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Register : 23-05-2018 — Putus : 14-08-2018 — Upload : 05-12-2018
Putusan PN TANGERANG Nomor 1073/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Tng
Tanggal 14 Agustus 2018 — Penuntut Umum:
  • resister Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register Combined.by PDEA ine (Unregistered, Version).cirensegeces Siam enti mestin!
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Register : 05-01-2016 — Putus : 13-09-2016 — Upload : 20-05-2020
Putusan PA SLEMAN Nomor 0017/Pdt.G/2016/PA.Smn
Tanggal 13 September 2016 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • please deh isikan amarnya
Register : 25-04-2018 — Putus : 23-07-2018 — Upload : 05-12-2018
Putusan PN TANGERANG Nomor 862/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Tng
Tanggal 23 Juli 2018 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Sus/2018/PN. tng.Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)Setela mendengar keterangan SaksiSaksi, dan Terdakwa sertamemperhatikan bukti surat dan barang bukti yang diIf you Wwantntoremav ethe.wateruark, please. CRISLET conPenuntut Umum yang pada pokoknya sebagai berikut:1. Menyatakan terdakwa JULIANTO ALS PADANG Bin M.
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    Undangundang Republik Indonesia nomor B35 tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika;If you want to remove the watermark, please register: Halaman 4 Putusan oer 862/Pid, SUS/2016/PN. Tng. fPemerikeaan Urine Batiai> R/e24/Iv20158/Sat Urkes.MADSIDIK denganCombined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register ..
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Register : 29-08-2018 — Putus : 17-10-2018 — Upload : 29-11-2018
Putusan PN TANGERANG Nomor 1795/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Tng
Tanggal 17 Oktober 2018 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please registerCombined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register PUTUSANid.Sus Tog. 2Combined by PDF Cope t nregistered Version)ESAIf you WarPEYO4RAPIEAEFEROAPA REA AFIeE MINAS oe aS Merili i nganPengadilan Negeri Tangerang yang mengadili perkara pidana dengacara biasa pada tingkat pertama, telah menjatuhkan putusan sebagaiberikut dalam perkara terdakwa:Nama : STEVEN
    Sus/2018/PN vyCombine (Unregistered Version) KAIf you want to remove the watermark, please register Pengacara baik bersamasama maupun sendirisendiri yang berkantor diComsipreubinys i feasiaine Ghia ee hisernd MersIOR).Pusat, berdasarkan Surat Kuasa Khusus No: 029/SKPID/SP/1X/2018If yoursveant'tecrenrevethe watermark, please registerPengadilan Negeri tersebut :Setelah meneliti, memperhatikan dan membaca berkas perkara sertasuratsurat lain yang berhubungan dengan perkara ini:Setelah mendengar surat
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Register : 19-10-2017 — Putus : 03-12-2018 — Upload : 03-12-2018
Putusan PN TANGERANG Nomor 1988/Pid.B/2017/PN Tng
Tanggal 3 Desember 2018 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Tanggal : 14112017sejak Tanggal : 18112017 SarmmpaiCombined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register2Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)i enyatakan ern ZAENAL ABIDIN Bin ABDUL ROJAK , tersebut diIt yolfWantlto Te sen San ALCL oRlgASeURRdS traxPidana TANPA HAK DENGAN SENGAJA MENAWARKAN KESEMPATANKEPADA KHALAYAK UMUM UNTUK MELAKUKAN PERMAINAN JUDI ;2.
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    registerKEDUA Bahwa ia terdakwa terdakwa : ZAENAL ABIDIN Bin ABDUL ROJAKpada hari: Kamis tanggal 10 Agustus 2017 sekira jam 21.20 WIB atau padawaktu lain atau setidaktidaknya dalam tahun 2017 bertempat di KampungPasir Speung RT 013/003, Kel / Desa Koper Ke Kresek Kab tangerang atausetidak tidaknya pada suatu tempat lain yang masih termasuk dalam daerah ; Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register 4sa dan )Tangerang yan berwenang menregistered
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Putus : 28-08-2014 — Upload : 09-11-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1094 K/PID.SUS/2014
Tanggal 28 Agustus 2014 — BACHTIAR ABDUL FATAH
299372 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • WorkReq Nomor IMS/395/ESW/1 1/08;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please Do Stockpile Restoration & HaulInCOCS to SBF: 4C27 & GS06 From 4C63 Work Req NomorIMS/396/ESW/1 1/08;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Soil & Do TreatmentCell Restoration Of SBF 8D72 & 8D58 Work Req NomorIMS/417/ESW/12/08;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Soil & Do TreatmentCell Restoration Of SBF 5E99, 4C27 & GS06 Work Req NomorIMS/418/ESW/12/08;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Cocs From Minas
    Work Req NomorIMS/001/ESW/01/10;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please Do Hauling In Cocs From 3C98 ToSBF Minas (Semi Manual) Work Req Nomor IMS/004/ESW/01/10;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Of Cocs In SBFsTreatment Cells (8D72 & 8D58) Until It Reaches TPH Less Than 1 %Work Req Nomor IMS/016/ESW/02/10;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please Haul In Cocs From Cocs Area 5D74To SBF 5E99 & Construct Access Road To The Cocs Area Work ReqNomor IMS/017/ESW/02/10;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please Haul In
