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Register : 26-12-2022 — Putus : 04-05-2023 — Upload : 08-05-2023
Putusan PN JAKARTA BARAT Nomor 1184/Pdt.G/2022/PN Jkt.Brt
Tanggal 4 Mei 2023 — Penggugat:
  • M E N G A D I L I :

    1. Mengabulkan gugatan Penggugat sebagian;
    2. Menyatakan Tergugat telah melakukan Wanprestasi;
    3. Menyatakan bahwa Proforma Invoice, Seller Reff: 01A/PI/GPI-SMI/X/2021, Buyer Reff: 002138-Dated 10/12/2021, tanggal 12 Oktober 2021 sebesar 23,520 USD, Proforma Invoice, Seller Reff: 01
    /PI/GPI-SMI/X/2021, Buyer Reff: 002139 Dated 10/12/2021, tanggal 12 Oktober 2021 sebesar 24,794 USD,dan seluruh korespondensi melalui email dan percakapan WhatsApp, adalah sah secara hukum;
  • Menghukum Tergugat untuk membayar ganti kerugian kepada Penggugat sebesar Rp.292.611.041,9,- (dua ratus sembilan puluh dua juta enam ratus sebelas ribu empat puluh satu rupiah sembilan sen);
  • Menghukum Tergugat untuk membayar biaya perkara sejumlah Rp.670.000,- (enam ratus tujuh
Register : 05-06-2018 — Putus : 21-08-2019 — Upload : 05-09-2019
Putusan PN JAKARTA TIMUR Nomor 275/Pdt.G/2018/PN Jkt.Tim
Tanggal 21 Agustus 2019 — Penggugat:
PT Citraabadi Kotapersada
MDS Investment Holding Limited
Turut Tergugat:
PT ACR Global Investments
  • Menyatakan sah dan berharga Term Sheet Dated June 3, 2014, PT. Perdana Gapuraprima Tbk, Equity Purchase, yang hasil terjemahan Lembar Ketentuan, tertanggal 3 Juni 2014, PT. Perdana Gapuraprima Tbk, Pembelian Ekuitas, yang telah dilegalisasi oleh Yunita Aristina, SH.M.KN, Notaris di Jakarta Utara dengan Nomor legalisasi : 38/Leg/VI/2014 (Duplo) ;


    Menyatakan Tergugat Rekonpensi telah melakukan perbuatan ingkar janji atau wanprestasi terhadap Term Sheet Dated June 3, 2014, PT. Perdana Gapuraprima Tbk, Equity Purchase, yang hasil terjemahan Lembar Ketentuan, tertanggal 3 Juni 2014, PT. Perdana Gapuraprima Tbk, Pembelian Ekuitas, yang telah dilegalisasi oleh Yunani Aristina, SH. M.KN, Notaris di Jakarta Utara dengan Nomor legalisasi : 38/Leg/VI/2014 (Duplo) ;


    Menyatakan batal demi hukum atau setidak-tidaknya tidak memiliki kekuatan hukum (Null and Void aau Void ab initio; Nietlig), pelaksanaan pembelian tahap 2 berdasarkan Term Sheet Dated June 3, 2014 PT. Perdana Gapuraprima Tbk, Equity Purchase yang hasil terjemahan yang mempunyai arti Lembar Ketentuan tertanggal 3 Juni 2014 PT.
    Amendment II of Term Sheet, dated 29 August P8.A2014(copy dari copy)Terjemahan Resmi Perubahan Il Nota Kesepahaman poptanggal 29 Agustus 2014(fotocopy sesuai asli)9. Amendment III of Term Sheet, dated 29" September P9.A2014(copy dari copy)Terjemahan Resmi Perubahan Ill Nota Kesepahaman poptanggal 29 September 2014(fotocopy sesuai asl) ,10.
    Amendment IV of Term Sheet, dated 29" October 2014 P10.A(copy dari copy)Terjemahan Resmi Perubahan IV Nota Kesepahaman p49ptanggal 29 Oktober 2014(fotocopy sesuai asll)11. Amendment V of Term Sheet, dated 29" November P11.A2014 (copy dari copy)Terjemahan Resmi Perubahan V Nota Kesepahaman 544,tanggal 29 November 2014(fotocopy sesuai asli)12.
    Bukti PR137Bukti PR137aLabuan Offshore Branch, Receiver: PT Bank CIMBNiaga, Tbk dated 5 August 2014 amount USD11,255,323.65.Print Out tanggal 04/08/14 Jam 19:22:24 PossibleDuplicate Delivery. Sender: CIMB Bank Berhad,Labuan Offshore Branch, Receiver: JP MorganChase Bank, N.A. dated 5 August 2014 amount USD9,200 for payment of legal fee.
    Sender: CIMB Bank Berhad,Labuan Offshore Branch, Receiver: JP MorganChase Bank, N.A. dated 5 August 2014 amount USD20,476.35 for payment of legal fee (Stamford LawCorporation).
    Sender: CIMB Bank Berhad,Labuan Offshore Branch, Receiver: JP MorganChase Bank, N.A. dated 5 August 2014 amount USD15,000 for payment of legal fee (Assegaf Hamzah &Partners).
