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Mungkin maksud Anda adalah : install installer
Register : 31-01-2017 — Putus : 05-04-2017 — Upload : 10-05-2017
Putusan PN JOMBANG Nomor 44/Pid.B/2017/PN Jbg
Tanggal 5 April 2017 — EKA DEWI RATNA SARI Binti SUNARKO
  • Untuk pembelian lap top Merk ACER Warna Hitam, dengan SpeakPC Name WIN81 Product ID 002615000000000AA989,Processor Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N3050@1.60GHz 1.60 GHz,Installed RAM 2.00 GB, System type 64bit operating system,x64based processor, pen and touch No pen or touch input is availablefor this display WINDOWS Esition Windows 8.1 Pro, ActivationWindows is activated seharga Rp. 2.300,000(Dua juta tiga ratusribu rupiah),8.
Putus : 02-11-2011 — Upload : 13-11-2012
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 3046 K/Pdt/2010
209 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • No. 3046 K/Pdt/20103.1.no clarifier has installed (tidak ada clarifier yang telahdiinstall)no water basin has installed (tidak ada bak air yang telahdiinstall)Miscellaneous (lainlain)repainting mustebe for pipelines (pengecatan ulang harusdilakukan untuk saluran pipa)leaking roof must be corrected (atap bocor harus diperbaiki)electrical cable from genset must be relocated under ground(kabel listrik dari genset harus ditempatkan kembali kebawah tanah).TANKS / DRUMS.
Putus : 30-01-2019 — Upload : 31-01-2019
Putusan PT MATARAM Nomor 11/PID.TPK/2018/PT.MTR
Tanggal 30 Januari 2019 — IKHWAN, SP
  • BPR NTB Lombok Tengah;4. 1 (satu) unit lemari / rak Server yang terdiri dari :- 5 (lima) buah server, Windows Server 2016 processor Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E5-2609 v3 @ 1.90GHz 1.90 GHz dan 4 (empat) buah server OS Linux (tidak berfungsi);- Installed memory (RAM) 16,0 GB (15,5 GB usable);- System type 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor;- Pen and Touch No Pen or Touch Input is available for this Display;- Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings;- Computer name WIN-8J1MPK10F6G
    BPRNTB Lombok Tengah;Dikembalikan kepada AHMAD AFIFI, S.E.4. 1 (satu) unit lemari / rak Server yang terdiri dari :5 (lima) buah server, Windows Server 2016 processor Intel (R) Xeon (R)CPU E52609 v3 @ 1.90GHz 1.90 GHz dan 4 (empat) buah server OSLinux (tidak berfungsi);Installed memory (RAM) 16,0 GB (15,5 GB usable):System type 64bit Operating System, x64based processor;Pen and Touch No Pen or Touch Input is available for this Display;Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings;Computer name WIN8J1MPK10F6G
    BPRNTB Lombok Tengah;4. 1 (satu) unit lemari / rak Server yang terdiri dari :5 (lima) buah server, Windows Server 2016 processor Intel (R) Xeon(R) CPU E52609 v3 @ 1.90GHz 1.90 GHz dan 4 (empat) buah serverOS Linux (tidak berfungsi); Installed memory (RAM) 16,0 GB (15,5 GB usable): System type 64bit Operating System, x64based processor: Pen and Touch No Pen or Touch Input is available for this Display; Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings: Computer name WIN8J1MPK10F6G: Full computer name
    BPRNTB Lombok Tengah;1 (satu) unit lemari / rak Server yang terdiri dari : 5 (lima) buah server, Windows Server 2016 processor Intel (R) Xeon (R)CPU E52609 v3 @ 1.90GHz 1.90 GHz dan 4 (empat) buah server OSLinux (tidak berfungsi); Installed memory (RAM) 16,0 GB (15,5 GB usable): System type 64bit Operating System, x64based processor: Pen and Touch No Pen or Touch Input is available for this Display; Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings: Computer name WIN8J1MPK10F6G: Full computer name WIN8J1MPK10F6G
Putus : 24-09-2013 — Upload : 23-10-2014
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 378/B/PK/PJK/2013
15136 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • All equipment to be installed in the vessel (such as wnches,anchors, pumps, windlass, main switchboard, shafting andpropellers, ropes, chains, safety equipment, communication andnavigation equipment, electrical items, ventilation facilities,domestic equipment etc)d.
