythe parties on 6 March 2013 such rate and the equivalentUSD/IDR amount paid to NACF will be notified in writingthe borrower to the Lender (First Notification) and theHalaman 17 dari 72, Putusan Nomor : 09/PAILIT/2015/PN. NIAGA.
The payment of theforegoing amount shall be made in USD/IDR by convertingsuch KRW amount into USD/IDR at the T/T buying rateinitially announced by the Korea Exchange Bank or Bankof Indonesia's middle rate, which will be mutually agreed bythe parties on 6 March 2013 such rate and the equivalentUSD/IDR amount paid to Eugene will be notified in writingthe borrower to the Lender(Second Notification) and thecompletion of such payment shall be conclusivelyevidenced by Transfer Slip.
124 — 66 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
.;2) Berdasarkan halaman 1 angka (2), (3) dan (4), diketahui bahwa:(2) the company has entered into a distribution agreement withULI pursuant to wich ULI has agreed to undertake thedistnbution of the Products;(3) The Company has entered into a licensing agreement withUnilever N.V. pursuant to wich the Company has the right toHalaman 21 dari 26 halaman.
Agreement,On 17 July 2002, The company entered into TrademarkLicense Agreement with Unilever N.V, a related party, in whichthe Company is entitled to use Domestos Nomos trademark inIndonesia in connection with manufacture, packaging,advertising and sales of products in Indonesia ....;2) Technology Transfer Agreement,On 17 July 2002, the Company entered into aTechnologyTransfer Agreement with Fumakilla MalaysiaBerhard (Fumakilla) and PT Technopia Jakarta (Technopia),related parties, in wich Fumakilla agreed
205 — 128
Adapupun selengkapnya isi Pasal 3.3 Pulp SupplyContract dan Pasal 9.2 Woodchips Sale & Purchase Contract adalah sebagaiberikut:Pasal 3.3 Woodchips Sale & Purchase Contract, berbunyi sebagai berikut:"The Seller shall provide the Performance Bond duly issued by theacceptable financial institution agreed by the Buyer in the form attachedhereto as Appendix 4 for the amount of USD 5,000,000 ("PerformanceBond") on the date of this Contract.
Pasal 9.2 Woodchips Sale & Purchase Contract, berbunyi sebagai berikut:"The Buyer shall provide the Performance Bond issued by the acceptablefinancial institution agreed by the Seller in the form attached as Appendix 3for the amount of USD 5,000,000 ("Performance Bona") on the date of thisContract. The Performance Bond shall be valid for eight (8) months from thedate of issuance of the Performance Bond."
Kertas Nusantara telah lalai dalamhal menjalankan kewajibannya atau wanprestasi, atau setidaknya aaaputusan SIAC yang menyatakan hal tersebut.5.1 Bahwa Pasal 9.2 Woodchip Sale & Purchase Contract berbuny sebagaiberikut: Performance Bond"The buyer shall provide the Performance Bond issued by theacceptable financial Institution agreed by the Seller in the formattached hereto as Appendix 3 for the amount of USD 5,000,000("Performance Bona") on the date of this Contract.
Perk.No.90/PDT/2016/PT.DKI2Bahwa Pasal 3.3 Pulp Supply Contract berbunyi sebagai berikut:Performance Bond3"The Seller shall provide the Performance Bond duly issued by theacceptable financial Institution agreed by the Buyer in the form attachedhereto as the Appendix 4 for the amount of USD 5.000.000 ("PerformanceBond") on the date of this Contract. The Performance Bond shall be validfor eight (8) months from the date of issuance of the Performance Bond."