    Cocs Within SLS Areas Work Req Nomor IMS/055/ESW/06/10;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Cocs In TreatmentCells Of SBF Kotabatak Until It Reaches TPH Less Than 1 % Work ReqNomor IMS/057/ESW/06/10;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please HaulOut (Semi Manually) Cocs FromCocs Area (7C55) To SBF Minas SBs Work Req Nomor IMS/108/ESW/08/10;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Cocs SBF 5E99 ToSpreading Areas Work Req Nomor IMS/110/ESW/08/10;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated
    Work Reg Nomor IMS/112/ESW/08/10;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please HaulIn From Cocs Area (5D54) ToTreatment Cells Of SBF 5E99 Work Req Nomor IMS/116/ESW/09/10;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Cocs In TreatmentCells (SBFKB) Till It Reaches TPH Less Than 1 % Work Req NomorIMS/117/ESW/09/10;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please Provide 1 (One) Cocs Survey Crew(Mapping & Hole Digger) To Support Ejist Activities Work Req NomorIMS/118/ESW/09/10;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Cocs
    Work Req Nomor IMS/119/ESW/09/10;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please HaulIn Cocs To 4C27 & GSVI FromContaminated Area. Work Req Nomor IMS/124/ESW/09/10;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please Process Cocs In Treatment Cell Until < 1%. Work Req Nomor IMS/125/MAD/09/10;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please Conduct Manpower To Dig Sample Holes ofCocs. Work Req Nomor IMS/128/MAD/10/10;1 (satu) bundel foto copy Please Conduct Survey Crew To Survey Cocs AtMinas Area.
Register : 28-09-2018 — Putus : 16-10-2018 — Upload : 29-11-2018
Putusan PN TANGERANG Nomor 919/Pdt.P/2018/PN Tng
Tanggal 16 Oktober 2018 — Pemohon:
  • mbined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)PENETAPANyou want tS Temove The watermark, please registerKEADILAN BERDASARKAN KETUHANAN YANG MAHA ESA: OCEN;Kelamin >: Lakilakinpa tvTgli.Lahir Tangerang, O02 Mei 1959:: Islam;> Buruh Harian Lepas:> Kampung Cibodas, RT.0O3 RW/.005 Kelurahan CibodasKecamatan Cibodas Kota Tangerang, Banten: ERNAWATI,: Perempuan: Tangerang, 20 Desember 1973;: Islam:>: Mengurus Rumah Tanggsa:;>: Kampung Cibodas, RT.003 RW.005 Keluranhan CibodasKecamatan Cibodas Kota Tangerang
    , Banten, Telah membaca dine permohonan Para Pemohon; .reieh T EST Want to TeTinove tire waternratic please registerTelah mempecrhatikan suratsurat bukti tersebut:TENTANG DUDUK PERMOHONANMenimbang, bahwa Para Pemohon dalam surat permohonannya tertanggal 27September 2018 yang diterima dan terdaftar di Kepaniteraan Pengadilan NegeriTangerang tanggal 28 September 2018, dibawah Register perkara permohonannomor : 91 9/Pdt.P/2018/PN.Tng, yang pada pokoknya mengemukakan alasanpermohonannya sebagai berikut
    Combined, by..RDE Gonbine(Uacegistered Version)oye fhe watermark, please register Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register ombin eddy RDECamhing.(Laregisteced.
    Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register om bine nregistered Version)Daikan nama o Ng tua anak Para Pemohon te Kelahiran anakcatatan Pinggiranak Pemohonar. Pemonhon waijib30 tiga pulun) hariMenimbans. =abat Pencatatan sipildan Kutipan @akta ?
    Reaaxsi If you WARE ff remove the watermark, please register 6. PNBP Relaas :Jumlah Rp276.000,00(dua ratus tujuh puluh enam ribu rupiah). Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register
Putus : 10-03-2014 — Upload : 03-10-2014
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 2441 K/Pid.Sus/2013
Tanggal 10 Maret 2014 — HERLAND bin OMPO
179108 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Work Req No:IMS/001/ESW/01/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Hauling In Cocs From 3C98 ToSBF Minas (Semi Manual) Work Reg No : IMS/004/ESW/01/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Of Cocs In SBFsTreatment Cells (8D72 & 8D58) Until It Reaches TPH Less Than 1 %Work Req No : IMS/016/ESW/02/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Haul In Cocs From Cocs Area 5D74To SBF 5E99 & Construct Access Road To The Cocs Area Work ReqNo : IMS/017/ESW/02/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Haul In Cocs
    Cocs Within SLS Areas Work Req No: IMS/055/ESW/06/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Cocs In TreatmentCells Of SBF Kotabatak Until It Reaches TPH Less Than 1 % Work ReqNo : IMS/057/ESW/06/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut (Semi Manually) Cocs FromCocs Area (7C55) To SBF Minas SBs Work Req NoIMS/108/ESW/08/1 0;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Cocs SBF 5E99 ToSpreading Areas Work Reg No: IMS/110/ESW/08/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Cocs
    copy Please Haulln Cocs To 4C27 & GSVI FromContaminated Area Work Req No : IMS/124/ESW/09/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Process Cocs In Treatment Cell Until <1%.