    Ltd.) dalam kontrak Nomor PM 017, PM 018, dan PM 019tersebut yaitu menyediakan: Engines and associated machines, Raw materials, All equipmentto be installed in the vesselBahwa Kewajiban Termohon Peninjauan Kembali (semula PemohonBanding) dalam kontrak Nomor PM 017, PM 018, dan PM 019 selakupihak kedua adalah menyediakan : Facilities to carry out the work of shipbuilding, Labor, Hand tools that relate to the job, Consumable items, Testing of qualification, All materials necessary for paneling, ceiling
Register : 30-05-2018 — Putus : 01-08-2018 — Upload : 03-09-2018
Putusan PN SURAKARTA Nomor 169/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Skt
Tanggal 1 Agustus 2018 — Penuntut Umum:
  • dengan maksud pemeriksaan, berupa:

    1. Wireless Connection History, sebanyak 4 sambungan, pada Services: Wifi, dengan rincian sambungan sebagai berikut:

    1. Account: TFWIFI_20ED92, Data (Password): t4uf1k03
    2. Account: T4UFIK, Data (Password): t4uf1k03
    3. Account: BLANK_LAND, Data (Password): t4uf1k03
    4. Account: BLANK_LAND, Data (Password): 03021990
    5. Installed
    Installed Aplications, sebanyak 2 aplikasi yang terpasang, denganrincian file aplikasi sebagai berikut:a. Applications Name : Powerled Pro, Version, Identifier ApplicationID: com.xlg.android.xlgwifiledpro, Timestamp Purchase Date :23Jun17 time: 00:49:59, Permission:b. Applications Name: , Version, Identifier ApplicationID: com.xlg.android.xlgwifiledpro, Timestamp: , Permission :Network, Camera & Storage.Selengkapnya lihat Tabel 3..
    Installed Aplications, sebanyak 2 aplikasi yang terpasang, denganrincian file aplikasi sebagai berikut:f. Applications Name : Powerled Pro, Version, Identifier ApplicationID: com.xlg.android.xlgwifiledpro, Timestamp Purchase Date : 23Jun17 time: 00:49:59, Permission:g. Applications Name: , Version, Identifier ApplicationID: com.xlg.android.xlgwifiledpro, Timestamp: , Permission : Network,Camera & Storage.Selengkapnya lihat Tabel 3.2.
Register : 08-08-2018 — Putus : 16-10-2018 — Upload : 17-10-2018
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 453/PDT/2018/PT.DKI
Tanggal 16 Oktober 2018 — UNITY GROUP Ltd >< PT.AIR BORN INDONESIA CS
  • tetapiperingatan tersebut tidak pernah mendapatkan tanggapan yang sesuai dariTERGUGAT dan bahkan TERGUGAT Il cenderung untuk tetap menguasaiobyek sengketa (komponenkomponen dan kedua mesin Pesawat udaraMSN518 eks PKBAF) secara terus menerus tanpa hak dan melawanHal 21 dari 32 hal Putusan Nomor 453/PDT/2018/PT.DKIhukum;Bahwa terhadap penguasaan obyek sengketa yaitu (komponenkomponendan kedua mesin Pesawat udara MSN518 eks PKBAF) tersebut tanpasepengetahuan dan seizin PENGGUGAT ternyata telah dipasang (installed
Register : 25-10-2022 — Putus : 15-12-2022 — Upload : 26-01-2023
Putusan PN GORONTALO Nomor 202/Pid.Sus/2022/PN Gto
Tanggal 15 Desember 2022 — Penuntut Umum:
  • li>Menjatuhkan pidana terhadap Terdakwa oleh karena itu dengan pidana penjara selama 4 (empat) bulan;
  • Menetapkan masa penangkapan dan penahanan yang telah dijalani oleh Terdakwa dikurangkan seluruhnya dari pidana yang dijatuhkan;
  • Menetapkan Terdakwa tetap berada dalam tahanan;
  • Menetapkan barang bukti berupa:
    • 1 (satu) Unit CPU Rakitan Warna Hitam, Windows 7 Ultimate, System rating : 1.0 Processor : Intel (R) Core (TM) i3-3220 CPU @3.30 Ghz 3.30, Installed
Register : 27-12-2016 — Putus : 27-04-2017 — Upload : 20-06-2017
Tanggal 27 April 2017 — - PT. COSL INDO - PT. HUSKY – CNOOC Madura Limited Lawan KOMISI PENGAWAS PERSAINGAN USAHA (KPPU)
  • Hal197 dari 434 Hal Putusan Nomor 907/Padt.GKPPU/2016/PN Jkt.Sel 46.21 Any and all required BOP scaffolding shall 46.21 Yesbe provided by DRILLING CONTRACTORand inclusive in JU dayrate.46.22 Exhibit A1 Point 27.9 FLAREBOOMS 46.22 Yes(PORT & STARBOARD) shall also includefuel for ignition system and water curtainsystem and are mandatory requirementsand shall be installed as part of themobilization process cost shall beinclusive in dayrate.46.23 Exhibit A1 Point 29.5 MUD GAS 46.23 YesSEPARATOR Vent
    Mandatory.46.26 CONTRACTOR shall be obliged to follow 46.26 YesCOMPANY HSE rules and regulations asper agreed bridging document.46.27 Shaker and mud tank discharge lines shall 46.27 Yesbe installed for dumping purposes and shallbe 10 meters below MSL. Mandatory. NOTE: No fluid discharge shall be allowedfrom JU level, all fluid discharge in requiredto be below MSL.
    Shall be 23.20 Yesdependent on the Rig Contractors BOPsize & Spacer Spool selection/type andshall be the requirement of Rig Contractorto provide if different than COMPANYprovided DSAs as indicated above.23.21 Any and all required BOP scaffolding shall 23.21 Yesbe provided by DRILLING CONTRACTORand inclusive in JU dayrate.23.22 Exhibit A1 Point 27.9 FLAREBOOMS 23.22 Yes(PORT & STARBOARD) shall also includefuel for ignition system and water curtainsystem and are mandatory requirementsand shall be installed
    Mandatory.CONTRACTOR shall be obliged to followCOMPANY HSE rules and regulations asper agreed bridging document.Shaker and mud tank discharge lines shallbe installed for dumping purposes and shallbe 10 meters below MSL. Mandatory.
    Selkewajiban menyediakan peralatan flare boomdan peralatan pendukungnya sebagai berikut: 23) 27.9 FLAREBOOM (PORT &STARBOARD) shall alsoinclude fuel for ignition system and water curtain system and aremandatory requirements and shall be installed as part of the mobeprocess cost shall be inclusive in dayrate Terkait persyaratan tersebut maka PT ENSCOSarida Offshore mengajukan klarifikasi sebagai berikut:ITEM 29.9 Bidder seeks clarification concerning minimumtechnical requirement for proposed Rig.APPENDIX
Register : 07-06-2016 — Putus : 05-09-2016 — Upload : 14-09-2016
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 347/PDT/2016/PT.DKI
  • eenRemove subsea hose from midwater buoy, SBM andPLEM, (lay entire hose at proper safe place on sea bed forremoval at a later date. 22 =Clean mid water buoy to allow replacement hose sit andClamp Ori ING MOY ~~~ =~ === nnn nnnReinstallation of subsea hose end to SBM underbuoyflANQE = n= we non nae nnn nnn nnn nnn ee cn nme nc enn nee neInstallation of free issued'adapters on PLEM and SBMPMT FIAIIQISS, meee tenses retreatmentMonitor pressure test nnn nn ene nnnProvision of still photographs of the installed
Register : 02-02-2015 — Putus : 24-11-2015 — Upload : 26-08-2016
Putusan PN JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 60/Pdt.G/2015/PN.Jkt.Sel