73 — 49 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
11 ayat (4):For the purposes of paragraph 3 of this Article, the terms "central bank",agency", "instrumentality" and financial institution wholly owned by thatGovernment" mean:(a) in the case of the United Kingdom:(i) the Bank of England;(ii) the United Kingdom Export Credits Guarantee Department;(iii) the Commonwealth Development Corooration; and(iv) such other agencies or instrumentalities of, and such other financialinstitutions wholly owned by, the Government of the United Kingdomas may be agreed
from time to time between the competent authoritiesof the Contracting States;(b) in the case of Indonesia:(i) the Bank of Indonesia; and(ii) such other agencies or instrumentalities of, and such other financialinstitutions wholly owned by, the Government of the Republic ofIndonesia as may be agreed from time to time between the competentauthorities of the Contracting States;Bahwa sesuai dengan fakta tersebut di atas, maka Pemohon Banding tidakHalaman 8 dari 25 halaman Putusan Nomor 610/B/PK/PJK/
Terbanding/Tergugat : Ik Hen
213 — 114
2020 (Appeal Case).Whereas as a followup ofthe Parties intention to settle theAppeal Case amicably, theParties hereby consent to andagree to resolve all the mattersand differences of opinionbetween First party and SecondParty with this SettlementAgreement, and subsequently tosubmit this SettlementAgreement to the Panel ofJudges at the Appeal level whoexamine the Appeal Case to bevalidated as a settlementagreement (van dading) in linewith the applicable IndonesianCivil Procedural Law.IT IS HEREBY AGREED
PT. Truba Jaya Engineering Graha Truba
Turut Tergugat:
298 — 269
Without prejudice in any way to the foregoing, if, within fifteen (15) calendardays after the date of the above decision in writing by Contractor theSubcontractor does not accept such Contractor decision, then Subcontractormay notify Contractor that the matter shall be finally referred to and settled bythe arbitrator to be agreed upon the Parties...."Article 27 of PTC: ".... The venue of arbitration Singapore InternationalArbitration Centre (SIAC)..."Terjemahan bebas....
Turut Tergugat:
215 — 121
(BUKTI T2)BANKERS CLAUSE BRI CABANG ABEPURAIt is hereby agreed that the property insured by this policy has beenmortgaged with bank BRI CABANG ABEPURA and that in consequence thereof, it has been agreed with the said mortgagee and the insured, that in caseof loss, if any, payable under this policy any payment up to the amount towhich the said mortgagee is entitled for principal, interest accured and costsshall be made to the said mortgagee without prejudice to the rights theinsured may have on the
1.I Ketut Siandana
2.I Made Sutarjana
226 — 154
land is proposed to be purchased by PT WPK fromBapak Kari at agreed price of Rp. 315 million per ARE (100 m7), for a totalprice Rp. 9,450,000,000 (Rp Nine billion four hundred fifty million). Theremaining 7,756 m? land leased until 2019 will be extended to 2057 as perthe table in Appendix Il. Payment for purchase of 3000 m? land will bemade by PT WPK from the sale of Residence and Villas.Halaman 40 dari188 Putusan Perdata Gugatan Nomor 338/Pdt.G/2021/PN DpsPrior to the sale of 3000 m7?
These amounts will be paid through PT WPK.DOCUMENTATIONThe documentation in respect of the above will be prepared by Kusnandar & Coand as necessary will be notarized.AGREEMENT OF BAPAK KARIThe above minutes have been agreed by Bapak Kari.TERJEMAHAN DALAM BAHASA INDONESIA OLEH PENTERJEMAHTERSUMPAHTANAH BAPAK KARITanah milik Bapak Kari yang disewa oleh PT WPK sampai dengan 2019adalah seluas 10,756 m?*.
Wayan Kari.1.8.Rapat 2007, didahului oleh rapat Direksi dan Dewan KomisarisPT WPK/Penggugat Rekonpensi yang diadakan pada tanggal 19Juni 2006, Rapat 2006, yang dinyatakan pada MoM 2006, yangpada butir 9 poin 2nya menyatakan:it was agreed that it was necessary to extend Bapak Karisland lease, expiring in 2019, for the same term as the beachland i.e. until 2057 plus option for 30 years.
The agreed basis upon which the future lease rental has been calcualted is16% every 5 years, which is fine with the land lease agreement (1992 to2019) in the Minutes of Meeting dated 19" April, 1993.SALE AND PURCHASE OF SHARES & SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY It was decided that PT WGS will sell 10% shares to EIH for a considerationof US$ 1,800,000. US$ 300,000 will be paid by 31 March, 2007 and the balance US$1,500,000 by 30th June 2007.
These amounts will be paid through PT WPK.DOCUMENTATIONThe documentation in respect of the above will be prepared by Kusnandar & Coand as necessary will be notarized.AGREEMENT OF BAPAK KARIThe above minutes have been agreed by Bapak Kari.TERJEMAHAN DALAM BAHASA INDONESIA OLEH PENTERJEMAHTERSUMPAHHalaman 165 dari188 Putusan Perdata Gugatan Nomor 338/Padt.G/2021/PN DpsTANAH BAPAK KARITanah milik Bapak Kari yang disewa oleh PT WPK sampai dengan 2019adalah seluas 10,756 m*.
