Ditemukan 545 data
598 — 433 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
No. 891 K/Pdt.Sus/2012(ii).take no further steps in the Indonesian proceedings save todiscontinue them as set out in (i) in so far as they concern C.6,C.7, C.8 and Mr Marshall;(iii).be prohibited from bringing any further proceedings against C.6,C.7, C.8 and Mr Marshall in so far as they relate to the joint venturerelationship other than by way of arbitration pursuant to clause 17.4of the SSA;until further Order;Terjemahan Resmi (vide Bukti P5B) (kutipan, dengan penambahanketerangan dan penebalan
Terbanding/Tergugat I : PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk Diwakili Oleh : Dr. LUHUT M. P. PANGARIBUAN, SH., LL.M.
Terbanding/Tergugat II : Unilever Asia Private Limited Diwakili Oleh : Dr. LUHUT M. P. PANGARIBUAN, SH., LL.M.
177 — 113
Pasal 18 MPAselengkapnya menyatakan sebagai berikut:This MPA shall enter into force from January 1, 2010 or the date ofcommencement of any relevant UPC, whichever is earlier and shallcontinue until:(a) Terminated in accordance with the provisions of this MPA; or(b) Either party gives the other three (3) months noticeprovided such notice shall not have effect until the expiry ortermination of all subsisting UPCs and Term Sheets.Halaman 71 dari 124 Putusan Nomor 11/PDT/2021/PT BTN.For the avoidance
141 — 82
objection;The rate of the income tax article 26, based an tax officer are 20%,because PTMV can not declare a invoice from COSL and most of thepayment go direct to BegingChina;The total tax must paid by PTMV for the year 2003 are in amount Rp.71.304 953.084, and for the year 2004 are Rp 57.380,;;798 754, rTotal for 20032004 are in amount of Rp. 128.671.751.838, (or in USDwith exchange rate Rp.10.000/1 USD = USD 12.867.175,);Tax officer said for the year 2005, if the company still didn't paid(actually until
Saifuddin, SH
5.Doni Arfianto
6.Arief Jusrianto
8.Moch Safii
88 — 58
Butet yang terletak di seberangpos penjagaan Yonif8 Marinir until bersembunyi.is Bahwa karena banyak anggota yang mengejar, sehinggaSaksi ikut mengejar Saksi5 sampai ke jalan raya dan setelah itukembali ke pos penjagaan.8. Bahwa setelah kembali dari mengejar Saksi5, Saksimelihat dan mendengar anggota Yonif8 Marinir berteriak danHal. 14 dari 55 hal.
150 — 532
Biaya kesehatan selama 2 tahun Tunjangn hari keagamaan 2 kali Chevron Insentive Plan (CIP) sebanyak 2 (dua) kali Remaining Leave Allowance 2 kali Payment in lieu of leave days 2 kali Selisin DAPEN Usia 58 tahun dan 56 tahun Selisin DAPEN/Big Table Usia 58 tahun dengan 56 tahun Selisin 15% X (2UP + UPMk) for service year until 30 June2006, usia 58 tahun dengan 56 tahun Selisin 21.67% Big Table from 01 Jul 2006, Usia 58 tahundengan 56 tahun Dometic Leave (Tunjangan cuti dalam negeri) 2 kali Rest &
347 — 653
Putusan No.1388/Pdt.G/2009/PN.Jkt.Sel.16under Article 66 of the Indonesian Arbitration law until the date of payment at therate of 6% p.aTerjemahan :Para Termohon diwajibkan untuk membayar bunga atas jumlah total yangdibayarkan, sebagaimana disebutkan dalam paragraf 86 (c), dari tanggalpendaftaran Final Award berdasarkan Pasal 59 Undangundang ArbitraseIndonesia atau memperoleh eksekuatur berdasarkan Pasal 66 UndangundangArbitrase Indonesia sampai dengan tanggal pembayaran sebesar 6% per tahunSama
PT. Catur Jaya
Carlson Hotels Asia Pasific PTY Limited
297 — 110
costs, fees and expenses of any kind arising from this arbitration, amounting Hal 4 Putusan No.433/Pdt.Bth/2017/PN.Jkt.Pst. to USD 98,306.44 and SGD 101,341.49;9) Order that the Respondent pay the Claimant interest over all amounts due andpayable to the Claimant pursuant to this Final Award as stated in this Dispositive inthe form of monthly compound interest on the total award amounts that maybecome outstanding from time to time, commencing the first business day followingthe date of this Award until
1.PT Patria Anugerah Sejati
2.PT Sedana Pasifik Servistama
PT Asuransi Jasaraharja Putera
Turut Tergugat:
PT Dharma Nilaitama
146 — 81
DirectorialBorer dari satu tempat ke tempat lain yang berada dalam lokasi proyek diJalan Warakas VI dalam rangka melakukan pekerjaan bagian berikutnyayang hanya berjarak beberapa ratus meter saja tidak masuk dalamklasifikasi Transit.Definisi Transit menurut Polis Marine Cargo adalah This insuranceattaches from the time goods hereby insured leave the warehouse orplace of storage at the place named in the Policy for the commencementof the transit and continues during the normal course of transit until