    ) Bundel foto copy Please Haul In Cocs From Stockpile ToTreatment Cells + Stockpile Restoration (4C27), Haul In Cocs FromStockpile 4C27 To Treatment Cells (GS06) Work Req No:IMS/020/ESW/02/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIn Cocs From Cocs Area (5D74)To Treatment Cells Of SBF GS06 Work Req No: IMS/026/ESW/ 03/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Of Cocs In TreatmentCells Of SBF : 4C27 Until It Reaches TPH Less Than 1% Work ReqNo : IMS/027/ESW/03/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please
    Work Reg No: IMS/112/ ESW/08/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Haulln From Cocs Area (5D54) ToTreatment Cells Of SBF 5E99 Work Req No: IMS/116/ESW/09/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Cocs In TreatmentCells (SBFKB) Till It Reaches TPH Less Than 1% Work Req No:IMS/1 17/ESW/09/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Provide 1 (One) Cocs Survey Crew(Mapping & Hole Digger) To Support Eist Activities Work Req No :IMS/118/ESW/09/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Cocs From
Register : 05-12-2017 — Putus : 03-12-2018 — Upload : 03-12-2018
Putusan PN TANGERANG Nomor 2329/Pid.Sus/2017/PN Tng
Tanggal 3 Desember 2018 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Serponag Utara, eepenuntutan terpisan) splease registerCombined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register Coit ineUuregistercd Vetsion)ranhkan SPadaA tSraakwa KemudcdanRB YanSg beratam=at he Kempungs BaruSerepona wtarae Kan.
    car Sake a1.SentTrorTr FeRt nn & Menunjukkan identit=s baehwa Keduany=s Merupskanarg geta kKePpolisian dan terdskwa Jangsung Camankan serta dintrogasi,tercdakwa mengatakan bahwa terdakwa mMmendapatkan Markotika jenisHalaman 16 Putusan Nomar 920010 0. si y Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please registerCombined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register Rerumaonm ah .Peru ntiutan mpi.Serepong wtreares
    Sus/2017/PN, Tng.Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register (UnregisteredVersion)a Se sekitar jam 19.00 wie saksi1 pb vasiregisteros si1 a2 kewaterinark, please:; Tr NoOmMmGor tet denganeI te terry cesta treansmekei ciHatt= diintormeasixan bateal;Leona D> am eect.eet Wehr Seesgan oclrisirt orang yang akan22 W'S seksi LEONARD RFaArnulterme tounes
    derma fer mbes.tomar ae buy senOS pet rete ries rupeiam)> hKepeaaeR res 28 elmer fist ya fora eee Ad etaneaGen ren yeorati Kear: (soredalam hal menjual,Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register er Unregistered Version)Leaeborstoris Kriminalistik NO.LABLaboratoriumatermark please resisterSdatiah benar mengandungNo. trut 61 Lampiran wuReem rernpe
    pete are Ielawenrr= STV LD ef), STV LITT Treas < ; SS kwwe moet pu, Pertensgungiawan,Z bite Pidaanz:SMcerrvmtcaes generar cya ne SPE erm tenthsdean Penmnanman te: oo ee mee Sereangkapmer,Satu Kan, ee eee SN oetmesin vans Combined b4D PB Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please registerCombined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register Sombie (Unregistered Version)hewatermark, please registerdiputus" Putusean dibawanh
Register : 08-03-2018 — Putus : 03-12-2018 — Upload : 03-12-2018
Putusan PN TANGERANG Nomor 480/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Tng
Tanggal 3 Desember 2018 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Tng.If you want to remove the watermark, please registerConfbiried bY FD Fatt ihe eel tir depsteree Ver sions480/Pid.Sus/2018/PN.Tng. tanggal 8 Maret 2018 Tentang PenunjukanIf ywuewartrto remove the watermark, please register Penetapan Hakim Ketua Majelis Nomor 480/Pid.Sus/2018/PN.Tng tanggal 9Maret 2018 Tentang Penetapan hari sidang; Berkas perkara dan suratsurat lain yang bersangkutan;Setelah mendengar keterangan Saksisaksi, dan Terdakwa sertamemperhatikan bukti surat dan barang bukti yang diajukan
    Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please registerCombined by Pb Fdcomibinac inteaisiensi WeksialeHakim memberi keringanan hukuman, Terdakwa menyesali perbuatannya danIf yens wanteto'rerne ve the watermark, please registerSetelah mendengar tanggapan Penuntut Umum terhadap pembelaanTerdakwa yang pada pokoknya menyatakan tetap pada tuntutannya ;Menimbang, bahwa Terdakwa diajukan ke persidangan oleh Penuntutdidakwa berdasarkan surat dakwaan sebagai berikut
    Tng.ibine (Unregistered Version)baiplease register If you want to remove the watermarCombined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please registeri fi i dan terdaftar dalam Gol NomorRents. canes as acu aaee ae Nomor 35 dV 2099 tentangnregistere ersion: danay PDF CombineMenimbang bahwa Terdakwa didakwa oleh Jaksa Penuntut umumdakwaan secara ees yvaitu : ee : : a ionmovethe watermark, please resisterndara ePublik Inc Nomorasal 142 Ayat (1) UndanguTahun 2009 tentang
    Tig. .If you want to remove the watermark, please registerCombined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register ECombine(Unregistereck Vetstantyontimah@ silver berisolasi warna hitam, Kk bening berisikan Narkotika jenis Pieters te te eswatermark; please resister """* .