58 — 42 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
istimewa;23a1).2).b1).2).Bahwa berdasarkan Manufacturing Agreement tanggal 17 Juli2002 antara PT Technopia Lever dan PT Technopia Jakarta(Pemohon Banding) diketahui sebagai berikut:Dalam Scope of Appointment (halaman 4) meliputi ..themanufacturer accepts the appointment to manufacture, package,store, and supply the products exclusively for the company;Berdasarkan halaman angka (2), (3) dan (4), diketahui bahwa:(2) The company has entered into a distribution agreement withULI pursuant to wich ULI has agreed
;Technology Transfer Agreement;On 17 July 2002, the company entered into aTechnologyTransfer Agreement with Fumakilla MalaysiaBerhard (Fumakilla) and PT Technopia Jakarta (Technopia),related parties, in wich Fumakilla agreed to grant the companyand Technopia a license to use technical information and knowhow in connection with the manufacture, development and useHalaman 23 dari 30 halaman.
Terbanding/Tergugat I : PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk Diwakili Oleh : Dr. LUHUT M. P. PANGARIBUAN, SH., LL.M.
Terbanding/Tergugat II : Unilever Asia Private Limited Diwakili Oleh : Dr. LUHUT M. P. PANGARIBUAN, SH., LL.M.
182 — 119
MasingmasingPembeli akan memesan Bahan dengan melakukan PesananPembelian secara langsung dengan Perusahaan Grup Pemasokyang relevan sesuai dengan pasal 6.Pasal 6.2 MPA:Unless specifically agreed otherwise in any applicable DSA or UPCor otherwise, a Buyer Shall submit a CallOff for its requirements ofthe Materials within any lead time set out in the applicable UPC or, ifnone, a reasonable time prior to the required date of delivery or, suchother time agreed between the parties.
Unless otherwise agreed, such CallOff shall be deemed tohave been accepted upon submitting the CallOff and the relevantmember of the Supplier Group shall satisfy the CallOff inaccordance with the requirements of the Buyer stated in suchCallOff.Terjemahan oleh penerjemah tersumpah:Kecuali disepakati secara khusus dalam DSA atau UPC yangberlaku atau lainnya, Pembeli akan melakukan Pesanan PembelianHalaman 55 dari 124 Putusan Nomor 11/PDT/2021/PT BTN.untuk kebutuhan Bahannya dalam jangka waktu yang
Pasal 7.3 MPAselengkapnya menyatakan sebagai berikut:Halaman 63 dari 124 Putusan Nomor 11/PDT/2021/PT BTN.Pasal 7.3:"If any Materials or part of any materials are not delivered on thedue date as agreed between the parties or shipped within theshipment date, if a shipment date is specified instead, whichever isapplicable, then, without prejudice to any other remedy under thisMPA, the Term Sheet or any relevant UPC or at law, the relevantBuyer shall be entitled to:(a) Not used.
Unlessotherwise agreed in writing by the relevant parties, the Supplierand/or the member of the Supplier Group will use the Buyer'snominated freight forwarder and freight carrier.Teremahan oleh penerjemah tersumpah:7.2 Pengiriman Bahan akan dilakukan di tempat yang sesuaidengan ketentuanketentuan yang ditentukan dalam LembarKetentuan dan risiko kehilangan akan beralih kepada Pembeli padawaktu dikirimkan ke alamat pengiriman sesuai dengan ketentuanketentuan yang ditentukan.
MPA:If any Materials or part of any materials are not delivered on thedue date as agreed between the parties or shipped within theshipment date, if a shipment date is specified instead, whichever isapplicable, then, without prejudice to any other remedy under thisHalaman 113 dari 124 Putusan Nomor 11/PDT/2021/PTBTN.MPA, the Term Sheet or any relevant UPC or at law, the relevantBuyer shall be entitled to:(a) Not used.
44 — 189 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
;b. pada halaman 1 angka (2), (3) dan (4), diketahui bahwa:(2) The company has entered into a distribution agreement withULI pursuant to wich ULI has agreed to undertake thedistribution of the Products;(3) The Company has entered into a licensing agreement withUnilever N.V. pursuant to wich the Company has the right tothe use of the trademark under wich the Products will besold;Halaman 23 dari 27 halaman.
