Ditemukan 2113 data
301 — 111
(i) all acts of such a nature as to create confusion by any meansvhatever wth the establishment, the goods, or the industrial orcommercial activities, of a competitor;(ii) false allegations in the course of trade of such a nature as todiscredit the establishment, the goods, or the industrial or commercial activities, of a competitor;(iii) indications or allegations the use of which in the course oftrade is liable to mislead the public as to the nature, themanufacturing process, the characteristics
130 — 51
Except for Malaysian children traveling to Sabah andSarawak which travel documents are prescribed below, copies of childrens birth certificates or identity cards* are required before they are allowed to board.Malaysian children traveling to Sabah or Sarawak:Children under the age of 12 shall be allowed to board by producing the original birth certificates or identity cards or Adoption Certificates (such Adoption Certificate shall beas prescribed by the National Registration Department of Malaysia
59 — 46 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
For these reasons, the report from the Committee on FiscalAffairs entitled "Double Taxation Conventions and the Use of ConduitCompanies" concludes that a conduit company cannot normally beregarded as the Beneficial Owner if, though the formal owner, it has, asa practical matter, very narrow powers which render it, in relation to theincome concerned, a mere fiduciary or administrator acting on accountof the interested parties.".
87 — 56
Fern dalam bukunya Warrens Forms ofAgreements: Ferns Desk Edition menjelaskan bahwa any rights andobligations under this Agreement which either expressly or by their nature areto continue after termination or expiration of this agreement shall survive andremain in effect.
41 — 31 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
The law and reglations ofeach country lay down the forms of invoice, the time limit for itsissue, charges in invoices, and the use of credit notes.To prevent a possible black marked developing in the use of taxinvoices (which are a claim on the government, tantamount toprinting money and the classic way to evade VAT), requirement togive the name and address and reference of both seller and buyer,as well as the other statutory details should be strictly enforced."c.
297 — 297 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
The rule oflaw sendiri dimaknai sebagai a /egal system in which rules areclear, wellunderstood, and fairly enforcedsebuah sistemhukum yang jelas (kecil Kemungkinan untuk disalangunakan),Halaman 24 dari 49 halaman. Putusan Nomor 18 P/HUM/2020imudah dipahami, dan menjaga tegaknya keadilan.
313 — 78
190163 A tertanggal 30 November 2019;Bahwa berdasarkan ketentuan pembatasan pertanggungjawaban yang diaturdalam Ketentuan Perdagangan Umum (General Trading Conditions) dalam"Section General Condition Clause Nomor 15 and 16 The FIATA Rules forFreight Forwarding Services menyebutkan :15 (i). in no circumstances whatsoever shall the company be liableto the customer or owner for consequential loss or loss ofmarket however caused;(ii).Without prejudice to any other conditions herein orother defences which
610 — 1358 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
dari kontenkonten liga sepakbola lainnya:"As described above, on the basis of this methodology based onsubstitutability of media rights in relation to the ability to attract viewersand/or subscribers EU competition authorities have consistentlyestablished a relevant product market for the acquisition of TVbroadcasting rights for football events that are played regularly througdhoutthe year", thereby not differentiating between foreign football leaques.The product definition applied by the KPPU which
adifferentiation between the BPL and other foreign leagues as a resultsignificantly differs from established EU practice.Such a differentiation would only seem justified from an EU competition lawperspective if the BPL rights could not be regarded as substitutes for themedia rights relating, to other domestic and foreign football leagues including for example the German Bundesliga, the Spanish Liga and theItalian Serie A in terms of the ability to attract viewers and/or subscribers.AGB Nielsen data, to which
is also referred in the reports of the KPPU,suggest that such a differentiation between the BPL nights and media rightsrelating to domestic and other foreign football leagues implying that theBPL content is unique in terms of attracting viewers and/or subscribers would not be justified.These market figures suggest that the upstream market for the acquisitionof media rights related to football events of which the BPL media rightsform part would include the rights, related to the Indonesian Liga Djarum
Jadi, tidak terdapat persyaratan hukum untuk pemenangtender mengadakan proses kompetitif yang terpisah guna menilalbagaimana memanfaatkan hak siar BPL berdasarkan pada SevenNetwork Limited v News Limited 2007 FCA 1062 at 1967 2003Judgement, particulary paragraph 1974 and 2003, which stated:The ability of any premium sports channel supplier to extractsustained returns above the competitive level would be constrained byHal. 108 dari 158 hal.