Register : 29-01-2021 — Putus : 18-08-2021 — Upload : 19-08-2021
Putusan PN DENPASAR Nomor 124/Pdt.G/2021/PN Dps
Tanggal 18 Agustus 2021 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • Whereas the Plaintiff has lease rights for 15 (fifteen) years starting on April21, 2019 and ending on April 21, 2034, on a piece of Freehold LandNumber: 8456 covering an area of 1,100 M2 (one thousand one hundredSquare meters), of the original total area of 2,500 M2 (two thousand fivehundred square meters) located in Kerobokan Village, North Kuta District,Badung Regency, stated in the name WAYAN REDOG, the Plaintiff's LeaseRight is stated in the Deed of Leasing Land Number: 15, dated 23 April2019
    That the Plaintiff and the Defendant made and bound themselves in theLand Lease Agreement Number: LEG 709 / VIII / 2019, dated August 15,2019, where the Agreement has been ratified and / or legalized by PutuNgurah Aryana, SH, Notary at Kuta, on 15 August 2019;.
    That the Agreement Number: LEG 709/ VIII / 2019, dated 15 August 2019 isan Agreement made between the Plaintiff and the Defendant based on theLease Agreement No. 15 dated 23 April 2019, where in one of theagreement clauses there is an obligation if the lessee subleases to anotherparty, then the next lessee has an obligation to provide compensation of 5%(five percent) to the owner of the object of rent ;.
    : LEG 709 / VIII / 2019, dated August 15, 2019, signed between thePlaintiff and the Defendant, where the remaining Rp. 580,000,000, (fivehundred and eighty million rupiah) will be paid by the Defendant to thePlaintiff with the following details;a.
    To declare the legal and valuable collateral for the right to lease to lease landnumber: LEG 709 / VIII / 2019, dated 15 August 2019, which has beenlegalized and / or legalized by Putu Ngurah Aryana, SH, Notary in Kuta, onthe date August 15, 2019, with a total area of 900 M2, which is located inKerobokan Village, North Kuta District, Badung Regency, listed under thename WAYAN REDOG;8.
Register : 22-06-2012 — Putus : 28-03-2013 — Upload : 04-05-2015
Putusan PN JAKARTA SELATAN Nomor 370/Pdt.G/2012/PN.Jkt.Sel.
  • (Amendment No. 1).Bahwa pada sekitar bulan November 2011 Tergugat I dan Tergugat IImemberikan penawaran kepada Penggugat untuk membuat dan mengadakanAmendment No. 2 to the Purchase Contract dated Mei 26" 2011 antara Penggugatdengan MUEHLBAUER, Jerman (Tergugat I) dan Amendment No. 2 to thePurchase Contract dated Mei 26 20/1 antara Penggugat denganHal 7 dari 128 hal. Putusan No. 370/Pdt.G/2012/PN.JKT.Sel. TECHNOLOGIES SDN. BHD.
    05262011with a total contract price of 31.303.300,00 EUR (hereinafterreferred to as "Main Contract").Hereto the Parties concluded an Amendment dated 09132011(hereinafter referred to as "First Amendment").
    Purchase Contract dated May 26th 2011tertanggal 13 September 2011 antara Muehlbauer technologies Sdn Bhd(Tergugat II) dengan PT Sandhipala Arthaputra (Penggugat) berikutlampiranya , bukti mana telah bermeterai secukupnya (bukti P 13.A)Fotocopy terjemahan Amandement No to the Purchase Contract dated May26th 2011 tertanggal 13 September 2011 antara Muehlbauer technologies SdnBhd (Tergugat II) dengan PT Sandhipala Arthaputra (Penggugat) berikutlampiranya, bukti mana telah sesuai dengan aslinya dan
    pebruari 16th 2011, bukti mana telahbermeterai secukupnya (bukti P 17.A)Fotocopy terjemahan surat dari Muehlbauer AG (Tergugat I) tertanggal 20pebruari 2012 yang ditujukan kepada PT Sandhipala Arthaputra perihal PurchaseContract dated May 26th 2011 yoer email dated pebruari 16th 2011, bukti manatelah sesuai dengan aslinya dan telah bermeterai secukupnya (bukti P 17.B)Fotocopy surat dari Muehlbauer technologies (Tergugat II) tertanggal 20Pebruari 2012 yang ditujukan kepada PT Sandhipala Arthaputra
    secukupnya (bukti T.II 5.a)Fotocopy Amandement No 2 to the Purchase Contract dated May 26 th 2011 antaraPenggugat dan Tergugat II yang dibuat tanggal 18 Nopember 2011 besertalampiranya, bukti mana telah bermeterai secukupnya (bukti T.I I 6)Fotocopy terjemahan Amandement No 2 to the Purchase Contract dated May 26 th2011 antara Penggugat dan Tergugat II yang dibuat tanggal 18 Nopember 2011beserta lampiranya, bukti mana sesuai denagn aslinya dan telah bermeteraisecukupnya (bukti T.I I 6.a)Fotocopy
Register : 23-03-2021 — Putus : 28-04-2021 — Upload : 18-04-2023
Putusan PT BANTEN Nomor 56/PDT/2021/PT BTN
Tanggal 28 April 2021 — Pembanding/Tergugat : PT. LUMINTU INSAN MANDIRI Diwakili Oleh : Luthfi Dimas Tripamungkas
Terbanding/Penggugat : PT. SIEMENS INDONESIA
  • dimohonkan banding dengan perbaikan karena tidak dicantumkannya mengenai eksepsi Tergugat dalam amar putusan, sehingga amar selengkapnya berbunyi sebagai berikut ;


    - Menolak Eksepsi Pembanding/Tergugat;


