Ditemukan 9775 data
3651 — 3303 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
All controversies arising between the parties out of or in relation to thisagreement, including without limitation, any question relative to itsinterpretation, performance validity, effectiveness and the termination of therights or obligations of any party, shall be settled amicably by the partieswherever practicable;13.3.
Share Subscription:3.1.1.Subject to the terms of the Share Subscription Agreement,the Investor shall subscribe for and TPI shall issue tothe Investor, shares in TPI constituting 75% (the initialinvestor stake) of TPIs total issued share capital, postsubscription, on a fully diluted basis (the SubscriptionShares);Terjemahan:3.1. Pengeluaran/Penerbitan Saham:3.1.1.
Subject to the terms of the Share SubscriptionAgreement, the Investor shall subscribe for and TPIshall issue to the Investor, shares in TPI constituting75% (the Initial Investor Stake) of TPIs total issuedshare capital, post subscription, on a fully dilutedbasis (the Subscription Shares);Terjemahan :3.1. Pengeluaran Saham:3.1.1.
All controversies arising between the Parties out of or in relation tothis Agreement, including without limitation, any question relative toits interpretation, performance validity, effectiveness and thetermination of the rights or obligations of any Party, shall be settledamicably by the Parties wherever practicable;13.3.
Selanjutnya dalam Pasal 3.1.1 dan 3.1.2 dariInvestment Agreement dikatakan pula bahwa:ped Share subscription:3.1.1 ..., the Investor shall subscribes for and TPI shall issue to theInvestor, Shares in TPI constituting 75% (the Initial InvestorStake) of TPIs total issued share capital, post subscription, on afully diluted basis (the Subscription Shares)Yang terjemahan adalah:"3.1 Pengambilan bagian atas saham:3.1.1. ..., Investor (Pemohon PK) akan mengambil bagian dan TPI akanmengeluarkan, saham pada
101 — 52 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Republic OfSingapore For The Avoidance Of Double Taxation And The Prevention OfFiscal Evasion With Respect To Taxes On IncomeArticle 12 paragraph (1)Royalties arising in a Contracting State and paid to a resident of the otherContracting State may be taxed in that other State.Article 12 paragraph (2)However, such royalties may be taxed in the Contracting State in whichthey arise, and according to the law of the State, but if the recipient is thebeneficial owner of the royalties, the tax so charged shall
equipment, or forinformation concerning industrial, commercial or scientific experience.Article 12 paragraph (8)Where, owing to a special relationship betwen the payer and the beneficialowner or between both of them and some other person, the amount of theroyalties paid, having regard to the use, right or information for which theyare paid, exceeds the amount which would have been agreed upon by thepayer and the beneficial owner in the absence of such relationship, theprovisions of this article shall
Inthat case, the excess part of the payments shall remain taxable accordingto the laws of each Contracting State, due regard being had to the otherprovisions of this Agreement..