    NO, SH.aTorr HARYATI.Panitera PRenguanti.S.H..mMF. sr.mbined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please registerCombined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register
Putus : 23-11-2015 — Upload : 31-05-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 23 K/PID.SUS/2015
Tanggal 23 Nopember 2015 — KUKUH KERTASAFARI,ST bin HASANUDIN
193143 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Work Req No :IMS/395/ESW/1 1/08;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do StockpileRestoration & HaullIn COCS to SBF : 4C27 & GS06From 4C63 Work Req No : IMS/396/ESW/1 1/08;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Soil& Do Treatment Cell Restoration Of SBF 8D72 & 8D58 Work Req No : IMS/417/ESW/12/08;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Soil& Do Treatment Cell Restoration Of SBF 5E99, 4C27& GS06 Work Req No : IMS/418/ESW/12/08;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Cocs FromMinas Elephant
    Work Req No : IMS/001/ESW/01/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Hauling In CocsFrom 3C98 To SBF Minas (Semi Manual) Work ReqNo : IMS/004/ESW/01/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing OfHal. 28 dari 128 hal. Put.
    ;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIn Cocs FromCocs Area (5D74) To Treatment Cells Of SBF GS06Work Reg No : IMS/026/ESW/03/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing OfCocs In Treatment Cells Of SBF : 4C27 Until ItReaches TPH Less Than 1 % Work Req No :IMS/027/ESW/03/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing OfCocs in Treatment Cells Of SBF : 5E99 Until ItReaches TPH Less Than 1 % Work Req No :IMS/028/ESW/03/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Cocs From6E51 To Minas SBF
    SBFs Work Req No: IMS/053/ESW/06/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Provide 1 (one)Survey Crew For Mapping Cocs Areas Work Req No :IMS/054/ESW/06/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Provide 1 (one) HoleDigger Crew For Investigating Cocs Within SLS AreasWork Reg No : IMS/055/ESW/06/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing CocsIn Treatment Cells Of SBF Kotabatak Until It ReachesTPH Less Than 1 % Work Req NoIMS/057/ESW/06/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut (SemiManually) Cocs From
    foto copy Please HaulIn (SemiHal. 72 dari 128 hal.
Register : 28-02-2018 — Putus : 03-12-2018 — Upload : 03-12-2018
Putusan PN TANGERANG Nomor 414/Pid.Sus/2018/PN Tng
Tanggal 3 Desember 2018 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Perpanjan I fetrfo erthewatesmark,.please sggister, 23LE YOU wAne 15 v ggal 21 Februari 2018;Sampai dengan tan4. Penuntut Umum, sejak tanggal 14 Februari 2018 Sampai dengan tanggal 05Maret 2018 35S. Penahanan Hakim, sejak tan29 Maret 2018 's.
    Menyatakan barang bukti berupa : :If youswanhincemevcetine wacumark, please register...berat netto 0,0846 gram :Dipergunakan dalam perkara lain atas nama terdakwa SUHERMANals ENO Bin SAPRI4.
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    PANITERA nistCombined by PDF Combine eee version)If you want to remove the Wift@WMtk Nplease. register Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register
Register : 04-12-2017 — Putus : 03-12-2018 — Upload : 03-12-2018
Putusan PN TANGERANG Nomor 2321/Pid.Sus/2017/PN Tng
Tanggal 3 Desember 2018 — Penuntut Umum:
  • Taga i) :PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please registerCombined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register S berada di atas lantaiada dari piha yangPred: CFES1ION ) versiksaan Laborstoris Badan* teness!
    atailsakukan Pemeriks=szan socara laboratories seteiahSs barang bukti berupa Halaman % Nomor:2321/Pid.Sus/2017/PN,F *) Vit CU DYIf you want to remove the watermark, please registerCombined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please register masing berisikan narkotikaraya 0.1966 gram setelahE. unhnmy 352 gramered.
    Tee.oo Ss Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please registerCombined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please registeroleh Majelis Hakim,hhalhal yang dapatMorn pidananya.NM telah terpenishi:sere?