    1. Menerima dan mengabulkan gugatan Penggugat untuk sebagian;
    2. Menyatakan Perjanjian Hutang Piutang dengan Pembayaran secara abgsuran tertanggal 15 Nivember 2017 (Deferred Payment Agreement dated
    November 15th,2017) adalah sah dan mengikat Penggugat dan Tergugat;
  • Menyatakan Tergugat telah melakukan wanprestasi (cidera janji) terhadap Perjanjian Hutang Piutang dengan Pembayaran secara Angsuran tertanggal 15 November 2017 (Deferred Payment Agreement dated November 15th ,2017);
  • Menghukum Tergugat untuk membayarkan tunggakan pembayaran sebesar Rp.8.727.531.581.- (delapan milyar tujuh ratus dua puluh tujuh juta lima ratus tiga puluh
    satu ribu lima ratus delapan puluh satu rupiah);
  • Menghukum Tergugat untuk membayar bunga sesuai dengan Perjanjian Hutang Piutang dengan Pembayaran secara Angsuran tertanggal 15 November 2017 (Deferred Payment Agreement dated November 15th,2017) sebesar Rp.1.314.408.598,- (satu milyar tiga ratus empat belas juta empat ratus delapan ribu lima ratus Sembilan puluh delapan rupiah);
  • Menolak gugatan Penggugat untuk selain dan selebihnya;
  • -

Putus : 27-06-2016 — Upload : 10-11-2016
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 286 B/Pdt.Sus-Arbt/2016
407290 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Kontrak Nomor KP11122, Construction Contract Of Common Pipe Rack(2 Stage) For Integrated Steel Mill At Cilegon, dated on January 9" of2012, yang diubah beberapa kali dengan: Amendment Nomor 1 To Construction Contract of Common PipeRack (2" Stage) for Integrated Steel Mill Contract Nomor (PT.KE)KP11122, dated on January 7, 2013; Amendment Nomor 2 To Construction Contract of Common PipeRack (2 Stage) for Integrated Steel Mill "Contract Nomor (PT.KE)KP11122, dated on May 31, 2013; Amendment Nomor 3
    To Construction Contract of Common PipeRack (2 Stage) for Integrated Steel Mill Contract Nomor (PT.KE)KP11122, dated on September 2, 2013; Amendment Nomor 4 To Construction Contract of Common PipeRack (2"?
    Stage) for Integrated Steel Mill Contract Nomor (PT.KE)KP11122, dated on January 8, 2014; Amendment Nomor 5 To Construction Contract of Common PipeRack (2" Stage) for Integrated Steel Mill Contract Nomor (PT.KE)KP11122, dated on June 6, 2014;Halaman 4 dari 35 hal. Put. Nomor 286 B/Pat.SusArbt/20164.b.
    2 To Construction Contract Of Coal Preparation& Coke Transportation (3 Stage Mechanical Works) For CokeOven Plant &Gas Treatment Plant Of Integrated Steel Mill ContractNomor (PT.KE) KP11278, dated on May 26, 2014;c.
    Kontrak Nomor KP11279, Construction Contract For 3 Stage Of RawMaterial Handling Facility (Mechanical & Electrical Works) Of IntegratedSteel Mill At Cilegon, dated on December 19" of 2012, yang beberapakali diubah dengan: Amendment Nomor 1 To Construction Contract For 3 Stage Of RawMaterial Handling Facility (Mechanical & Electrical Works) OfIntegrated Steel Mill Contract Nomor (PT.KE) KP11279, dated onJanuary 8, 2014; Amendment Nomor 2 To Construction Contract For 3 Stage Of RawMaterial Handling
Register : 06-05-2014 — Putus : 01-07-2014 — Upload : 12-01-2015
Putusan PA TANJUNG BALAI Nomor 0264/Pdt.G/2014/PA.Tba
  • ., Notaris di Jakarta No.133/L/X/99 dan No. 137/L/X/99 tertanggal 27 Oktober 1999.Surat dari PT Sweet Indolampung (TERMOHON KASASI 1/dahuluTERBANDING 1/PENGGUGAT 1) kepada Marubeni Corporation (dahuluTERGUGAT 1) perihal Amendment No. 3 To Contract For UndertakingGuarantee (In Respect of a Loan of US$50,000,000) Dated 17 July 1993 (VideBukti T2,3,4,5,6,7,841) dan Amendment No. 3 To Contract For UndertakingGuarantee (In Respect of a Loan of US$27,500,000) Dated 17 July 1993 (VideBukti T2,3,4,5,6,7,842
Register : 27-09-2018 — Putus : 21-11-2019 — Upload : 09-12-2019
Putusan PN JAKARTA PUSAT Nomor 536/Pdt.G/2018/PN Jkt.Pst
Tanggal 21 Nopember 2019 — Penggugat:
Turut Tergugat:
  • Foto copy Terjemahan Deed of Separation Tertanggal 18 Juni 1999,diberi tanda P9 ;10.Foto copy Complaint Against Solicitors Namely Ng Soon Kai and AbdurRaheem Dated 27 December 2007, diberi tanda P10 ;11.Foto copy Terjemahan Complaint Against Solicitors Namely Ng Soon Kaiand Abdur Raheem Dated 27 December 2007, diberi tanda, P11;12.Foto copy Licence and Certificate of Confidential Marriage dated 3Agustus1994, diberi tanda P12;13.Foto copy Laporan Perkawinan Nomor: 103/Perkawinan LN/06/2009Tanggal
    Foto copy, Certificate of Making Decree Nisi Absolute in TheSubordinate Courts of The Republic of Singapore dated 20 June 2000Between Fransiska Kumalawati Susilo and Edward Seky Soeryadjayadiberi tanda TIII2A;4. Foto copy, Terjemahan Certificate of Making Decree Nisi Absolute inThe Subordinate Courts of The Republic of Singapore dated 20 June2000 Between Fransiska Kumalawati Susilo and Edward SekySoeryadjaya diberi tanda TIII2B ;5.