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menyebutkan TURUT TERGUGAT telahmelakukan wanprestasi.7.2 Selain itu, dalam paragraf 6 Advance Payment Bond jugamenentukan batas waktu permintaan klaim pencairan bond, yangselengkapnya berbunyi sebagai berikut :If the PRINCIPAL is able to fulfill the mentioned contract agreement(Building Concentrator) and legally hand over 20% share of Principalto the Obligee, under the mentioned contract agreement, this bondshall be not effective, otherwse it wil remain in full force for theperiod from June 09, 2012 until
615 — 2762
General CovenantsThe Issuer shall at all times, during terms of thisAgreement:(a) Provision of information and reports: furnish to theBondholder all of the following, in each case withrepect to the Issuer:(1) annual accounts: as soon as practicable, but in anyevent no later than 30 (thirty) Business Days after theend of each of it accountng years, the audited reportsof the Issuer and the Target Company prepared by theAuditor;(2) monthly reports: from Issue Date until this Agreement isterminated,
The Parties expresslyagree to waive Articles 70 72 of Law No. 30 Year 1999 sothat the mandate of the Arbitrators du& constituted inaccordance with the terms of this Agreement shall remainin effect until a final arbitration award has been issued bythe arbitrators.For the purpose of enforcing any arbitration award only, theParties choose the general, permanent and nonexclusivedomicile of the Office of the Registrar of the Central JakartaDistrict Court (Kantor Panitera Pengadilan Negeri JakartaPusat
) without prejudice to the Parties' right to enforce anyarbitration award in any court having urisdiction overanother Party or its assets.During the period of submission to arbitration andthereafter until an award is granted, the Parties shallcontinue to pe~form all their respective oligations underHalaman 130 dari 275 hal.
The Parties expresslyagree to waive Articles 70 72 of Law No. 30 Year 1999. sothat the mandate of the arbitrators duly constituted inaccordance with the terms of this Agreement shall remainin effect until a final arbitration award has been issued bythe arbitrators.For the purpose of enforcing any arbitration award only, theParties choose the general, permanent and nonexclusivedomicile of the Office of the Registrar of the Central JakartaDistrict Court (Kantor Panitera Pengadilan Negeri JakartaPusat
) without prejudice to the Parties rights to enforceany arbitration award in any court having jurisdiction overanother Party or its assets.During the period of submission to arbitration and thereafter until an award is granted, the Parties shall continue toperform all their respective obligations under thisAgreement without prejudice to a final judgment inaccordance with the said award.Terjemahan Tersumpahnya : PerselisihanSegala perselisihan, kontroversi, perbebdaan yang timbulantara
1409 — 1149 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
These are large sums but there large sums at stake in the reference which has(until now) been very hard fought at every stage. The issues were complex and thedocuments voluminous. The Tribunal see no reason to reduce any award for costssimply on the basis that the amounts claimed are excessive.19.
154 — 113 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
suratTately NV, sebagaimana dikutip oleh Penggugat saat inzage diKantor Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial, di Jakarta, sebagai berikut:Tately NV (Company Nomor 87301)Registered Address: Kaya (Jombi) Mesning 36, Curacao"24 April 2014To all StaffRe : Actin President and General Manager of Tately NV and AccociatedCompanies in Indonesia.This is to confirm that Nina Marliana has taken the role of ActingPresident and General Manager of Tately N.V. and AssociatedCompanies in Indonesia with effect from 1 March 2014 until
233 — 436
(q) no party will be entitled to commenceor file any action in a court of law relating to any dispute until thematter has been determined by the tribunal and then only for theenforcement of the arbitration award;Terjemahan bahasa Indonesianya adalah sebagai berikut:"18. Penyelesaian Sengketa....