    TemPF A 1 (seteu)> SeePlastik Kip Beai Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please registerCombined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please registerisied nsoneb serinsaSTeENed risisabhs setsSea adase PS ee ENE SS were FF eeece nee2 iy Combined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark, please registerCombined by PDF Combine (Unregistered Version)If you want to remove the watermark
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Putus : 23-11-2015 — Upload : 16-08-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 27 K/PID.SUS/2015
Tanggal 23 Nopember 2015 — ENDAH RUMBIYANTI, S.T
238164 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Nomor: 27 K/Pid.Sus/20157. 1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Stockpile Restoration &HaulIn COCS to SBF : 4C27 & GS06 From 4C63 Work ReqNo : IMS/396/ESW/1 1/08;8. 1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Soil & DoTreatment Cell Restoration Of SBF 8D72 & 8D58 Work ReqNo : IMS/417/ESW/12/08;9. 1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Soil & DoTreatment Cell Restoration Of SBF 5E99, 4C27 & GS06Work Reg No : IMS/418/ESW/12/08;10.1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Cocs From MinasElephant
    WorkReq No : IMS/001/ESW/01/10;43.1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Hauling In Cocs From 3C 98 To SBF Minas (Semi Manual) Work Req NoIMS/004/ESW/01/10;44.1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Of Cocs InSBFs Treatment Cells (8D72 & 8D58) Until It Reaches TPHLess Than 1 % Work Reg No : IMS/016/ESW/02/10;45.1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Haul In Cocs From Cocs Area5D74 To SBF 5E99 & Construct Access Road To The CocsArea Work Req No : IMS/017/ESW/02/10;46.1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please
    SumigitaJaya;56.1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Haulln Cocs From CocsArea (5D74) To Stockpile/Treatment Cells of SBF 8D72 &8D58 Work Req No : IMS/052/ESW/06/10;57.1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIn (Semi Manual) CocsFrom Cocs Area (8C98) To Stockpile/Treatment Cells OfMinas SBFs Work Req No : IMS/053/ESW/06/10;58.1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Provide 1 (one) Survey CrewFor Mapping Cocs Areas Work Reg No: IMS/054/ESW/06/10;59.1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Provide 1 (one) Hole DiggerCrew
    Please HaulOut Treated Cocs ToSpreading Areas, Restore Stockpile & Treatment Cells, HaullnCocs Into Treatment Cells Of SBFKB.
    FromSBF 4C27 & GS06 To Spreading Areas Work Req No :IMS/119/ESW/09/10;68.1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIn Cocs To 4C27 & GSVI From Contaminated Area Work Req NoIMS/124/ESW/09/10;69.1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Process Cocs In TreatmentCell Until < 1 %.
Putus : 20-11-2017 — Upload : 28-04-2020
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 96 PK/PID.SUS/2017
Tanggal 20 Nopember 2017 — ENDAH RUMBIYANTI, ST
9601417 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • WorkReq Nomor: IMS/395/ESW/1 1/08;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Stockpile Restoration & HaulInCOCS to SBF : 4C27 & GS06 From 4C63 Work Req Nomor:IMS/396/ESW/1 1/08;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Soil & Do TreatmentCell Restoration Of SBF 8D72 & 8D58 Work Req Nomor:IMS/417/ESW/12/08;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Soil & Do TreatmentCell Restoration Of SBF 5E99, 4C27 & GS06 Work Req Nomor:IMS/418/ESW/12/08;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Cocs From
    Work Req Nomor:IMS/001/ESW/01/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Hauling In Cocs From 3C98 ToSBF Minas (Semi Manual) Work Req Nomor: IMS/004/ESW/01/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Of Cocs In SBFsTreatment Cells (8D72 & 8D58) Until It Reaches TPH Less Than 1 %Work Reg Nomor: IMS/016/ESW/02/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Haul In Cocs From Cocs Area 5D74To SBF 5E99 & Construct Access Road To The Cocs Area Work ReqNomor: IMS/017/ESW/02/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Haul
    Please HaulOut Cocs From Minas ElephantRehabilitation Center to Minas Work Req Nomor: IMS/421/ESW/12/08;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIln Cocs From Stockpile ToTreatment Cells & Do Stockpile Restoratioan of SBF : 8D72 & 8D58Work Reg Nomor: IMS/018/ESW/01/09;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIln Cocs From Stockpile ToTreatment Cells Work Req Nomor: IMS/019/ESW/1/09;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy SCurve Physical ProgressEarthwork Backfill@ GS2 Waste Pit;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut
    satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Of Cocs in TreatmentCells Of SBF : 5E99 Until It Reaches TPH Less Than 1% Work ReqNomor: IMS/028/ESW/03/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Cocs From 6E51 To MinasSBF (Semi Manual) Work Req Nomor: IMS/033/ESW/04/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIn Cocs Area (5D54) ToStockpile of SBF 8D72 & SBF 8D58 Work Req Nomor:IMS/034/ESW/04/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Of Cocs In TreatmentCells Of SBF GS06 Until It Reaches TPH Less
    copy Please Provide 1 (one) Hole Digger Crew ForInvestigating Cocs Within SLS Areas Work Req Nomor:IMS/055/ESW/06/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Cocs In TreatmentCells Of SBF Kotabatak Until It Reaches TPH Less Than 1 % Work ReqNomor: IMS/057/ESW/06/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut (Semi Manually) Cocs FromCocs Area (7C55) To SBF Minas SBs Work Req Nomor:IMS/108/ESW/08/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Cocs SBF 5E99 ToSpreading Areas Work Req Nomor
Putus : 10-02-2014 — Upload : 29-04-2015
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 2330 K/Pid.Sus/2013
Tanggal 10 Februari 2014 — Ir. RICKSY PREMATURY, Dipl. M.M.