    Foto copy, Notarial Certificate dated 24 April 2019 (Copy Legalisir diberitanda TIV1C ;4. Foto copy, Terjemahan Notarial Certificate dated 24 April 2019 (CopyLegalisir diberi tanda TIV1D ;5. Foto copy, Authentication Certificate Singapore Academy Of Law dated25 April 2019diberi tanda TIV1E ;6. Foto copy, Terjemahan Authentication Certificate Singapore Academy OfLaw dated 25 April 2019 diberi tanda TIV1F ;7.
    Foto copy, Certificate Of Making Decree Nisi Absolute in The SubordinateCourts Of The Republic Of Singapore dated 20 Juni 2000 between FransiskaKumalawati Susilo and Edward Seky Soeryajdaya diberi tanda TIV2A ;8. Foto copy, Terjemahan Certificate Of Making Decree Nisi Absolute in TheSubordinate Courts Of The Republic Of Singapore dated 20 Juni 2000between Fransiska Kumalawati Susilo and Edward Seky Soeryajdaya diberitanda TIV2B ;9.
    Foto copy, Notarial Certificate dated 24 April 2019 (Copy Legalisir diberitanda TIV2C ;10. Foto copy, Terjemahan Notarial Certificate dated 24 April 2019 (CopyLegalisir diberi tanda TIV2D ;11. Foto copy, Authentication Certificate Singapore Academy Of Law dated25 April 2019diberi tanda TIV2E ;12. Foto copy, Terjemahan Authentication Certificate Singapore Academy OfLaw dated 25 April 2019 diberi tanda TIV2F ;13.
Register : 06-05-2020 — Putus : 03-09-2020 — Upload : 29-09-2020
Putusan PN PALU Nomor 197/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Pal
Tanggal 3 September 2020 — Penuntut Umum:
  • O0074/AODCAN, dated 1 April 2020dengan identifikasi sample Code ; LPA/98/III/2020/SULTENG/SPKT Tanggal 10 Maret 2020. didapathasil, sample mengandung mineral logam berupa Emas;w Bahwa walaupun Terdakwa mengetahui dengan pasti bahwasannyaTerdakwa tidak memiliki jin untuk melakukan usaha pertambangan bagiperseorangan berupa Izin Pertambangan Rakyat (IPR ) yang dikeluarkanoleh pihak yang berwenang, namun Terdakwa tetap melakukanpengangkutan sebanyak 24 (dua puluh empat) karung berisi materialtambang
    O0074/AODCAN, dated 1 April 2020dengan identifikasi sample Code ; LPA/98/III/2020/SULTENG/SPKT Tanggal 10 Maret 2020. didapathasil, sample mengandung mineral logam berupa Emas;w Bahwa karena berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri ESDM nomor 3673K/30/MEM 2017 tentang Penetapan wilayah pertambangan Pulau Sulawesi,Wilayah DongiDongi telah ditetapbkan sebagai Wilayah PencadanganNegara yang digunakan untuk kepentingan Strategis Nasional,menyebabkan wilayah Dusun DongiDongi, Desa Sedoa Kecamatan LoreUtara Kabupaten
    IRWAN SAID, M.Si. memberikan keterangannya sesuaidengan keahliannya dibawah sumpah, sebagaimana yang dibacakandidepan persidangan sebagai berikut:e Bahwa Ahli menerangkan hasil analisa pemeriksaan yangdilakukan oleh Sucofindo terhadap sample material tambang yangdisita dalam perkara para Terdakwa, yaitu sebagaimana diterangkandalam Certificate No. 00074/AODCAN, dated 1 April 2020 denganidentifikasi sample Code : LPA/98/III/2020/SULTENG/SPKT Tanggal10 Maret 2020; Bahwa sesuai dengan Certificate No
    . 00074/AODCAN, dated 1April 2020 diketahui bahwa petugas Kepolisian Ditreskrimsus PoldaSulteng telah mengambil 1 (Satu) sample Barang Bukti berupa materialpasir dan batu yang diangkut oleh Tersangka a.n TAUHID seberatberat kurang lebih 2 (dua) Kilogram, kemudian sample tersebut dikirimke Laboratorium Sucofindo dan dari hasil Laboratorium dituangkandalam sertifikat bahwa kandungan material pasir/tanah tersebutmengandung Gold (Au), Silver (Ag), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Lead (Pb)dan Zing (Zn), sebagai
    berikut :O Pada sudut kiri atas yang bertuliskan :0 Certificate No. 00074/AODCAN dan Dated : April 1,2020 menjelaskan bahwa artinya : 00074/AODCAN adalahHalaman 14 dari 24 Putusan Nomor 197/Pid.Sus/2020/PN PalNomor Sertifikat dan April 1, 2020 artinya tanggal 1 April2020 ;O REPORT OF ANALYSIS artinya : bahwa laporan hasilanalisis;O PRINCIPAL : DIT RESKRIMSUS POLDA SULTENG, JInSamratulangi No. 78 Talise Palu Timur Palu artinya :permintaan untuk dianalisis dari Ditreskrimsus Polda Sulteng ;O TYPE