48 — 30 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Dalam hal perusahaan induk dari Wajib Pajak BUT adalahpenduduk dari negara yang telah mempunyai PersetujuanPenghindaran Pajak Berganda (P3B) dengan Indonesia, makabesarnya tarif untuk penerapan ketentuan sebagaimanadimaksud dalam Pasal 1 ayat (1) adalah sebagaimanaditentukan dalam P3B tersebut;Protocol antara Pemerintah Indonesia dan Jepang:Angka 5 (a):...on the earnings (other than those derived from the operationof ships or aircraft in international traffic) of a company being aresident of Japan which
153 — 66 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
penting.Selanjutnya, transportasi udara memberikan kontribusi untukpeningkatan atas perkembangan dan ekspansi perjalanan danperdagangan internasional yang juga tercakup dalam ICAO;Bahwa dalam Doc. 9082/7 pada halaman Foreword disebutkan dengantegas sebagai berikut:As consideied by the Council a charge is a levy that is designed andapplied specifically to recover the costs of providing facilities andservices for civil aviation and a tax is levy is designed to raise nationalor local goverment revenues which
455 — 207 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
The rule of law sendiridimaknai sebagai a /ega/ system in which rules are clear, wellunderstood, and fairly enforced sebuah sistem hukum yang jelas(kecil kKemungkinan untuk disalangunakan), mudah dipahami, danmenjaga tegaknya keadilan. Kepastian hukum menjadi salah ciri theHalaman 30 dari 53 halaman.
385 — 312
SAT may not unreasonablyrefuse by the Buyer in case of any detected minor defects, which are to beremedied by the Seller within the scope of the warranty terms. SAT shallbe deemed to be passed successfully, if the Buyer takes the hardware/software into use without signature of SAT.
SAT may not unreasonablyrefuse by the Buyer in case of any detected minor defects, which are to beremedied by the Seller within the scope of the warranty terms. SAT shallHal 45 dari 128 hal. Putusan No. 370/Pdt.G/2012/PN.JKT.Sel.be deemed to be passed successfully, if the Buyer takes the hardware/software into use without signature of SAT.
The Fiduciary Warranty shall cover all movableassets which shall be delivered by the Seller according to the MainContract or its Amendments, especially the machines according toAttachment I.
392 — 802 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
The rule of law sendiri dimaknai sebagaia legal system in which rules are clear, wellunderstood, andfairlyenforced sebuah sistem hukum yang jelas (kecil kKemungkinan untukdisalahgunakan), mudah dipahami, dan menjaga tegaknya keadilan.Kepastian hukum menjadi salah ciri the rule of law, yang di dalamnyamengandung asas legalitas, prediktibilitas, dan transparansi;2/.Bahwa kepastian hukum atau /egal certainty dalam tradisi klasik the ruleof law menurut pendapat dari Friedrrich von Hayek adalah salah
47 — 25 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
The law and reglations of each countrylay down the forms of invoice, the time limit for its issue, charges ininvoices, and the use of credit notes.To prevent a possible black marked developing in the use of tax invoices(which are a claim on the government, tantamount to printing money andthe classic way to evade VAT), requirement to give the name and addressand reference of both seller and buyer, as well as the other statutorydetails should be strictly enforced."Halaman 37 dari 40 halaman.