Tanggal 24 Nopember 2015 — FX.SUPRIYONO M e l a w a n PT. CAL DIVE OFF SHORE INDONESI
  • certified divers and personnel suitable for this jobProvision navigation and survey equipment for set up of the DSVRemove subsea hose from midwater buoy, SBM and PLEM, (lay entirehose at proper safe place on sea bed for removal at a later date.Clean mid water buoy to allow replacement hose sit and clamp' on thebuoy.Reinstallation of subsea hose end to SBM underbuoy flangeInstallation of 'free issued'adapters on PLEM and SBM mating flangesMonitor pressure testProvision of still photographs of the installed
Upload : 28-10-2016
Putusan PT BANTEN Nomor 114/PDT/2016/PT BTN
PT. MAJUKO UTAMA INDONESIA, berkedudukan di Korea Center Lt. 4 Suite 405, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 58, Jakarta Selatan, dalm hal ini diwakili oleh kuasanya M. LUTHFIE HAKIM, S.H., M.H., RUSDIANTO, MATULATUWA, S.H., ANITA ZIZLAVSKY, S.H., FERDINAND ROBOT, S.H., M.H., WAHYU BUDI WIBOWO, S.H., JUNIARTI, S.H., dan FANI KUMALA SARI, S.H., Para Advokat dan Konsultan Hukum pada M. LUTHFIE HAKIM & PARTNERS Law Firm, beralamat di Graha Pratama Lt. 20, Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 15, Jakarta 12810, berdasarkan Surat Kuasa Khusus tertanggal 14 April 2016, selanjutnya disebut sebagai PEMBANDING semula TERGUGAT I; MELAWAN 1. PT. IGAS UTAMA, berkedudukan di Plaza 3 Pondok Indah Blok E No. 9, Jl. TB. Simatupang, Jakarta Selatan, dalam hal ini diwakili oleh kuasanya H. ARI WAHYUDI HERTANTO, S.H., M.H., SUGIH HARTONO, S.H., M.H., DANANG WS MARTOSRIWARDOYO, S.H., dan H. HUDI MASHUDI, S.H., Para Advokat dan Konsultan Hukum dari Kantor Hukum WAHYUDI, HARTONO & PARTNER, beralamat di Talavera Office Suite 18th Floor, Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav. 22-26 Jakarta, berdasarkan Surat Kuasa Khusus tertanggal 1 Juni 2015, selanjutnya disebut sebagai TERBANDING I semula PENGGUGAT; 2. PT. BANTEN INTI GASINDO, berkedudukan di Kompleks Arga Baja Pura B D-9/17-A Gerogol, Pulo Merak, Cilegon-Banten, yang selanjutnya disebut sebagai TERBANDING II semula TERGUGAT
  • Upon termination of this Agreement isbecome effective MUI (in casu TERGUGAT 1) will surrender alldocuments, material equipments and spare parts that has beencompleted/purchased the termination of this Agreement whetherthe materials, equipments and spare parts have been installed ornot.
Putus : 19-10-2017 — Upload : 14-03-2018
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1460 K/Pdt/2017
Tanggal 19 Oktober 2017 — PT. IGAS UTAMA VS PT. MAJUKO UTAMA INDONESIA, dk
295201 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • will surrender all documents,material equipments and spare parts that has been completed/purchased the termination of this Agreement whether thematerials, equipments and spare parts have been installed or not.IGAS (in casu Penggugat) will put best effort to buy the unusedmaterials, equipments and spare parts from MUI (in casuTergugat ) at agreed amount both Parties",Terjemahan dari bunyi Pasal 20 Ayat (4) BOT Agreementtersebut adalah sebagai berikut:"Apabila MUI (in casu Tergugat ) gagal memenuhi
Register : 10-05-2017 — Putus : 14-12-2017 — Upload : 14-05-2019
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 262/Pdt.G/2017/PN.Jkt.Pst.