Putus : 21-11-2012 — Upload : 22-03-2013
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 1870 K/Pid.Sus/2012
Tanggal 21 Nopember 2012 — JOKO IBNU MUCHAMAD BACHROEN bin ABU YUSUF;
4731 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Telekomunikasi Selular SiemensAG, Commercial In Confidence (77 lembar);11 1 (satu) bendel asli Tinem 2 BSS Purchase OrderSite Acquisition # 2 2006 (HOT 060039) PTTelekomunikasi Selular and SiemensAktiengesselchaft (6 lembar);Dengan lampiran:Site List PO Sitac #2 2006 Reg. 5, 6, 7 & 9 dated 18.01.2006 (6 lembar fotocopy);Pricing PO Sitac # 2 2006 Reg. 5, 6, 7 & 9 dated 18.01.2006 (8 lembar fotocopy);Sitac type dated 18.01.2006 (2 lembar foto copy) terdiri dari:Atttachment A dated 18.01.2006 (2 lembar
    foto copy);Attachment B MoM JPP dated 18.01.2006 (7 lembar foto copy);Attachment C Implementation Schedule (5 lembar foto copy);12 1 (satu) bendel Original Purchase Order tanggal 27 Maret 2006 (15 lembar);13 1 (satu) bendel asli Surat dari Komando Pendidikan TNI Angkatan UdaraPangkalan TNI AU Adisutjipto No.
    Dikembalikan kepada PT Dian Graha Elektrika melalui saksi Arif Widodo;e 1 (satu) bendel asli Site Acquisition And Civil And MechanicalEngineering Works Agreement For Bss No. 029/BC/LOG/VIII/2004, DateAugust 10 th. 2004 PT Telekomunikasi Selular Siemens AG, CommercialInConfidence (77 lembar);e 1 (satu) bendel asli Tinem 2 Bss Purchase Order Site Acquisition # 2 2006(HOT 060039) PT Telekomunikasi Selular And Siemens Aktiengesselchaft(6 lembar);e Dengan lampiran:e Site List PO Sitac # 2 2006 Reg. 5, 6, 7 & 9 dated
    18.01.2006 (6 lembar foto copy);e Pricing PO Sitac # 2 2006 Reg. 5, 6, 7 & 9 dated 18.01.2006 (8 lembar fotocopy);e Sitac type dated 18.01.2006 (2 lembar foto copy) terdiri dari:eAtttachment A dated 18.01.2006 (2 lembar foto copy);e Attachment B MoM JPP dated 18.01.2006 (7 lembar foto copy);e Attachment C Implementation Schedule (5 lembar foto copy);e 1 (satu) bendel Original Purchase Order tanggal 27 Maret 2006 (15lembar);e 1 (satu) bendel asli Surat dari Komando Pendidikan TNI Angkatan UdaraPangkalan
Register : 18-05-2018 — Putus : 27-08-2018 — Upload : 15-09-2021
Putusan PT PEKANBARU Nomor 83/PDT/2018/PT PBR
Tanggal 27 Agustus 2018 — Pembanding/Penggugat : PT NATWELL SHIPYARD BATAM
Terbanding/Tergugat I : WECOY LINES PTE LTD
  • Official Number 388754,dated 13 December 2007.2. Wecoy 5 (Tugi/Wecoy LinesCertificate of Singapore Registry. ShipsBoat) PTE LTD Particulars. Official Number 389075,dated 10 December 2007.3. Permata Wecoy MarineCertificate of Registry Official Number:Nusantara Ill (Tug(HK) Limited24130874. IMO Registered Owner Boat) Number: 5364114, dated 15 April 2009.4. Wecoy 1801Wecoy MarineCertificate of Singapore Registry. Ships(Barge) PTE LTD Particulars. Official Number 393225,dated 14 February 2008.5.
    Official Number 394010,dated 15 December 2008.6. GTO 395 (Barge) Wecoy LinesCertificate of Singapore Registry. ShipsPTE LTD Particulars. Official Number 393097,dated 05 May 2008.7. Cakrawala 3010/Wecoy MarineCertificate of Singapore Registry. Ships(Barge) PTE LTD Particulars. Official Number 393229,dated 17 July 2008.8. Merdeka 12Wecoy LinesjCertificate of Singapore Registry. Ships(Barge) PTE LTD Particulars. Official Number 391100,dated 24 December 2007.9.
    Official Number 393228,dated 09 June 2008.5. Bahwa dalam gugatannya, Penggugat hanya mengajukan gugatanterhadap Tergugat atas nama Wecoy Lines PTE LTD yang berdomisili diHal.8 dari 24 Hal. Put. No. 83/PDT/2018/PT PBR 70 Ubi Cresent #0111, Singapore, 408570. Sedangkan pada faktanya,Wecoy Lines PTE LTD hanyalah merupakan pemilik dari 4 (empat) kapalSaja, yaitu: (1) Wecoy 1; (II) Wecoy 5; (III) Merdeka 12; (IV) GTO 395 ;6.