347413 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • No. 2330 K/Pid.Sus/20133043.1 (satu) bundel fotokopi Please Do Hauling In Cocs From3C98 To SBF Minas (Semi Manual) Work Req No :IMS/004/ESW/01/10;44.1 (satu) bundel fotokopi Please Do Processing Of Cocs InSBFs Treatment Cells (8D72 & 8D58) Until It ReachesTPH Less Than 1% Work Reg No : IMS/016/ESW/02/10;45.1 (satu) bundel fotokopi Please Haul In Cocs From CocsArea 5D74 To SBF 5E99 & Construct Access Road ToThe Cocs Area Work Reg No : IMS/017/ESW/02/10;46.1 (satu) bundel fotokopi Please Haul In Cocs
    SumigitaJaya;56.1 (satu) bundel fotokopi Please HaulIln Cocs From CocsArea (5D74) To Stock Pile/Treatment Cells of SBF 8D72& 8D58 Work Req No : IMS/052/ESW/06/10;57.1 (satu) bundel fotokopi Please HaulIn (Semi Manual)Cocs From Cocs Area (3C98) To Stock Pile/TreatmentCells Of Minas SBFs Work Req No : IMS/053/ESW/06/10;58.1 (satu) bundel fotokopi Please Provide 1 (one) SurveyCrew For Mapping Cocs Areas Work Req No : IMS/054/ESW/06/10;59.1 (satu) bundel fotokopi Please Provide 1 (one) Hole DiggerCrew
    No. 2330 K/Pid.Sus/20133265.1 (satu) bundel fotokopi Please Do Processing Cocs InTreatment Cells (SBFKB) Till It Reaches TPH Less Than1% Work Reg No : IMS/117/ESW/09/10;66.1 (satu) bundel fotokopi Please Provide 1 (One) CocsSurvey Crew (Mapping & Hole Digger) To Support EistActivities Work Reg No : IMS/118/ESW/09/10;67.1 (satu) bundel fotokopi Please HaulOut Treated CocsFrom SBF 4C27 & GS06 To Spreading Areas Work ReqNo : IMS/119/ESW/09/1 0;68.1 (satu) bundel fotokopi Please HaulIln Cocs To 4C27
    SumigitaJaya;1 (satu) bundel fotokopi Please Haulln Cocs From CocsArea (5D74) To Stock Pile/Treatment Cells of SBF 8D72& 8D58 Work Req No : IMS/052/ESW/06/10;57.1 (satu) bundel fotokopi Please HaulIn (Semi Manual)Cocs From Cocs Area (3C98) To Stock Pile/TreatmentCells Of Minas SBFs Work Req No : IMS/053/ESW/06/10;58.1 (satu) bundel fotokopi Please Provide 1 (one) SurveyCrew For Mapping Cocs Areas Work Req No : IMS/054/ESW/06/10;59.1 (satu) bundel fotokopi Please Provide 1 (one) Hole DiggerCrew For
    No. 2330 K/Pid.Sus/201314868.1 (satu) bundel fotokopi Please HaulIn Cocs To 4C27 &GSVI From Contaminated Area Work Req No : IMS/124/ESW/09/10;69.1 (satu) bundel fotokopi Please Process Cocs In TreatmentCell Until < 1%.
Putus : 23-11-2015 — Upload : 31-05-2017
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 25 K/PID.SUS/2015
Tanggal 23 Nopember 2015 — W I D O D O
185120 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • ESW/03/10 ;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Cocs From 6E51To Minas SBF (Semi Manual) Work Req Nomor : IMS/033/ESW/04/10 ;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIn Cocs Area (5D54) ToStockpile of SBF 8D72 & SBF 8D58 Work Req Nomor :IMS/034/ESW/04/10 ;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Of Cocs InHal. 27 dari 148 hal.
    SumigitaJaya ;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIn Cocs From CocsArea (5D74) To Stockpile/Treatment Cells of SBF 8D72 &8D58 Work Req Nomor : IMS/052/ESW/06/10 ;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIn (Semi Manual) CocsFrom Cocs Area (3C98) To Stockpile/Treatment Cells OfMinas SBFs Work Req Nomor : IMS/053/ESW/06/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Provide 1 (one) Survey CrewFor Mapping Cocs Areas Work Reg No : IMS/054/ESW/06/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Provide 1 (one) Hole DiggerCrew For
    ;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIn Cocs To 4C27 & GSVI From Contaminated Area Work Req Nomor : IMS/124/ESW/09/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Process Cocs In TreatmentCell Until < 1%.