148 — 35
Undergone Any Operation There Other Than Unloadingand Reloading or any Other Operation to Preserve Them in Good Condition, bahwa pelaksanaan ketentuan di atas dalam Appendix 1, Attachment A,Revised Operational Certification Procedure (OCP) for The Rules of origin ofthe ASEANChina Free Trade Area (ROO), Rule 21, sebagai berikut: ForThe Purpose of Implementing Rule 8(c) of the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA,Where Transportation is Effected Trough the Territory of One or MoreNonACFTA Parties, the Following Shall
Undergone Any OperationThere Other Than Unloading and Reloading or any Other Operation to PreserveThem in Good Condition.bahwa pelaksanaan ketentuan di atas dalam Appendix 1, Attachment A, RevisedOperational Certification Procedure (OCP) for The Rules of origin of theASEANChina Free Trade Area (ROO), Rule 21, sebagai berikut: For The Purposeof Implementing Rule 8(c) of the Rules of Origin for the ACFTA, WhereTransportation is Effected Trough the Territory of One or More NonACFTA Parties,the Following Shall
55 — 20
Dalil syar'i dalam Kitab Madaa Hurriyatuz Zaujaini fith Thalaaq Juz halaman 83, yang kemudian diambil alin sebagai pendapat majelis hakimsebagai berikut:Lgad bis tea aly Gem g Sl) Shall qo ewei Gum (GUal) pli plays JUGS) hyOF C90 Oe Boge Tig Ab Qual Cuny che Vy GibaiTig OLS alle fap g srgall Garulls Gums jl dal ple aSay OI cline yf piu4d) set)Artinya : Islam memilih lembaga thalaq/cerai ketika rumah tanggasudah dianggap goncang serta dianggap sudah tidak bermanfaat laginasehat/perdamaian, dan hubungan
49 — 14
No. 00183 /Pdt.G/2019 /PA.TBKkeberadaannya untuk berkomunikasi dan mengasuh anakanaknya dalamrangka mengedepankan prinsip kepentingan terbaik bagi anak (the bestinterests of the child shall be a primary consideration);Menimbang, bahwa sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 89 ayat (1)UndangUndang Nomor 7 Tahun 1989 tentang Peradilan Agamasebagaimana diubah dengan UndangUndang Nomor 3 Tahun 2006 danPerubahan Kedua dengan UndangUndang Nomor 50 Tahun 2009, makaseluruh biaya yang timbul dalam perkara ini dibebankan
134 — 194
Quantity shall be Lot Shipment for 1 year Period.determined according to Shore Tank Quantity shall be determinedFigure after Received at Discharge Port according to Shore Tank Figure afterand will be determined by Independent Received at Discharge Port and willSurveyor for the final result. be determined by IndependentYang diterjemahkan oleh Evandinata Surveyor for the final result.YangKuantitas Halim, M.Hum, penterjemah diterjemahkan oleh Evandinata(Pasal3, Ayat tersumpah sebagai berikut: Halim,
Independen untuk hasil akhir.Price The Unit Price in US Dollars per barrel Price shall be on 99,81% X Lops (Low(Section 6) shall be: Mops) 0.25% S from date 26" from PLN Contract price Belawan 2USD the previous Two Month until 25" Hal 17 dari 39 Halaman Put.
memberikan putusan yang seadiladilnya (ex aequo et bono).Menimbang, bahwa atas gugatan tersebut Tergugat Il telah mengajukanjawabannya, sebagai berikut :DALAM EKSEPSI : EXEPTIO DILATORIA (Eksepsi Gugatan Prematur)1.Bahwa kontrak jual beli Sales contract for product sales & Purchase, nomor002/PEKPM/SLSBELAWAN/FEB2015, tanggal 3 Februari 2015,jangka waktunya yaitu dari tanggal 1 Maret 2015 sampai dengan tanggal29 Februari 2016, sebagaimana dalam ketentuan Section 2 No 2.1 yangmenyatakan "The seller shall
sell, and buyer shall accept the products at belawanport, Indonesia during the period of 1*' of march 2015 up until 2g" February 2016 (1year)".
136 — 51
Once general boarding has commenced, passengers whe have purchased our Hot Seat shall join the general boarding queue.6.3 Noshow: You must be present at check in on time and be present at the boarding gate not later than the time specified by us at the time of check in.
We shall not be liable in any way whatsoever to you in connection with obtaining necessary documents orcomplying with such laws, regulations, orders, demands, notices, requirements or instructions, whether given orally or in writing or otherwise, or for the consequences to youresulting from your failure to obtain such documents or to comply with such laws, regulations, orders, demands, notices, requirements or instructions.6.5 Travel Documents: You are responsible for obtaining and must possess and
Except for Malaysian children traveling to Sabah andSarawak which travel documents are prescribed below, copies of childrens birth certificates or identity cards* are required before they are allowed to board.Malaysian children traveling to Sabah or Sarawak:Children under the age of 12 shall be allowed to board by producing the original birth certificates or identity cards or Adoption Certificates (such Adoption Certificate shall beas prescribed by the National Registration Department of Malaysia
Children, aged 12 and above shall be required to produce their original birth certificates or identity cards.International Routes:All passengers traveling on international routes must passess valid passports with at least six (6) months validity and the applicable valid visas. Such passengers shallposses a return on an onward journey ticket.