31 — 14 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
(3) huruf d) dan e) Perjanjian Penghindaran Pajak Berganda(Tax Treaty Agreement) antara Indonesia dan Kanada mengatur:The term permanent establishment "shall not be deemed to include themaintenance of a fixed place of business solely for the purpose ofpurchasing goods or merchandise, or for collecting information, for theenterprise) the maintenance of a fixed place of business solely for thepurpose of advertising, for the supply of information, for scientific research,or for similar activities which
434 — 444
BUANA SUCCESS XI with yourtowing barge come passing with very slow speed when passing my vesselfrom my port side at 14.25 LT your vessel with towing barge was collided ourvessel on my bulbous area with estimate damage size length 1.5 mtr, wide1.5 mtr and dented 30 cm which caused seriously damage on frame number139 to 140 as per attached photo to our vessel on bulbous area of MT GasMaluku.Terjemahan bebasnya:Kapal kami MT Gas Maluku, pada pelayaran ke 17/14, dalam kondisikosong tanpa muatan (hanya
334 — 118
Internux issue the SBLC (Standby Letter of Credit) to cover the coming4,8M USD overdue payment (forecast before Oct), which the valid periodtill end of 2017;3. Internux issue Lippo Insurance Corporate Guarantee to support total 15MUSD refinancing by the Mid of July, to support the refinancing facility fromSinosure;Option B:1. Huawei will support the temporary license till to the Oct, and commit to sellthe License (DRA/MSC/UGW/USN/UPCC/HSS BE) to Internux after refinancing success;2.
perkara a quo,dikarenakan PENGGUGAT dan TERGUGAT telah memilih forumlembaga arbitrase yaitu Badan Arbitrase Nasional Republik Indonesia(selanjutnya disebut sebagai BANI), sebagai forum penyelesaiansengketa.Bahwa pemilihan BANI sebagai forum penyelesaian sengketa secarategas diatur:Article 15Dispute SettlementAny dispute arising hereunder or connected with this Contract,including a dispute as to the validity or existence of this Contract,Shall be resolved amicably within 30 (thirty) days, failing which
optik, radio, atau sistem elektromagnetiklainnya.Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan penyelenggaratelekomunikasiadalah badan usaha yang melakukan kegiatan usaha di bidangtelekomunikasi.Bahwa TERGUGAT merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidangmanufaktur dan pemasok peralatan dan layanan penunjangtelekomunikasi dan tidak bergerak di bidang telekomunikasi.Supplierisa company running business asmanufacturerandsupplier of equipment of service for Base Transceiver Station (BTS)and telecommunication netwok which
117 — 54 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Loebbecke dalamBukunya Auditing An Itegrated Approach yang diterbitkan olehPrentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632, halaman 171172dinyatakan:In deciding which audit procedures to use, there are seven broadcategones of evidence from which the auditor can choose. Thesecategones, referred to as types of evidence, are listed below anddefined and discussed in this section; Physical Examination;Halaman 68 dari 89 hal. Put.
158 — 118
Inthe purchase of raw material transactions, 55 uses a third party that acts as an arencypaymertl in Lhis case is $5J) which make Uhe paymen. ar Lhe arngunl, currency, payment tla leand payment method (based an the sales contract between $5 and supplier) to supplier forthe raw material purchased by SSL. S51 then will make a reimburserrient payment (at cost teSalon 2F' day of two monchs later after cotaling tee end ot each month and pay the irteresttor ore month ot the aniount paid by SS).
157 — 88 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
RepublikIndonesia dengan Keppres No. 23 Tahun 1981, Lembaran Negara No. 40Tahun 1982 dan pelaksanaannya diatur lebih lanjut di dalam PeraturanMahkamah Agung No: 1 Tahun 1981 dan pelaksanaannya diatur lebihlanjut di dalam Peraturan Mahkamah Agung No. 1 Tahun 1990 mengenaitata cara pelaksanaan putusan arbitrase asing, mengatur bahwa:29"Each Contracting State shall recognize an agreement in writing underwhich the parties undertake to submit to arbitration all or any differenceswhich have arisen or which