Putus : 08-07-2020 — Upload : 06-07-2022
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 528 K/Pid/2020
Tanggal 8 Juli 2020 — Ir. CARDIYAN HIS
18723 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Timuraya Tunggal Dated at July 31, 2017;8. 1 (satu) bundel Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Coal between: Seller PT. SWI Energi Kalimantan and Buyer PT. Timuraya Tunggal Dated at Agustus 15, 2017;9. 1 (satu) bundel Amendment (1) to The Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Coal between: Seller PT. SWI Energi Kalimantan and Buyer PT. Timuraya Tunggal Dated August 08, 2017;10. 1 (satu) bundel Amendment (2) to The Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Coal between: Seller PT.
    Timuraya Tunggal Dated August 8, 2017;Dikembalikan kepada saksi korban Janto Wijaya;11. 2 (dua) lembar fotokopi Surat PT. Timur Raya Tunggal Nomor 200/K-DAP-TRT/XII/2017, Perihal: Tanggapan Surat Nomor 67/SSR/DYS-GM/XI/2017, tanggal 19 Desember 2017 (yang telah dilegalisir);12. 2 lembar fotokopi Surat PT.
Putus : 10-03-2015 — Upload : 04-08-2015
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 19 K/Pdt.Sus-Pailit/2015
569361 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • Intimpura TimberCentre LimitedUSD3.360.394,47 (tigajjuta tiga ratus enampuluh ribu tiga ratussembilan puluh empatkoma empat puluh tujutDollar Amerika Serikat Total USD83.360.394,47(delapan puluh tiga jutatiga ratus enam puluhribu tiga ratus sembilanpuluh empat komaempat puluh tujuh Dollar Amerika Serikat Loan Agreements:1 Restructuring Agreement dated September 15, 2004 made and executedby Capital Power Ventures Inc and the borrowers;2 Novation Agreement dated September 15, 2004 made and executed
    Henrison Iriana:aSHG Nomor B.03/04 dated June 4th, 1988 on behalf of PT. DharmaMukti Persada, with width 710, 245 square meters, located at KelurahanMarial, Sorong, Irian Jaya;Sertifikat Hipotik Nomor 840/1992 dated Desember 8th, 1992, worthRp30.000.000.000,00 the holder is BPPN;Akta Pemberian Jaminan dengan Gadai Saham Nomor 111 datedSeptember 29th, 1989, made before Raden Karna Kesuma Jaya,substitute of Mrs.
    ., Notary in JakartaAkta Pemberian Jaminan dengan Gadai Piutang Nomor 43 dated May17th, 1989, made before Mrs. R. Arie Soetarjo, S.H., Notary in Jakarta;Decision of Ketua BKPMD Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Irian Jaya Nomor188.4/138 tentang Pemberian jin Bangunan Keperluan PembangunanPabrik Kayu Lapis dalam rangka PMDN kepada PT. Henrison IrianaGroup dataed March 8th 1991;Akta Penyerahan Hak Milik Secara Fiduciair Nomor 87 dated October31st 1988 made before Mrs. R.Arie Soetardjo, S.H.
    Risana Indah Forest Industries, Share Nomor000001 until Nomor 63,855, dated May 12nd 1990 (Surta BuktiKepemilikan Saham);Share Certificate of PT. Risana Indah Forest Industries, Share Nomor63,855 until Nomor 127,710, dated May 12nd 1990 (Surta BuktiKepemilikan Saham);Share Certificate of PT. Risana Indah Forest Industries, Share Nomor127,710 until Nomor 148,995, dated May 12nd 1990 (Surta BuktiKepemilikan Saham);Share Certificate of PT.
    Risana Indah Forest Industries, Share Nomor148,995 until Nomor 212,850, dated May 12nd 1990 (Surta BuktiKepemilikan Saham);Addendum I Perjanjian Kredit Modal Kerja Nomor KB/29/PKMK/VAL/1990 tanggal 4 July 1990 dated September 30th 1991, legalized byHaji Andi Muhammad Sanusi, S.H., Notary in Sorong51 Addendum IV Perjanjian Kredit Modal Kerja Nomor KB/29/PKMK/VAL/1990 tanggal 4 July 1990 dated September 30th 1991, legalized byHaji Andi Muhammad Sanusi, S.H., Notary in Sorong;m Addendum IV Perjanjian
Register : 12-06-2012 — Putus : 03-04-2013 — Upload : 27-04-2014
Putusan PN CILACAP Nomor 41/Pdt.G/2012/PN Clp
Tanggal 3 April 2013 —
  • Amendment I No. 19 (see Exhibit P2), based on:a Assignment of HSBC's credit to Langdale Profits Limited by virtue ofCredit Assignment Agreement No. 02 dated 13" October 2003 (seeExhibit P3) ;b Assignment of Bank Niaga's and Bank Dharmala's credit to BPPN(IBRA), which was further assigned to PT Mahanusa Securities byvirtue of Credit Assignment Agreement No. 6 dated 23"4 January 2003drawn up before Retno Rini P.