The following shall qualify as identity cards for children: Mykid for Malaysia, Thai national ID card for Thailand and the Kartu Keluarga for Indonesia.** The production of an original passport qualifies as valid identification under this articleHalaman 20 dari 38 Putusan Nomor 757Pdt.2016/2016/PN TngBahwa berdasarkan halhal tersebut, jelas TERGUGAT telahmemberikan penjelasan mengenai persyaratan pembelian tiket untukrute Internasional, dan atas penjelasan persyaratan tersebut ParaPenggugat telah
65 — 31 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
mengatur sedemikian";Bahwa Pasal 11 Persetujuan Penghindaran Pajak Berganda antaraPemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Pemerintah Kerajaan Belanda,menyatakan:Ayat (1), "Interest arising in one of the two States and paid to a resident ofthe other State may be taxed in that other State";Ayat (2), "However, such interest may also be taxed in the State in which itarises and according to the laws of that State, but if the beneficial owner ofthe interest is a resident of the other State, the tax so charged shall
notexceed 10 per cent of the gross amount of the interest";Ayat (4), "Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph 2, interest arising inone of the two States shall be taxable only in the other State if the beneficialowner of the interest is a resident of the other State and if the interest is paidon a loan made for a period of more than 2 years or is paid in connectionHalaman 5 dari 40 halaman.
Putusan Nomor 942/B/PK/PJK/201 4with the sale on credit of any industrial, commercial or scientific equipment";Ayat (5), "The competent authorities of the two States shall by mutualagreement settle the mode of application of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4";Bahwa dalam hal ini, baik Direktorat Jenderal Pajak selaku "Pejabat yangBerwenang" Indonesia maupun "Pejabat yang Berwenang" Belanda,belum/masih melakukan pembicaraan tentang aturan pelaksanaan ayat (2),(3), dan (4) sebagaimana dimaksud pada Pasal 11 ayat
koreksi positifobjek PPh Pasal 26 atas bunga yang diperoleh CVI GVF (LUX) MasterS.A.R.L. sebesar Rp121.958.100,00 dengan tarif PPh Pasal 26 sebesar10% dari jumlah bruto bunga yang dibayarkan;Bahwa Pasal 11 ayat (2) Persetujuan Penghindaran Pajak Berganda antaraIndonesia dan Luxembourg, menyatakan "However, such interest may alsobe taxed in the Contracting State in which it arises, and according to thelaws of that State, but if the recipient is the beneficial owner of the interestthe tax so charged shall
not exceed 10% of the gross amount of the interest.The competent authorities of the Contracting States shall by mutualagreement settle the mode of application of this limitation";Bahwa dengan demikian secara implisit pada prinsipnya Terbanding telahmengakui halhal sebagai berikut:Bahwa CVI GVF (LUX) Master S.A.R.L. adalah penduduk NegaraLuxembourg, yang oleh karenanya Terbanding menerapkan PersetujuanPenghindaran Pajak Berganda antara Indonesia dan Luxembourg sesuaiPasal 1 Persetujuan Penghindaran
Terbanding/Penggugat : Ivan Chrisna
Turut Terbanding/Tergugat II : Wedding Organizer Testimo
253 — 188
Sebab segalaperselisihan yang timbul dari Conference & Event Agreement NoContract WRIGA 100318 tertanggal 1 Oktober 2017 (selanjutnyadisebut SURAT PERJANJIAN) di selesaikan melalui Arbitrase dan dalamhal ini yang berwenang adalah Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesiacabang Bandung sebagaimana Pasal 20 ayat 2 Surat Perjanjian yangmenyatakan:Arbitration of disputes arising out of or in connection with thisagreement shall be resolved in the jurisdiction in which the hotel islocated under the rules of Arbitration