Tanggal 14 Desember 2017 — Unity Group Ltd X PT. Air Born Indonesia,Cs
  • Bahwa terhadap penguasaan obyek sengketa yaitu (Komponen komponendan kedua mesin Pesawat udara MSN518 eks PKBAF) tersebut tanpasepengetahuan dan seizin PENGGUGAT ternyata telah dipasang (installed)tanpa dan melawan hukum, pada pesawat lainnya milik TERGUGAT I/PTAir Born Indonesia yaitu PKBAC untuk digunakan penerbangan secarakomersial sampai dengan Gugatan ini didaftarkan di Pengadilan NegeriJakarta Pusat;Halaman 21 Putusan Nomor 262/Pdt.G/2017/PN.Jkt.Pst.Bahwa oleh karena perbuatan menguasai obyek
Register : 20-05-2009 — Putus : 02-06-2010 — Upload : 31-08-2016
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 186/PDT.G/2009/PN.JKT.PST
Tanggal 2 Juni 2010 — Andre Adiputra,Cs >< THE BOEING COMPANY,Cs
  • Engines of models described herein conforming with this datasheet (which is part of Type Certificate Number E2EA) and otherapproved data on file with the Federal Aviation Administration, meetthe minimum standards for use in certificated aircraft in accordancewith pertinent aircraft data sheets and applicable portions of the53Federal Aviation Regulations, provided they are installed, operatedand maintaned as prescribed by the approved manufacturer'smanuals and other approved instructions..."
Putus : 12-04-2016 — Upload : 27-03-2017
Putusan PN SERANG Nomor 40/PDT.G/2015/PN SRG
  • Upon termination of thisAgreement is become effective MUI (in casu TERGUGAT I) willsurrender all documents, material equipments and spare partsthat has been completed/purchased the termination of thisAgreement whether the materials, equipments and spare partshave been installed or not.
Register : 24-07-2009 — Putus : 30-06-2010 — Upload : 23-04-2015
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 280/PDT.G/2009/PN.JKT.PST
Tanggal 30 Juni 2010 — ABD. KARIM,Cs >< BOEING COMPANY,Cs
  • Engines of models described herein conforming with this data sheet (which is partof Type Certificate Number E2EA) and other approved data on file with the FederalAviation Administration, meet the minimum standards for use in certificated aircraft inaccordance with pertinent aircraft data sheets and applicable portions of the FederalAviation Regulations, provided they are47.48.installed, operated and maintaned as prescribed by the approvedmanufacturers manuals and other approved instructions...
Putus : 12-05-2016 — Upload : 08-03-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 220 B/Pdt.Sus-Arbt/2016
485433 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Spunpile (350mm)pcs OnlyInstalledpile to1.2 Supply Steel Pile 1,554.26 15.00 0.00 23,313.83 0.00 bosreimbursed.2 PDA test pcs 1,327.96 8.00 8.00 10,623.66 10,623.66 (OK3 (Cathodic Cleath Installation pcs 104.84 92.00 92.00 9,645.16 9,645.16 OKLOOSE REBAR FOR CONCRETE WORK1 Rebar, fabricated installed 2.77 19,524 19,524 54,082.50 41,586.12 SENSLRate $1.3/kg+($2.77$1.94)=$ Halaman 19 dari 136 hal. Put.