405 — 305 — Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
Nomor 2450 K/Padt/2013Guests can choose from simply relaxing and soaking up the view of the IndianOcean until sunset at the swimming pool or the natural carved cliff, enjoyingMediterranean or Japanese delicacies, raving at the Ice Bar abd the Klapa Klabwith select DJs, or crooning in one of the nine exclusive karaoke room.The Klapa Beach Club, the new icon of the Pecatu area, is the perfect choice forthose who want to enjoy a new size of Bali's maritime beauty.www.legrandebali.com(Note : Tommy Soeharto
pool.LeRohani,The General Manager ofGrande Bali, M Fadzilsays Guests who stay here willenjoy the unique experience ofthisspecial resortgreeneverywhere, an ecofriendly,luxurious sanctuary wrapped incontemporary design.To complement the pleasures ofhotel guests and other visitors toIndah Resort, theKlapa Beach Club is the perfectThisDreamland beach is packed withthe Pecatuchoice. club, facingactivity from dawn till late at night.Guests can choose from simplyrelaxing and soaking up the viewof the Indian Ocean until
pool.LeRohani,The General Manager ofGrande Bali, M Fadzilsays Guests who stay here willenjoy the unique experience ofthisspecial resortgreeneverywhere, an ecofriendly,luxurious sanctuary wrapped incontemporary design.To complement the pleasures ofhotel guests and other visitors totheKlapa Beach Club is the perfectThisDreamland beach is packed withthe Pecatu Indah Resort,choice. club, facingactivity from dawn till late at night.Guests can choose from simplyrelaxing and soaking up the viewof the Indian Ocean until
212 — 131
Eighty percent (80 %) of each such dividend until the fullamount of all loan money, accumulates Interest and Interest from the lastday of the preceeding quarter to the date of payment has been paid ;Terjemahan :PT Pukuafu Indah baik secara bersamasama maupun sendirisendiribertanggung jawab untuk pembayaran kembali dana pinjaman danpembayaran bunga akan berlaku apablia pembayaran dilakukan secaradiangsur, pembayaran akan berlaku pada saat jatuh tempo pembayaranterhadap semua dividen yang akan dibayarkan
192 — 83
Rp.64.000.000,, 2 unit CLUSTER MANAGEMENTMODULE MICRO 1070CKBA senilai Rp. dari LEXIMCO HOLDINGS LTD No.LEX/KAR/07/01 date01.11.2007 untuk 1 Project Management sebesar $ 25,000.00 dan 3 unitWarranty UPG 24x7 Sun Fire V445 sebesar $ 16,500.00PayPal untuk CISCO 1760 Router sebanyak 21 senilai $54161.13 USDdan CISCO PIX 501 SEC A PPL sebanyak 1 senilai 2917.00 USDOracle Partnernetwork Pt Karunia Prima Sejati Is a member of theOracle Partnernetwork The annual membership is valid until
sebesar Rp.64.000.000,, 2 unit CLUSTERMANAGEMENT MODULE MICRO 1070CKBA senilaiRp. dari LEXIMCO HOLDINGS LTD No.LEX/KAR/07/01 date01.11.2007 untuk 1 Project Management sebesar $ 25,000.00 dan 3unit Warranty UPG 24x7 Sun Fire V445 sebesar $ 16,500.00PayPal untuk CISCO 1760 Router sebanyak 21 senilai $54161.13USD dan CISCO PIX 501 SEC A PPL sebanyak 1 senilai 2917.00USDOracle Partnernetwork Pt Karunia Prima Sejati Is a member of theOracle Partnernetwork The annual membership is valid until
219 — 206
merintis ProyekTujuh Bukit dan telah mengeluarkan dana sebesar A$4,500,000.00 (empat jutalima ratus ribu dollar Australia) harus meninggalkan proyek itu dengan imbalanhanya A$2,000,000.00 (dua juta dollar Australia), padahal potensi geologis dariproyek itu sudah dapat dikonfirmasikan sebagai salah satu proyek tambang emaskelas dunia (world class gold mining project).17.Melihat penolakan Penggugat Ill, Tergugat Ill kKemudian mengatakan kepadattPenggugat Ill bahwa ...you will not leave this room until
Olehkarena itu, berdasarkan faktafakta: (i) Penggugat Ill dikelilingi oleh 6 (enam)orang berpakaian safari hitam dengan sikap yang tidak bersahabat; (ii) UcapanTergugat III bahwa ... you will not leave this room until you sign the agreements.(...kamu tidak akan meninggalkan ruangan ini sebelum kamu tandatanganiHalaman 9 dari 165hal.Putusan No. 663/Pat.G/2012/PN.Jkt.Sel 22.perjanjianperjanjian itu); (iii) semua orang yang berakal sehat pasti tidak akanmau melepaskan hakhaknya atas Proyek Tujuh Bukit
65 — 144
tanggung jawabmu hanya pada persoalanmateri ada yang jauh dari pada itu, bagimana kamu mampu memberikan rasakasin sayang, aman dan kenyamanan kepada kami anak dan istrimu,membimbing kami agar terhindar dari api neraka,Halaman 11 dari halaman 68 Putusan Nomor 0034/Pdt.G/2022/PA.Pkj.kami tidak menuntutmu menjadi ayah yang sempurna untuk kami cukupsayangi kamiituesudah cukup kami rindu aby yang dulu yang amatmenyayangi dan melindungi kamikami akan terus menyayangi abywe always love you forever aby until
1711 — 1382
Dalam bahasa asli perjanjian aquo disebutkan lifetime" here meansan initial lease of fifteen (15) years, followed by automatic, free anduncompensated, sequential extension in periods of twenty (20) years until thedeath of second party".Sehingga jelas disebutkan ada limitasi secarabilanganmatematis mengenai jangka waktu sewa tanah tersebut.
108 — 0
- Menyatakan bahwa Terdakwa ROCKY INDRA YUSUF Alias ROCKY Alias OKI Alias ABU UBAIDAH Alias ABU HILAL Bin MUKSIN YUSUF tersebut diatas, terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan bersalah melakukan tindak pidana TERORISME;
- Menjatuhkan pidana kepada Terdakwa oleh karena itu dengan pidana penjara selama 4 (empat) tahun;
- Menetapkan barang bukti berupa:
- 1 (satu) buah peci bertuliskan TAUHID UNTIL