of the arbitration shall beconducted in English and this agreement will governed by andinterpreted pursuant to the law of the jurisdiction in which the hotel islocated.yang pada intinya perjanjian menyatakan Segala perselisihan yangtimbul dari perjanjian ini diselesaikan melalui arbitrase sertamenggunakan hukum di daerah hukumnya meliputi hotel berlokasi.Bahwa dalam pasal tersebut jelas berlaku yang mana telahditandatangani langsung baik oleh Penggugat maupun Tergugat ,jikalaupun Pasal 20 ayat 2
Bahwa Majelis Hakim PN Bandung secara nyata telah melampauikewenangan untuk memeriksa dan memutus perkara aquo.Sebagaimana disebutkan dalam Pasal 20 ayat (2) PerjanjianConference and Event Agreement No Contract: WRIGA 100318tertanggal 1 Oktober 2017, menyebutkan:Arbitration of disputes arising out of or in connection with thisagreement shall be resolved in the jurisdiction in which the hotellocated under the Rules of Arbitration of the arbitration shall beconducted in English and this agreement wil
be resolved in the jurisdiction ini which the hotel islocated under the rules of arbitration of the arbitration shall beconducted in English and this agreement will governed by andinterpreted pursuant to the law of the jurisdiction in which the hotelis located.Bahwa apabila Pembanding/ semula Penggugat Rekonpensimengajukan Gugatan Wanprestasi yang merupakan Gugatanperselisihan yang timbul akibat dari pelaksanaan suatu perjanjian,maka seharusnya dilakukan secara terpisah dengan perkara ini dantidak
be resolved in the jurisdiction in which the hotel islocated under the rules of Arbitration of the arbitration shall beconducted in English and this agreement will governed by andinterpreted pursuant to the law of the jurisdiction in which the hotel islocated.yang pada intinya perjanjian menyatakan Segala perselisihan yangtimbul dari perjanjian ini diselesaikan melalui ARBITRASE sertamenggunakan hukum di daerah hukumnya meliputi hotel berlokasi ;Bahwa dalam pasal tersebut jelas berlaku yang mana
163 — 35 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Theconstituent material of the outer sole for purposes of classification shall be taken to be thematerial having the greatest surface area in contact with the ground. In determining theconstituent material of the outer sole, no account should be taken of attached accessories orreinforcements which partly cover the sole (see Note 4 (b) to this Chapter).
In such cases, the upper shall be considered to be thatportion of the shoe which covers the sides and top of the oor, The size of the uppers variesvery much between different types of footwear, from those covering the foot and the wholeleg, including the thigh (for peels, fishermens boots), to those which consist simply ofstraps or thongs (for example, sandals),If the upper consists of two or more materials, classification is determined by theconstituent material which has the greatest external surface
For the purposes of this Chapter :(a) the terms rubber and plastics include woven fabrics or other textile products with anextemal layer of rubber or peas being visible to the naked eye; for the purpose of thisprovision, no account should be taken of any resulting change of colour; and(6) the term Jeather refers to the goods of headings 41.07 and 41,12 to 41.14.4, Subject to Note 3 to this Chapter :(a The material of the upper shall be taken to be the constituent material having the greatestexternal
surface area, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcements such as anklepatches, edging, ornamentation, buckles, tabs, eyelet stays or similar attachments;(b) The constituent material of the outer sole shall be taken to be the material having the greatestsurface area in contact with the ground, no account being taken of accessories or reinforcementssuch as spikes, bars, nails, protectors or similar attachments.diketahuidimaksud dengan Waterproof Footwear mempersyaratkan 2 (dua)i.
14 — 0
CAE IE Jadll gl J gfll Ge Shall ste YAS! o) aly Y Gill elk Elsil Ge Es!alga Axa (GURN Las sl! GIS 9 co Jl cals! of Ano i At ualall o.tl Lal genAil, Ail (gale Lagi Cre!