Technology Transfer Agreement;On 17 July 2002, the Company entered into a TechnologyTransfer Agreement with Fumakilla Malaysia Berhard (Fumakilla)and PT Technopia Jakarta (Technopia), related parties, in wichFumakilla agreed to grant the Company and Technopia a licenseto use technical information and knowhow in connection with themanufacture, development and use of products, on the terms andconditions set fort in this agreement... ;7.7.
351 — 52
(Crest) pada tanggal 13 Januari 2009 antara lain menyatakan:AST and Crest agreed terms and condition for visit to AST of Mr. Shimokawa (as Technician) as follows;Article 1 (Purpose)Crest will send Technician to AST to give technical guidance regarding Wrapping Laminate Machine;Article 2 (Term)The visiting term is from January 19", 2009 to February 1%, 2009, including departing and arrival day from/atJapan.
259 — 213 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Bahwa ketentuan Pasal 34 (c) Perjanjian Charter Party FC2 danPerjanjian Charter Party FC6 berbunyi sebagai berikut:(c) This Charter Party shall be governed by and construed in accordancewith the laws of the place mutually agreed by the parties and any disputearising out of or in connection with this Charter Party shall be referred toarbitration at a mutually agreed place, subject to the proceduresapplicable there;Adapun terjemahan bebasnya adalah sebagai berikut:(c) Perjanjian Carter ini tunduk dan
234 — 81
forTerjemahan tersumpah menyebutkan :22Seluruh ketentuan lain, jika tidak bertentangan dengan ketentuan di atas, sesuai denganFOSFA 24 dan Arbitrate sesuai dengan Peraturan FOSFABahwa dalam Pasal 28 dari peraturan Fosfa 24 (lihat bukti T3a, T3b)MISNYy CUT Ke sa2se a reeseeee ee creneeae eee reeeemee eee eeeemsan enteemmae renee eeeAny dispute arising out of this contract, including any question of law arising in connectiontherewith, shall be referred to arbitration in London (or elsewhere if so agreed
AssociationsLimited, in force at the date of this contract and of which both parties hereto shall beNeither party hereto, nor any person claiming under either of them, shall bring any action orother legal proceedings against the other of them in respect of any such dispute until suchdispute shall first have been heard and determined by the arbitrators, umpire or Board of Appeal(as the case may be), in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration and Appeal of the Federation,and it is hereby expressly agreed
29 — 16
cdg stall gail Cle cL YI Gis,re") ai coy eM ai (agnall eM ai Me Cyls > gil ai cyl gil dal ai cyl slNUS AQh all Gyo Agreed ils a caall ai cd Gly GY EI ut od Gaull eIArtinya : Urutan kedudukan wali adalah kelompok ayah, saudara, paman,mutiq dan penguasa. Yakni Pertama, ayah, kakek dan pihak ayahdan seterusnya. Kedua, saudara lakilaki kandung, saudara lakilakiseayah dan keturunan lakilaki mereka dan seterusnya. Ketiga,paman.
37 — 14 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
TP/ACH/15801/02 tanggal 1 Januari 2002 yang berbunyi:In any event, it is also agreed that the comission fee payable to PT Nur SalyPratama, shallbe as follows :1. For VLCC size vesseles 0.50 per cent2. For LR size vesseles 0.75 per cent3. For other smaller units up to MR size vesseles 1.00 per centBahwa kemudian kesepakatan tersebut dipertegas lagi dengan surat No.
38 — 38
The second Party has agreed toinvest in the project by investing on the project for the amount100.000 (hundred thousand Euro). The amount of money wespaid by the Second Party to the First Party after the signing of thisact.