    ., Notary Public inJakarta (Exhibit P4) and lastly assigned to Langdale Profit Limitedby virtue of Assignment Agreement datedc Assignment of PT Multicor Bank credit to Newport Bridge FinanceLimited, by virtue of Assignment Agreement dated 2 July 2003,which was legalized by Endriyana Adhiani, S.H., Substitute of theNotary Public in Jakarta (see Exhibit P6) ;d Assignment of PT InterPacific credit to Newport Bridge FinanceLimited by virtue of Assignment Agreement dated 22 June 2004,drawn up before Miss
    (bukti P9.2)Fotocopy Resolution of Lenders in Liew of Meeting of Syndication LendersCredit Facility Agreement No. 159 dated 19 December 1994, tertanggal 24Mei 2006. (bukti P10.1)Fotocopy terjemahan Resolution of Lenders in Liew of Meeting ofSyndication Lenders Credit Facility Agreement No. 159 dated 19 December1994, tertanggal 24 Mei 2006.
    (bukti P12.2)Fotocopy Surat faksimili dari Buhler Private Limited kepada PT PanganmasInti Persada (Turut Tergugat) tanggal 28 April 2000 perihal Clarification inRef to Your Fax dated 24 April 2000. (bukti P13.1)Fotocopy terjemahan Surat faksimili dari Buhler Private Limited kepada PTPanganmas Inti Persada (Turut Tergugat) tanggal 28 April 2000 perihalClarification in Ref to Your Fax dated 24 April 2000. (bukti P13.2)Fotocopy Surat faksimili dari Gold Coin Service Singapore Pte., Ltd.
    (buktiTT11.2)Fotocopy Surat faksimili dari buhler Private Limited kepada PT PanganmasInti Persada (Turut Tergugat) tanggal 28 April 2000 perihal Clarification inRef to Your Fax dated 24 April 2000. (bukti TT12.1)Fotocopy terjemahan Surat faksimili dari buhler Private Limited kepada PTPanganmas Inti Persada (Turut Tergugat) tanggal 28 April 2000 perihalClarification in Ref to Your Fax dated 24 April 2000. (bukti TT12.2)Fotocopy Surat faksimili dari Gold Coin Service Singapore Pte., Ltd.
Register : 28-11-2016 — Putus : 07-02-2017 — Upload : 18-04-2017
Putusan PN DENPASAR Nomor 859/Pdt.G/2016/PN Dps
Tanggal 7 Februari 2017 — PENGGUGAT MELAWAN TERGUGAT
  • . : 360/K WNA/ 2009 dated 28"" May 2009 that has been issued by theDepartment of Population and Civil Registration in the city of Denpasar:. Bahwa dari perkawinan antara Penggugat dan Tergugat tersebut tidakdikarunia anak/tidak memiliki Keturunan;That from this marriage of the PLAINTIFF and DEFENDANT they do nothave children/offspring;.
    No 9 Tahun1975 Tentang Pelaksanaan UndangUndang No.1 Tahun 1974 TentangPerkawinan;That of the things mentioned above, the PLAINTIFF has the right todemand that the marriage between the PLAINTIFF and the DEFENDANTthat has been held in a valid wedding according to Buddhism Religion, onthe 17" of May 2009 based on the citation of the Marriage Certificate No. :360/K WNA/2009 dated 28'" May 2009 that has been issued by theDepartment of Population and Civil Registration in the city of Denpasar, tobe stated
    menurut tata cara hukum Agama Budha,pada tanggal 17 Mei 2009, sesuai dengan dalam Kutipan Akta PerkawinanNo. 360/ K WNA / 2009 tertanggal 28 Mei 2009 yang di Keluarkan KantorDinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kota Denpasar, adalah perkawinanyang sah;To state that for the sake of the law, the marriage between the PLAINTIFFand the DEFENDANT that has been held in a valid wedding according toBuddhism Religion, on the 17" of May 2009 based on the citation of theMarriage Certificate No. : 360/K WNA/2009 dated
    Budha,pada tanggal 17 Mei 2009 , sesuai dengan Kutipan Akta Perkawinan No.360/ K WNA / 2009 tertanggal 28 Mei 2009 yang di Keluarkan KantorDinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kota Denpasar adalah PUTUSkarena PERCERAIAN dengan segala akibat hukumnya;To state that for the sake of the law, the marriage between the PLAINTIFFand the DEFENDANT that has been held in a valid wedding according toBuddhism Religion, on the 17" of May 2009 based on the citation of theMarriage Certificate No. : 360/K WNA/2009 dated
Putus : 09-01-2014 — Upload : 14-02-2014
Putusan PN BATAM Nomor 191/PDT.G/2013/PN.BTM
  • ., Advocate ofAli Budiardjo, Nugroho, Reksodiputro Counsellors at Law, having its domicile at GrahaCIMB Niaga, 24" Floor, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 58, Jakarta 12190, in accordance withspecial power of attorney dated 7 November 2013, therefore is authorized to represent and toact for and on behalf of PT ZINKPOWER BATAM INDO, which is the Defendant in thecivil case No. 191/PDT.G/2013/PN.BTM at the District Court of Batam (hereinafter referredto as the DEFENDANT);And2.
    Batubara and Associates having itsdomicile at Ruko Kurnia Djaya Alam Blok B16 Batam Center, Batam, Province of RiauKepulauan, in their capacity as AttorneyinFact under Special Power of Attorney dated 18October 2013, therefore is authorized to represent and to act for and on behalf of PT PAJARPERKASA MANDIRI, which is the Plaintiff in the civil case No. 191 /PDT.