112 — 226 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Interest Rate" means LIBOR#5% on 12 months deposit as at the due dateof the Advance;("Tingkat Bunga" berarti LIBOR+5% atas setoran 12 bulan pada saat jatuhtempo Pinjaman);Butir 4.1.Interest shall notionally accrue on the outstanding principal from time to timeat the Interest Rate, provided that Interest shall not become due nor payableunless and until specifically demanded in writing by the Lender;(Bunga dibayangkan terakumulasi atas pokok pinjaman yang belum dibayarden' waktu ke waktu pada Tingkat
Tanggal jatuh tempo (Due Date) itu sendiridiatur dalam Butir 4.2 Perjanjian Pinjaman yang berbunyi:The Lender shall, from time to time, determine the due date for repayment ofeach Advance and the Borrower shall repay the Advance accordingly;Halaman 2 dari 27 halaman.
Terbanding/Tergugat : PT. ANEKA USAHA UNGGUL
95 — 42
PENGGUGAT dan TERGUGAT,TERGUGAT memiliki kewajiban untuk menjamin Objek Perjanjian agarberoperasi sebagaimana mestinya dan sesuai dengan kesepakatan dalamPerjanjian Kerjasama.Bahwa kewajiban TERGUGAT yang pada intinya berkewajiban menjaminObjek Perjanjian agar dapat digunakan dengan baik dan beroperasisebagaimana mestinya, telan secara tegas dan jelas tertuang dalamLampiran dalam Perjanjian Kerjasama, yaitu pada Appendix A (Appendix)khususnya mengenai Building Occupational Permit dinyatakan bahwa:AUU shall
guarantee that by Lease Commencement Date or earlyoccupancy date:e The Building shall have undergone testing and commissioning;Halaman 5 dari 19 halaman Putusan.
The Building Operation Permit (IPB) application shall have been dulyfiled with the relevant government authority;e The Building Construction Permit (IMB) and the Preliminary IPB havebeen received, ande The Building is fully operational, which is consistent with other newlyconstructed office projects in Indonesia.
252 — 80
(i) In no circumstanceswhatsoever shall the company be liable toithe customer or owner for consequential loss or loss of markehowever caused.
I* (ii) Without prejudice to any other conditions herein or other defenwhich may be open to the company, In no circumstanwhatsoever shall the company be liable to the customer or owfor delay or deviation however caused in a sum in excess of twthe company oWn charges in respect of the relevant transactI16.In no case whatsoever shall any liability'of the Company, howearising, and notwithstanding that the causd of loss or damageunexplained, exceed.
The company shall not be liable to the customer or owner for loss or damarising from any noncompliancy or miss compliance with the customer:owner's instruction or for any failure to perform whether wholly or in part tlobligation (Whether such obligation arise in contact or orherwise) unlesssame is due to the negligence of the company or its own servants."Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia:Bagian Il Perusahaan Sebagai Agen Ekspedisia25.
727 — 325
Pasal XX dari Perjanjian Distribusimewajibkan Para Pihak untuk menyelesaikan segala sengketa mengenaipelaksanaan maupun pemutusan Perjanjian Distribusi melalui arbitrase diSingapura (vide Exclusive Distribution Agreement tanggal 10 Juli 2009 yangditandatangani oleh Penggugat dan Tergugat ("Perjanjian Disthbusi")), sebagaimana dikutip di bawah ini;"Any disputes or differences arising out of or in connection with this contract,including any question regarding its existence, validity or Termination, shall
Pasal XX Perjanjian Distribusi menyebutkan :"This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore"; Terjemahan bahasa Indonesianya berbunyi:Perjanjian ini diatur dan harus ditafsirkan menurut ketentuan hukum Singapura;Dalih Penggugat yang mengutip Pasal 1266 dan Pasal 1267 Kitab UndangUndang Hukum Perdata (KUHPerdata") jelasjelas tidak relevan dalamperkara ini mengingat Perjanjian Distribusi tunduk pada hukum Singapura; dan bukan pada hukum Indonesia ;Terlebih
Pasal XX PerjanjianDistribusi menentukan bahwa : "This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore;Terjemahan bahasa Indonesianya berbunyi: Perjanjian ini diatur dan harus ditafsirkan menu rut ketentuan hukum Singapura";Dengan demikian, maka sudah sangat jelas bahwa ketentuan Pasal 1266 dan 1267KUHPerdata tidak dapat diaplikasikan atau diberlakukan terhadap PerjanjianDistribusi karena perjanjian tersebut diatur berdasarkan ketentuan hukumSingapura.