    Work Req No : IMS/395/ESW/11/08 ;7. 1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Stockpile Restoration & HaulIn COCS to SBF : 4C27 & GS06 From 4C63 Work Reg No :IMS/396/ESW/1 1/08 ;8.1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Soil &Do Treatment Cell Restoration Of SBF 8D72 & 8D58 Work ReqNo : IMS/417/ESW/12/08 ;9. 1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Soil & DoTreatment Cell Restoration Of SBF 5E99, 4C27 & GS06 WorkReq No : IMS/418/ESW/12/08 ;10. 1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Cocs
    WorkReq No : IMS/001/ESW/01/10 ;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Hauling In Cocs From 3C98To SBF Minas (Semi Manual) Work Req No : IMS/004/ ESW/01/10 ;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Of Cocs InSBFs Treatment Cells (8D72 & 8D58) Until It Reaches TPHLess Than 1% Work Req No : IMS/016/ESW/02/10 ;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Haul In Cocs From Cocs Area5D74 To SBF 5E99 & Construct Access Road To The Cocs AreaWork Reg No : IMS/017/ESW/02/10 ;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Haul In
Putus : 25-03-2014 — Upload : 08-05-2014
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 05/PID/TPK/2014/PT.DKI.
Tanggal 25 Maret 2014 — W I D O D O
  • Work Req No: IMS/395/ESW/11/08;7 1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Stockpile Restoration &HaulIn COCS to SBF : 4C27 & GS06 From 4C63 WorkReq No : IMS/396/ESW/1 1/08; 8 1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Soil & DoTreatment Cell Restoration Of SBF 8D72 & 8D58 WorkReq No : IMS/417/ES W/12/08; 9 1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Soil & DoTreatment Cell Restoration Of SBF 5E99, 4C27 & GS061011121314151617Work Req No : IMS/418/ES W/12/08; 1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please
    ) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIn Cocs From StockpileTo Treatment Cells, Construct Dike And Restore Stockpile,And Do Permeability Test At SBFKotabatak Work Req No :IMS/079/ESW/04/09; 1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIn Cocs Area (4C63)To Stockpile Of SBF : 4C27.
    foto copy Please Haul In Cocs From StockpileTo Treatment Cells + Stockpile Restoration (4C27), Haul InCocs From Stockpile 4C27 To Treatment Cells (GS06)Work Req No : IMS/020/ES W/02/10; 1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIn Cocs From CocsArea (5D74) To Treatment Cells Of SBF GS06 Work ReqNo : IMS/026/ES W/03/10; 1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Of Cocs InTreatment Cells Of SBF : 4C27 Until It Reaches TPH LessThan Il % Work Req No: IMS/027/ES W/03/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please
    Sumigita1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIn Cocs From CocsArea (5D74) To Stockpile/Treatment Cells of SBF 8D72 &8D58 Work Req No : IMS/052/ESW/06/10; 1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIn (Semi Manual)Cocs From Cocs Area (3C98) To Stockpile/Treatment CellsOf Minas SBFs Work Req No : IMS/053/ESW/06/10; 1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Provide 1 (one) SurveyCrew For Mapping Cocs Areas Work Req No : IMS/054/ESW/06/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Provide 1 (one) Hole DiggerCrew For Investigating
    Cocs Within SLS Areas Work Req No6061626364656667IMS/055/ESW/06/10; 1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Cocs InTreatment Cells Of SBF Kotabatak Until It Reaches TPHLess Than 1 % Work Req No : IMS/057/ES W/06/10;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut (Semi Manually)Cocs From Cocs Area (7C55) To SBF Minas SBs Work ReqNo : IMS/108/ES W/08/10; 1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Cocs SBFS5E99 To Spreading Areas Work Req No : IMS/110/ESW/1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut
Register : 16-11-2016 — Putus : 01-12-2016 — Upload : 05-12-2016
Putusan PN MAGELANG Nomor 103/Pid.B/2016/PN Mgg
  • COMBO ALL-IN 1 TANPA LAWAN dan bergambar wanita degan warna dasar kuning, dan yang kedua bertuliskan IM3 OOREDOO RAMADHAN INI BEBAS BERSILATURAHMI DENGAN JARINGAN TERCEPAT DI INDONESIA INTERNET NELPON & SMS UNLIMITED MULAI DARI RP1000 dan bergambar dua orang wanita dan 1(satu) laki laki dengan warna dasar kuning.k. 1(satu) lembar baliho /baner yang rusak/sobek menjadi 3(tiga) lembar dengan warna dasar hitam dan gambar logo KOTA MAGELANG yang bertuliskan SPACE FOR RENT please
    yang bertuliskan SPACE FOR RENT please call: 085226499127,085726635293 dengan panjang kurang lebih 10 (seuluh) meterlebar 5 (lima) meter.Melihat baliho/oanner sebagaimana tersebut di atas muncul gagasan merekaterdakwa untuk mengambilnya.Selanjutnya pada hari Rabu tanggal 05 Oktober 2016 sekitar pukul 15.30 wib di Jl.A Yani No.8 depan Bank Madiri Taspen Pos Kel. Panjang Kec. Magelang TengahKota Magelang, Terdakwa JOKO RISWANTO dan terdakwa BAMBANG MULYADItanpa seijin pemiliknya yaitu CV.