121 — 52
1062219097 IDR TARIQ GHOUS MUHAMMTAHAPAN041114 TRANSFER VIA IB KE D 10,000,000.00 Salary 1062219097 IDR TARIQ GHOUS MUHAMMTAHAPAN201114 TRANSFER VIA IB KE D 100,000,000.00 As agreed 1062219097 IDR TARIQ GHOUS MUHAMMTAHAPAN211114 TRANSFER VIA IB KE D 100,000,000.00 as agreed 1062219097 IDR TARIQ GHOUS MUHAMMTAHAPAN261114 TRANSFER VIA IB KE D 100,000,000.00 as agreed 1062219097 IDR TARIQ GHOUS MUHAMMTAHAPAN111214 TRANSFER VIA IB KE D 100,000,000.00 As agreed 1062219097 IDR TARIQ GHOUS MUHAMMTAHAPAN121214
3232 — 4969 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Wachyuni Mandira;1 (satu) bundel fotocopy dokumen presentasi Jade;1 (satu) bundel fotocopy Laporan Keuangan konsolidasi untuktahun tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 1998 dan 1997 danlaporan auditor independen PT Dipasena Citra Darmaja Tbk danAnak perusahaan oleh Hans Tuanakotta & Mustofa;1 (satu) bundel fotocopy dokumen Ernst & Young berjudul: "BankDagang Nasional Indonesia: Report on Agreed Upon DueDiligence Procedures" tertanggal 15 Mei 1998;1 (satu) bundel fotokopi legalisir Master Settlement AndAcquisition
DIPASENA CITRA DARMAJAPresentation to BPPN, 25 October 1999, PT Tunas SepadanInvestama;1 (satu) bundel fotocopy surat badan penyehatan perbankan nasionalasset management unit, tanggal 28 Oktober 1999, hal Proposalpenyediaan jasa profesional agreed upon procedures (prosedurtertentu yang disepakati) atas verifikasi dan restrukturisasi hutangpara petambak;2 (dua) lembar fotokopi legalisir dokumen MINUTES OF MEETING;Topik: FARMERS LOAN; Tempat Wisma Bank Danamon Lt.24,Tanggal 29 Oktober 1999; Waktu 14.3017.00
Executive Summary Report on Agreed Upon DueDiligence Procedures 15 May 1998 BDNI oleh Ernst &Young;78.4 Daftar Pertanyaan untuk Financial Advisor BDNI MSAA;78.5 Jawaban untuk Daftar Pertanyaan BPK untuk Financial AdvisorBDNI MSAA;78.6 Korespondensi Financial Advisor;78.7 Indikator Ekonomi & Keuangan;Hal. 11 dari 122 hal.
Kegiatan Usaha PT.BDNI TBK. dalam Rangka Program Penyehatan Bank Nasional;Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi Audited Tahun 1996, 1995 dan 1994;Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi Audited Tahun 1997 dan 1996 (KAPHans Tuanakotta & Mustofa);1 (satu) bundel fotocopy LDD BDNI Folder 2 dari 3;Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi Audited Tahun 1998 dan 1997 (KAPHans Tuanakotta & Mustofa);1 (satu) bundel fotocopy dokumen Perhitungan JKPS BDNI (BBO),yang berisi 1 (satu) bundel fotocopy dokumen Ernst & Young tentangBDNI, Report on Agreed
Terbanding/Tergugat : PT. ANEKA SAMUDERA LINTAS
129 — 37
(PihakKedua);Bahwa adapun isi pokok dalam CONTRACT OF SALE AND PURCHASE OFDIESEL FUEL (KONTRAK JUAL BELI BAHAN BAKAR DIESEL) tertanggal 1 Juni2012 tersebut adalah antara lain :First Party is willing to supply diesel fuel required by second party (Pihak Pertamabersedia untuk memasok bahan bakar diesel yang dibutuhkan oleh Pihak Kedua).Second party is obliged to fulfill the minimum purchase which is 900 KL per month(Pihak Kedua wajib memenuhi pembelian minimum 900 KL per bulan).Both Parties have agreed
Nomor : 63/PDT/2017/PT.SMRFirst party is willing to supply diesel fuel required by second party (Pihak Pertamabersedia untuk memasok bahan bakar diesel yang dibutuhkan oleh Pihak Kedua).Second Party is obliged to fulfill the minimum purchase which is 900 KL permonth (Pihak Kedua wajib memenuhi pembelian minimum 900 KL per bulan).Both parties have agreed that the price of the Diesel Fuel will follow the officialprice issued by Pertamina (Kedua Pihak telah sepakat bahwa harga Bahan BakarDiesel akan
Nomor : 63/PDT/2017/PT.SMRBahwa gugatan Penggugat mendalilkan, Both Parties have agreed that the priceof the Diesel Fuel will follow the official price issued by Pertamina (Kedua Pihaktelah sepakat bahwa harga Bahan Bakar Diesel akan mengikuti harga resmi yangdikeluarkan oleh Pertamina).Bahwa dalil yang demikian adalah tidak benar, karena Penggugat hanya mengutipsebagian bunyi kontrak.