tidak berhak untuk mendapatkan ganti rugi atau kompensasi";Pasal 11.3.6 (Paragraf pertama dan kedua) Perjanjian Distribusi mengatur bahwa:"Upon expiration or termination of the present Agreement, for any reasonwhatsoever, the Distributor shall not be entitled to any damages, indemnity orcompensation whatsoever.
No payment or indemnity for loss of good will,anticipated sales, prospective profits, etc shall be due to the Distributor"; Terjemahan bahasa Indonesianya berbunyi:Setelah berakhirnya atau terjadinya pengakhiran Perjanjian ini, maka denganalasan apapun juga, Distributor tidak berhak untuk mendapatkan ganti rugi ataukompensasi apapun.
106 — 24
Bahwa berdasarkan "Attachment A: Operational Certification Procedures ForThe Rules Of origin Of The AseanChina Free Trade Area" pada Rule 6disebutkan sebagai berikut:"Rule 6The Government authorities designated to issue the Certificate of Origin shall,to the best of their competence and ability, carry out proper examinationupon each application for the Certificate of Origin to ensure that:e) The application and the Certificate of Origin are duly completed and signed bythe authorised signatory;f)
53 — 19
pihak tidak bersedia lagi meneruskankehidupan rumah tangga dengan pasangannya, maka akan sulit untukmencapai visi dan misi membentuk rumah tangga yang sakinah, mawadah danrahmah, dan Majelis Hakim menilai perceraian lebin maslahat untuk keduabelah pihak dibandingkan meneruskan perkawinan itu sendiri;Menimbang, bahwa Majelis Hakim perlu mengambil alih pendapat Dr.Musthafa As Sibai dalam Kitab Al Marah bainal Figh wal Qanun halaman 100sebagai berikut :Anh aly Ge dad Lilac gl pally GRAN ao ay Ase jll shall
al oes Sl eke On Aaa 9 5) Ad Shall cet GF ll yo ail Lydd gh GIS alesJ) sy 5 Ais Lebel) dae apy Atleal jal Sy pb Logie aly US) cigy allArtinya : Sesungguhnya kehidupan suami isteri tidak akan tegak denganadanya perpecahan dan pertentangan, selain itu justru akan menimbulkanbahaya yang serius terhadap pendidikan anakanak dan perkembanganmereka, dan tidak ada kebaikannya mengumpulkan dua orang yang salingmembenci.
40 — 15 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
For the purposes of this Chapter, a good shall be treated as anoriginating good if it is either:(a) Wholly produced or obatained in a Party as provided in Article3 (Goods Wholly Produced or Obtained); ...Pada Article 3 dijelaskan sebagai berikut:Article 3Goods Wholly Produced or ObtairtedFor the purposes of Article 2.1 (a) (Originating Goods), the followinggoods shall be considered as wholly produced or obtained:(b) live animals born and raised in a Party;Sehingga dapat diartikan bahwa barang yang
For the purposes of this Chapter, a good shall be treated asan originating good if it is either :(a) Wholly produced or obatained in a Party as provided inArticle 3 (Goods Wholly Produced or Obtained),.......: :Pada Article 3 dijelaskan sebagai berikut :Article 3Goods Wholly Produced or ObtainedFor the purposes of Article 2.1(a) (Originating Goods), thefollowing goods shall be considered as wholly produced orobtained:(b) live animals born and raised in a Party;Sehingga dapat diartikan bahwa barang
14 — 2
Pts.No.6224/Pdt.G/2013/PA.Bwi.SALINANes3M cle Gad DU oly HM aba 1 ALM y Ger Vly quill railAG) 5 gels alll (jllaallUNS IAL YI cg ST LAST gh CULS Yi gol a g paalls Aalaall Atay 5) Aeiall aie J shall Jif dallas da 5 5!CHS IV) Saell Saxo (8 Aalbaal) Atay i SB guSVlg Gace Adaill plac!