    yang bertuliskan SPACEFOR RENT please call : 085226499127,085726635293 dengan panjang kuranglebih 10 (Seuluh) meter lebar 5(lima) meter.Adapun terdakwa JOKO RISWANTO dan terdakwa BAMBANG MULYADImengambil barangbarang tersebut di atas dengan cara terdakwa JOKORISWANTO dan terdakwa BAMBANG MULYADI mengendarai mobil patroli milikkantor SATPOL PP Kota Magelang kemudian mengambil tangga terbuat daribambu yang disimpan oleh terdakwa BAMBANG MULYADI disekitar tamansamping lapangan Abu Bakrin Kota Magelang
    yang bertuliskan SPACEFOR RENT please call : 085226499127 ,085726635293 dengan panjang kuranglebih 10 (seuluh) meter lebar 5(lima) meter.Bahwa pemilik baliho/oaner iklan provider seluler kartu IM3 OOREDOOdani(satu) lembar baliho /baner yang rusak/sobek menjadi 3(tiga) lembardengan warna dasar hitam dan gambar logo KOTA MAGELANG yangbertuliskan SPACE FOR RENT please call : 085226499127,085726635293dengan panjang kurang lebih 10 (seuluh) meter lebar 5(lima) meter. tersebutadalah dari pihak provider
    Dan baner1(satu) lembar balino /oaner yang rusak/sobek menjadi 3(tiga) lembar denganwarna dasar hitam dan gambar logo KOTA MAGELANG yang bertuliskanSPACE FOR RENT please call : 085226499127,085726635293 denganpanjang kurang lebih 10 (Sepuluh) meter lebar 5(lima) meter.dasar warna putih Bahwa setelah ditunjukkan gambar baliho oleh majelis hakim, para terdakwamembenarkan bahwa baliho/oaner iklan provider IM3 tersebut yang telahdiambil bersama terdakwa JOKO RISWANTO.
    yang bertuliskan SPACEFOR RENT please call : 085226499127 ,085726635293 dengan panjang kuranglebih 10 (Sepuluh) meter lebar 5(lima) meter.
Register : 24-07-2013 — Putus : 12-09-2013 — Upload : 03-08-2015
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 28/PID/TPK/2013/PT.DKI
Tanggal 12 September 2013 — Ir. RICKSY PREMATURI, Dipl. MM.
  • Work Req No :IMS/395/ESW/1 1/081 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Stockpile Restoration & HaulIn COCS toSBF : 4C27 & GS06 From 4C63 Work Req No : IMS/396/ES W/11/08.1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Soil & Do Treatment CellRestoration Of SBF 8D72 & 8D58 Work Req No : IMS/417/ES W/12/08;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Soil & Do Treatment CellRestoration Of SBF 5E99, 4C27 & GS06 Work Req No : IMS/418/ESW/12/08;1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Cocs From Minas
    Work Req No : IMS/001/ESW/01/101 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Hauling In Cocs From 3C98 To SBF Minas(Semi Manual) Work Req No : IMS/004/ESW/01/101 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Of Cocs In SBFs TreatmentCells (8D72 & 8D58) Until It Reaches TPH Less Than 1 % Work Req No:IMS/016/ESW/02/101 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Haul In Cocs From Cocs Area 5D74 To SBFS5E99 & Construct Access Road To The Cocs Area Work Req No : IMS/017/ESW/02/101 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Haul In Cocs
    Sumigita Jaya.1 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIn Cocs From Cocs Area (5D74) ToStockpile/Treatment Cells of SBF 8D72 & 8D58 Work Req No : IMS/052/ESW/06/101 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulIn (Semi Manual) Cocs From Cocs Area(3C98) To Stockpile/Treatment Cells Of Minas SBFs Work Req No : IMS/053/ESW/06/101 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Provide 1 (one) Survey Crew For MappingCocs Areas Work Req No : IMS/054/ESW/06/101 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Provide 1 (one) Hole Digger Crew ForInvestigating
    Cocs Within SLS Areas Work Req No : IMS/055/ES W/06/101 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Do Processing Cocs In Treatment Cells Of SBFKotabatak Until It Reaches TPH Less Than % Work Req No : IMS/057/ESW/06/101 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut (Semi Manually) Cocs From CocsArea (7C55) To SBF Minas SBs Work Req No : IMS/108/ESW/08/101 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Cocs SBF 5E99 ToSpreading Areas Work Req No : IMS/110/ESW/08/101 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please HaulOut Treated Cocs
    Please HaulIn Cocs To 4C27 & GSVI FromContaminated Area Work Req No : IMS/124/ESW/09/101 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Process Cocs In Treatment Cell Until < 1 %.Work Req No : IMS/125/MAD/09/101 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Conduct Manpower To Dig Sample Holes OfCocs Work Req No : IMS/128/MAD/10/101 (satu) Bundel foto copy Please Conduct Survey Crew To Survey Cocs AtMinas Area Work Req No : IMS/129/MAD/10/101 (satu) Bundel foto copy Sampling AT Minas/Kotabatak SBF s Work Req No:IMS/131/MAD/10