Upload : 25-01-2011
Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 782 K/PDT.SUS/2010
6452 Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap
  • CRD/FAX/ACH019/2008 tertanggal 11September 2008 Re: Facility: Letter dated 28 November 2007(Lampiran 3), surat No. Ref: CRD/ACH051/08 tertanggal 17September 2008 Re: Facility: Letter dated 28 November 2007Notarized Deeds No. 75 and 76 dated 28 December 2007(Lampiran4), dan terakhir No. Ref.: CRD/ACH055/08 tertanggal 3Oktober 2008 Re: Facility:Letter dated 28 November 2007Notarized Deeds No. 75 and 76 dated 28 December 2007(Lampiran5);8.
Register : 28-12-2016 — Putus : 24-03-2017 — Upload : 22-05-2017
Putusan PT JAKARTA Nomor 768/PDT/2016/PT.DKI
  • Bogor Jabar, Agreement No.01/PSKZI/AI/2011 Dated February 23, 2011, Addendum toAgreement No. : 01/PSKZI/I/2011 Dated November 01,2011, 2"4 Addendum to Agreement No. : 01/PSKZI/II/2011Dated November 7, 2012 between the OBLIGEE and thePRINCIPAL which contract is inherent wthin this bondYang memiliki teriemahan bebas sebagai berikut:DISEPAKATI OLEH PARA PIHAK DALAM PERJANJIAN INI,bahwa kami PT. PUTRA SAMUDRA, Buaran Regency Suite 8 10, Jl.
    Bogor Jabar,Agreement No. : 01/PSKZI/II/2011 Dated February 23, 2011,Addendum to Agreement No. : 01/PSKZI/II/2011 DatedNovember 01, 2011, 2" Addendum to Agreement No. :01/PSKZI/I1/2011 Dated November 7, 2012 between theOBLIGEE and the PRINCIPAL which contract is inherent wthinthis bondhal 14 dari 52hal put No.768/PDT/2016/PT.DKIAtau dalam terjemahan bebasnya berbunyi :.. Suatu peranjian atas Pembangunan Concentrator Plantdi Sukamulih Kec. Suka Jaya, Kab.
    If the PRINCIPAL fails to complete building concentrator facilities(full option) wthin one year after the execution of the Addendum toAgreement No. : 01/PSKZI/II/2011, dated November 01, 2011, theObligee shall be entitled to claim for the amount bondAtau dalam terjemahan bebas, berbunyi :4.
    Bogor Jabar,Agreement No. : 01/PSKZI/I/2011 Dated February 23, 2011,Addendum to Agreement No. : 01/PSKZI/II/2011 Dated November01, 2011, 2"4 Addendum to Agreement No. : 01/PSKZI/II/2011Dated November 017, 2012 between the OBLIGEE and thePRINCIPAL which contract is inherent wthin this bond.Yang memiliki teriemahan bebas sebagai berikut:hh. sungguhsungguh pada saat ini, bahwa jika PRINSIPAL gagaluntuk memenuhi kewajibannya dalam Pelaksanaan perjanjian yangmana telah diberikan kepadanya berdasarkan
Register : 14-08-2020 — Putus : 01-09-2020 — Upload : 02-09-2020
Putusan PA JAKARTA UTARA Nomor 1717/Pdt.G/2020/PA.JU
Tanggal 1 September 2020 — Penggugat melawan Tergugat
  • (Vide Exhibit P1) andwhich has been recorded by the Head of theDepartment of Population and CivilRegistration of DKI Jakarta with RegisterNumber dated April 13, 2017; (VideExhibit P2)Whereas, the marriagePLAINTIFF and the DEFENDANT tookbetween theplace based on the willingness and desiresof both parties with the aim of forming asakinah, mawaddah, warahmah familywhich is blessed by Allah SWT;matiriage, thePLAINTIFF and the DEFENDANThave been blessed with 1 (one) daughternamed:ANAK TUNGGAL, bom in
    Medan,November 23, 2016 (3 years), based onBirth Certificate Quote No. issued by theNorth Jakarta Population and Civil RegistryService Department dated April 27, 2017,(Vide Exhibit P3)referred to as "ThePLAINTIFF and the DEFENDANT?
    A /20191205/2106 dated December 5,2019 for alleged Domestic Violencecommitted by the DEFENDANT tothe PLAINTIFF; (Vide Exhibit P4)Whereas, based on the above mentionedpolice report, the PLAINTIFF andthe DEFENDANT wererecommended to conduct theMarriage Counseling ProgramHal. 4 dari 12 Hal. Put.
Register : 13-11-1982 — Putus : 24-11-1982 — Upload : 18-10-2018
Putusan PA BONDOWOSO Nomor 951 SKT.3/1982
Tanggal 24 Nopember 1982 —
  • D/Ins/117/1975TIDAK DAPAT DIPERGUNAKAN SEBAGAI TANDA BUKTI TALAKSURAT KETERANGAN TENTANG TERJADINYA TALAKBodewooks .ecips wcenaies we oeeeees bin ;gytt P: filvwad.1 Mir=dueuneadeusneseedseunsaseuennsesusnnsenseessenseessnsense DATED seseessnsesseennensseesesesseeunesseennenssessenesseennens24 ttlwi,taxi, toe.:*10.7xttig. Nfittioubsodi depan sidang Pengadilan Agama ..........Tin pada hariTalak yang dijatuhkan :1. Talak yang2 Qabladdukhul atau Ba'daddukhul3.