Register : 01-10-2015 — Putus : 20-01-2016 — Upload : 07-06-2016
Tanggal 20 Januari 2016 — Pidana Korupsi - MADE MEREGAWA
  • transaksi dengan jumlah Rp1.204.558.740,00.c) 1 (satu) lembar foto copy sesuai asli Faktur Pajak Standardengan Kode dan Nomor Seri Faktur Pajak010.00009.00000760, tanggal 30 Desember 2009. 1 (satu) lembar foto copy sesuai asli Surat Pengiriman, dengan No.Pengiriman SBY : 001853, yang tercantum tanggal 10/12 2009. 1 (satu) lembar foto copy sesuai asli Service Record CustomerPoli Mata, RSUP Sanglah Denpasar, dengan EquipmentDescription CARL ZEISS, Laser YAG III Combi, Serial No. 913532,dengan Date Installed
    Putu Budiastra, SPM. 1 (satu) lembar foto copy sesuai asli Service Record CustomerPoli Mata, RSUP Sanglah Denpasar, dengan EquipmentDescription CARL ZEISS, SL 120, Serial No. 1026966, denganDate Installed : 210110, yang terdapat tandatangan dengannama : dr. Putu Budiastra, SPM. 1 (satu) bundel foto copy sesuai asli dokumen sebagai berikut :a) 1 (satu) lembar foto copy sesuai asli surat PernyataanDukungan No. 0319/MHJSD/IX/2009, untuk PT.
Register : 29-12-2015 — Putus : 11-02-2016 — Upload : 31-05-2016
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 48/PID/TPK/2015/PT.DKI
Tanggal 11 Februari 2016 — Drs.YUSRALUDIN, M.Kes
  • AsliDari MARYA IRWAN196 1 (satu) bendel dokumen gambar ISOMATRIC AS BOILER 1200/150 ,MechMar dan Asli Berita Acara Installed Steam Boiler tanggal 23 September 2011.197 1 (satu) lembar asli Berita Acara Pekerjaan Selesai No : 188 /TP /BA VIII /II, hari Rabu tanggal 10 Agustus 2011, tentang : telah selesai dikerjakan InstalasiBoiler 2 (unit) di Bio Farma, dari : CV. Taratex Parasindo, untuk : PT. MechmarJaya Industries.Dari Ir. H. ACHMAD NOERZAMAN, MM, IAI (PT.
Putus : 02-03-2016 — Upload : 28-12-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 131 K/PID.SUS/2016
Tanggal 2 Maret 2016 — RACHMAT BASUKI, SKM, M.Sc, PH
176106 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • AsliDari MARYA IRWAN196.197.1 (satu) bendel dokumen gambar ISOMATRIC AS BOILER 1200/150 ,MechMar dan Asli Berita Acara Installed Steam Boiler tanggal 23September 2011.1 (satu) lembar asli Berita Acara Pekerjaan Selesai No : 188 /TP /BAVIII /Il, hari Rabu tanggal 10 Agustus 2011, tentang : telah selesaidikerjakan Instalasi Boiler 2 (unit) di Bio Farma, dari : CV. TaratexParasindo, untuk : PT. Mechmar Jaya Industries.Dari Ir. H. ACHMAD NOERZAMAN, MM, IAI (PT.
    No. 131 K/PID.SUS/2016196.197.1 (satu) bendel dokumen gambar ISOMATRIC AS BOILER 1200/150,MechMar dan Asli Berita Acara Installed Steam Boiler tanggal 23September 2011.1 (satu) lembar asli Berita Acara Pekerjaan Selesai No : 188 /TP /BAVIII /Il, hari Rabu tanggal 10 Agustus 2011, tentang : telah selesaidikerjakan Instalasi Boiler 2 (unit) di Bio Farma, dari : CV. TaratexParasindo, untuk : PT. Mechmar Jaya Industries.Dari Ir. H. ACHMAD NOERZAMAN, MM, IAI (PT.
    AsliDari MARYA IRWAN:196.197.1 (satu) bendel dokumen gambar ISOMATRIC AS BOILER 1200/150 ,MechMar dan Asli Berita Acara Installed Steam Boiler tanggal 23September 2011.1 (satu) lembar asli Berita Acara Pekerjaan Selesai No : 188 /TP /BAVIII /Il, hari Rabu tanggal 10 Agustus 2011, tentang : telah selesaidikerjakan Instalasi Boiler 2 (unit) di Bio Farma, dari : CV. TaratexParasindo, untuk : PT. Mechmar Jaya Industries.Dari Ir. HH ACHMAD NOERZAMAN, MM, IAI (PT.