~ Gala 5 Ugh Sg 8 5GU gh Cll G>UaIL Aad 2 Aa jlJ shall Jah Aallne das jl) Cuils 13) Advi y Ligne US IS AIS jell ada wad ee Ge yg piialls cated gely al Quill os Ailoall diaill aie 2(a) memberikan mut'ah yang layak kepada bekas istrinya, baik berupauang atau benda, kecuali bekas istri tersebut qobladdukhul.(6) memberikan nafkah, maskan dan kiswah kepada bekas istri selamadalam iddah, kecuali bekas istri telah dijatuhi talak bain atau nusyuzdan dalam keadaan tidak hamil.
Pasal 158 huruf (6) Kompilasi Hukum Islam yang redaksinyasebagai berikut:AGNI Leg yl glbaall e 5 5) cle Analy Anibal y guuodll y cpoliill y AiLall aadJ shall aes Aalbaal!
248 — 277 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
dan atau Warga Negara Indonesia,sehingga pada akhir tahun ke10 (sepuluh) sejak dimulainya tahap produksipaling sedikit 51% (lima puluh satu persen) dari sahamsahamnya sudahditawarkan" (Vide, Bukti P4 : Pasal 12 ayat 3, Bab Ill tentang KepentinganNasional, Keppres No. 49/1981) ;Bahwa ketentuan Keppres No. 49/1981 tersebut di atas dituangkan dalamPKP2B KPC, pasal 26 tentang Participation and Promotion of National Interest(penyertaan dan promosi Kepentingan Nasional) yang menyatakan"...Contractor shall
Kewajiban Divestasi 51% Saham KPC : Jadwal dan Prosentase.Bahwa kewajiban Divestasi 51% Saham KPC tersebut wajib dilaksanakanmenurut jadwal dan prosentase yang ditentukan menurut pasal 26.1.1 PKP2BKPC, yang menyatakan :"The offer of shares 'to the Indonesian Participant in each year following the endof the fourth full calendar year shall not be less than the following percentages ofthe total number of shares to be outstanding following the acceptance of theoffer :fifth year 15%sixth year 8%seventh
year 7%eigth year 7%ninth year 7%tenth year 7%All obligations of Contractor under this Article 26.1 shall be deemed to bedischarged as soon as not less than 51 % of the total shares issued andoutstanding shall have been offered and purchased by the Indonesan Participant.Terjemahannya :"Penawaran saham kepada Peserta Indonesia pada setiap tahun setelah akhirHal. 5 dari 51 hal.
Kewajiban Divestasi.Bahwa pada tanggal 16 Juli 1998, Tergugat (atas nama Tergugat V danTergugat VI) menawarkan saham KPC kepada Pemerintah/Badan Usaha MilikNegara (BUMN : PT Timah Tbk., PT BA dan PT Aneka Tambang) ; Padahal,menurut ketentuan Pasal 26.1.1 PKP2B KPC, untuk tahun 1998 : prosentasesaham yang wajib ditawarkan/didivestasikan adalah dan menurut ketentuan26.1.2 (ii) PKP2B KPC. penawaran saham tersebut dilaksanakan dalam jangkawaktu 3 (tiga) bulan akhir setiap tahun kalender (The offer of shall
Vide, Bukti P26 : Keputusan/Kesimpulan Rapat Intern Komisi VIII DPR RItanggal 16 Juli 2002 ;"PKP2B KPC pasal 26.1 jo pasal 1.8" yang dirujuk Keputusan/Kesimpulantersebut di atas menyatakan :". ..Contractor shall ensure that its shares are offered either for sale or issue tothe Government.